Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 185: The Forgetfulness Sect Appears

The Wanyao Mountains are located in the northwest of Wuchuan Prefecture. There are continuous mountains and mountains, and the climate is pleasant. It is very suitable for the growth of spiritual herbs. Moreover, there are few powerful Demonic Beasts here, so it is very suitable for low-level cultivators to come here to obtain resources.

Wang Jingxuan, as one of the members temporarily recruited by the Dachuan Chamber of Commerce, followed everyone on a flying boat to the edge of the Wanyao Mountain Range.

The requirements of the task are very simple, the main thing is to collect the lightening grass, but if you encounter other spiritual herbs, you will naturally not let it go.

The price charged by the chamber of commerce for Spiritual herbs is not lower than the price you would sell separately, so there is no need for cultivators to hide their secrets, which will only increase the trouble.

Following the order of the steward of the Dachuan Chamber of Commerce, fifty cultivators from the Foundation Establishment early stage to the Foundation Establishment late stage flew towards the Wanyao Mountain Range with their swords.

Wang Jingxuan was also one of them, and she was flying at a low altitude unhurriedly, looking for the trace of Ningguangcao, while thinking about her next plan.

At this time, there was a faint brilliance in the bushes not far away, Wang Jingxuan's beautiful eyes lit up, and then quickly landed.

In the several Spiritual herbs I saw, there are more than a dozen pairs of leaves on each petiole, and each pair is alternate and feather-like. The leaves are crystal clear and flashing with faint light.

Wang Jingxuan gently touched the leaves of the spiritual herbs with his sword, and the leaves closed quickly.

"Hehehe... Ningguangcao! It seems that my luck is really good," Wang Jingxuan said with a happy smile,

Just when she was about to pick the Condensing Light Grass and put it into the storage bag, Wang Jingxuan frowned suddenly, and then her body suddenly dodged back.

At this moment, a Sword Ray struck quickly, jumped over the position where she was standing just now, and hit a big tree behind her. fall down.

Wang Jingxuan, who had just stabilized her figure, looked indifferently at the direction where Sword Ray was attacking. She didn't expect to pick a Spiritual Herbs, and someone would attack her unexpectedly.

But after seeing the person, Wang Jingxuan's eyes were fixed, and he couldn't see the other person's Cultivation Base, which meant that the other person had at least a Cultivation Base above the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

Wang Jingxuan is also a free and easy person, when he knew that he was no match for the opponent, he immediately left in a flash.

But the figure just now had a smile on his face, and he blocked Wang Jingxuan's face, pointing straight at him.

She stared at Wang Jingxuan intently, making her feel terrified.

"What's the meaning of senior? I've already given up on the Glittering Grass, why does senior still block my way?" Wang Jingxuan took a few steps back and said respectfully.

"Hehehe... I've been following you for a long time, you should be alone! It's really not easy for a female cultivator to be in Cultivation World. I just want to find a cultivation dao companion recently. It's okay to see your beauty. After you Just follow me!"

The man's eyes were full of lust, and his tone of voice had a taste of charity, as if it would be a great honor for Wang Jingxuan to follow him.

Wang Jingxuan looked at the middle-aged cultivator in front of him in surprise, who seemed to be about the same age as his father, and never imagined that he would actually make such a ridiculous request to himself.

"I'm sorry, senior! Please forgive Junior for being too young to follow his orders." Wang Jingxuan said loudly and respectfully, and specially emphasized the word "senior", meaning that he hoped that the other party would show some sense of shame, and don't let the old cow eat the tender Grass.

"Hehehe...Little girl, how do you know that only mature men are more attractive, not to mention...I am still very strong, haha...After you try it later, you will understand what it means to be old and strong , hahaha..." The middle-aged cultivator smiled wretchedly.

After speaking, he raised his hand and shot out a wave of real energy. When Wang Jingxuan saw the other party making a move, he immediately activated the protective energy and dodged to dodge, but he was still a beat behind.

As soon as the true essence entered Wang Jingxuan's body, it directly sealed her Dantian.

Wang Jingxuan, who had lost his true energy, was terrified and had no choice but to run away desperately like an ordinary person.

"Hehehe... are you able to run away?" After speaking, the middle-aged cultivator ran after him.

"What should I do? Dad! I don't want to be ruined by this bad old man." While running desperately, Wang Jingxuan regretted that she ran away from home alone, otherwise she would not have encountered such a thing.

"Hahaha... It's impossible for you to run away, I advise you to obey me obediently! To avoid suffering later." The middle-aged cultivator smiled playfully,

In the next second, Wang Jingxuan had already appeared directly in front of him. In a panic, Wang Jingxuan almost ran into the opponent's arms.

"Ah..." Wang Jingxuan screamed, and then she was about to change direction and continue running away.

At this time, a

The big hand firmly grasped Wang Jingxuan's arm, with such strength that even if Wang Jingxuan tried his best to break free, it would be of no avail.

"Slap..." In a panic, Wang Jingxuan slapped the middle-aged cultivator's face, making a crisp sound.

"Hehehe... My temper is a bit wild, but I like it, hahaha..." The middle-aged cultivator gave Wang Jingxuan a slap without mercy.

"Pa..." Another slap sounded.

Wang Jingxuan stared blankly at the middle-aged cultivator in front of him, as if he had been beaten into a daze, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his handsome face immediately swelled up.

She had never been beaten like this since she was a child, and she was really stunned for a moment.

"Ah..." Wang Jingxuan instinctively let out a heart-piercing scream, using both hands and feet, wanting to fight the middle-aged man desperately.

"Papa..." Another slap sounded, and Wang Jingxuan was knocked out instantly.

"Bah!...something for a not wanting face." The middle-aged man cursed angrily,

Because just now when Wang Jingxuan was desperately trying to scratch a few scars on his face, under the anger, the middle-aged cultivator also became really angry.

No, as soon as he stopped, he knocked Wang Jingxuan unconscious.

"Hahaha... It's fine if you get dizzy, so you don't have to resist and affect Daddy's performance." After speaking, she laid Wang Jingxuan flat, took off her own pants, and prepared for the next move.

"Keng..." At this moment, a breeze blew gently, and the middle-aged man suddenly felt a coolness in his lower body. He looked down, his pupils shrank, and then he screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw that the man's lower body was chopped off by something invisible and invisible.

Another gust of wind blew by, and the man's body was dismembered into pieces, and he was so dead that he could not rest his eyes.

At this time, a middle-aged female cultivator in gray clothes and plain robes appeared beside Wang Jingxuan.

I saw that she was about forty or fifty years old, her complexion was cold, her appearance could be considered very beautiful, but her two eyebrows drooped slantingly, and her face looked very strange.

" are also a poor child. Fortunately, I rescued you today, so it can be regarded as a good relationship! In the future, when you learn the supreme law of my Wangqing sect, you can easily kill this time. All damned men." The middle-aged nun sighed.

Immediately, he took Wang Jingxuan and walked away directly...

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