Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 159 Damn No. 38

Lu Chen didn't participate in the competition for the Congealing Pill, since his Cultivation Base in the Dzogchen period of the Foundation Establishment period doesn't need the Congealing Pill, besides, he doesn't have that many Spirit Stones.

The Spirit Stones I got from selling the Medicine Pill last time mainly wanted to win Rongsheng Pill.

The third item in the lot after the Ningying Pill is a Black Tortoise Shield, an acquired spiritual treasure, which is refined from the shell of a sixth-order Demonic Beasts thousand-year-old black tortoise, which can resist the full-power attack of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen three times.

Such life-saving Magic Treasures naturally attracted many cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage to loot them.

The next few lots include all kinds of precious offensive weapons, rare refining materials, and high-grade Spiritual herbs, etc. The transaction prices are basically around several million mid-grade Spirit Stones.

Although Lu Chen did not make a move to participate in the auction, other cultivators came and went to bid with each other. The competition was very fierce, which really opened Lu Chen's eyes.

In the last row of ordinary seats, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang looked at the formation screen on the high platform with sad faces.

"Now I finally understand why Lu Chen is unwilling to participate in the auction. It's really shocking," Qi Yutang said dejectedly.

Because every lot is a rare treasure for the cultivator, and the three brothers don’t have Spirit Stones, so they can only stare blankly, but they can’t afford it when they are excited, which is actually a very torturous feeling.

"Who said it wasn't! I regret it too. I knew it would be like this. If you bought tickets for Spirit Stones, you might as well take it to Piaoxiang Building to have fun. There is really no sense of participation at all," Zhao Chengzhi said empathetically.

"Yunfei! What are you doing? Are you bidding?" Zhao Chengzhi wondered when Yang Yunfei, who was sitting on his right side, ignored him and kept writing prices on the jade.

"Hehe... I don't have the Spirit Stones to bid for. Anyway, I can't go out for the time being. It's boring to sit stupidly. Why don't I write down the price and help them raise the price." Yang Yunfei looked at Zhao Chengzhi winkingly after speaking. , make an expression that you understand.

"Haha... Your idea is really wonderful." Zhao Chengzhi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and immediately wrote the number three million on the jade in front of him.

He also pulled Qi Yutang to do the same with a smirk on his face.

As a result, on the formation screen, the originally displayed price was still around one million, and everyone increased it little by little.

Want to spend the least amount of Spirit Stones and get the most benefit.

However, at this time, the number on the formation screen suddenly jumped to three million, and many cultivators were stunned, so that the price stayed there for a while.

Everyone looked up at the huge sum of three million on the screen, guessing that there must be a cultivator who is bound to win this lot, and hesitated for a while whether to continue to increase the price.

"Are you crazy? Write such a high price all of a sudden, if no one continues to increase the price, you have to take out the Spirit Stones to buy the lot, otherwise, can your Zhao family bear the anger of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce?" Yang Yunfei slapped fiercely He touched the back of Zhao Chengzhi's head and scolded.

"Zhao Chengzhi! Can you use your brain when you go out and do such unreliable and troublesome things." Qi Yutang was also frightened by Zhao Chengzhi's actions.

"Hehe... don't make such a fuss, okay, look! Isn't someone raising the price? It's so exciting, isn't it? At worst, I'll take it easy later, haha..." Zhao Chengzhi laughed,

Instead of being ashamed, he was proud. He was still a little excited, and a sense of pride in spending money like water welled up in his heart.

Yang Yunfei looked at the numbers on the formation screen, and the price changed several times. After warning Zhao Chengzhi again not to make random bids in this wave, he continued to pay attention to the situation on the high platform.

With these three brothers acting as sailors, the prices of the next few lots have virtually doubled up several times.

Fortunately, the numbers of ordinary seats are random, and other cultivators cannot deduce the specific location of the buyer based on the numbers.

Even if you are in the transaction process, you are still protected by formation, and others will not be able to find any clues at all.

"Hehe... the next auction item is similar to the Ningying Pill. If you fellow daoists have Foundation Establishment Dzogchen disciples, you might as well take this Rongsheng Pill.

Rongsheng Pill can 100% upgrade the early stage cultivator by two small levels. The opportunity is not lost, and the time will never come. The starting price is 500,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones, and the price increase should not be less than 50,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones . " Gongsun Sheng said with a smile.

As soon as Gongsun Sheng finished speaking, the numbers on the formation screen began to scroll quickly, showing that there were not a few cultivators who wanted to get it.

Lu Chen in the private room was eating the spiritual fruit, looking at the constantly changing numbers on the formation screen, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he muttered, "Just this moment

Hey, someone has already bid more than 1.5 million mid-grade Spirit Stones,

And I only have more than 1.9 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, it seems that I still underestimated the price of Rongsheng Pill, what should I do? "

After a while, the changes in the numbers on the formation screen began to slow down, and even the changes increased slightly above 2.5 million, and finally stopped at 2.65 million.

Seeing this, Lu Chen knew that it was time for him to make a move. At this time, Gongsun Sheng's voice sounded in the private room:

"Hehe... It seems that there is no fellow daoist to continue to increase the price, so 2.65 million for the first time... 2.65 million for the second time... two...uh..."

Just when Gongsun Sheng was about to call out for the third time, the number on the formation screen changed to 2.7 million, indicating that another cultivator raised the price again.

"Damn No. 38, no matter who you are, if you dare to spoil my good deed, Song Yushu, I will definitely kill you." A young cultivator who was also in the second-class private room said angrily.

At the moment, he is also the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period. Like Lu Chen, he is also determined to obtain this Rongsheng Pill.

I saw that he directly wrote the price of three million on the jade, just to tell the other party the meaning of own.

Gongsun Sheng saw that guest number 37, who had bid 2.65 million just now, had directly raised the price to 3 million, obviously feeling a little angry, and encouraged him in a timely manner:

"Hehe... It seems that the final winner will be between our guests on the 38th and 37th. Will you continue to increase the price for the guest on the 38th?"

Gongsun Sheng's inquiry seemed to have worked, the number on the formation screen changed again to 3.05 million,

This made Gongsun Sheng very happy, so he continued to ask the thirty-seventh guest.

In the private room, Song Yushu's face was ashen. Seeing that the other party was so ungrateful, he was not to be outdone, and directly offered 3.5 million, intending to force No. 38 to retreat.

In less than a second, the number became 3.55 million. Lu Chen only added 50,000 each time. He also wanted to save some Spirit Stones.

"These two cultivators are on the bar, and now No. 37 looks ugly," a cultivator in the audience commented.

"Yeah! I just don't know who can laugh at the end, zizi... 3.5 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, this price is much higher than the market price of Rongsheng Pill." Another cultivator sighed...

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