The sudden change caught Lu Chen off guard. One second Yin Cang was still asking himself if he had a Master and wanted to accept him as an apprentice, but the next second he suddenly attacked him.

Especially when Yin Cang sent the voice transmission to himself, telling the truth that he had stolen his Skyfire Wulian Xinhuo, it was too late to think about how Yin Cang found out that he had Wulian Xinhuo, Lu Chen was already scared out of his wits.

Because Yincang's Divine Sense had already locked him firmly, the powerful aura made him breathless, and his body was as uncomfortable as if he was carrying a heavy weight.

Lu Chen desperately circulated his true energy to resist Yin Cang's aura, but was backlashed, and instantly spit out a mouthful of blood.

What's more terrible is that Yin Cang is trying to capture himself with his hand, if he captures him, then he will have no life to live.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, Lu Chen Divine Sense locked onto the world of Jinzhu, ready to escape.

At this time, a figure suddenly stood in front of Lu Chen, Lu Chen suddenly felt the pressure disappear,

Looking at the familiar figure from the back, it was Yu Qian's father, Yu Tongwei, the father-in-law of own, Lu Chen felt for the first time how great the father-in-law is.

I saw that Yu Tongwei also shot instantly, facing Yin Cang's palms, the two energies collided with each other and made a bang, and the two of them retreated a few steps before stabilizing their figures.

The unexpected situation here immediately attracted many cultivators to watch,

Yan Zixia, the city lord Su Ziming, and Liang Chaobei rushed forward one after another to see what was going on. Why did the two assistant referees, who were so well behaved, suddenly start fighting, and at this moment Yin Cang's voice was heard.

"Yu Tongwei! What do you mean? I advise you not to interfere in this matter, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and denying others." Yin Cang didn't expect Yu Tongwei to stop him suddenly, and said angrily.

"Hehehe... What a joke, you shot at the participating cultivator for no reason, what? Is it because you Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce can't afford to lose? Have you started revenge before this person has finished?" Seeing Su Ziming and others coming, Yu Tongwei , deliberately loudly said,

Sure enough, as a notary, Su Ziming's face was a bit ugly when he heard the words. Although he knew that it was not surprising to do such a thing with the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's behavior,

But for now, I'm still in the Own City Lord's Mansion, okay? If any accident happens to the contestants in the city lord's mansion, where will they put their faces.

"Alchemist Yincang! Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's move is probably inappropriate!" Su Ziming looked at Yincang, and said with a hint of anger in his tone.

Yin Cang's lungs almost exploded when he heard the words, and he finally felt the breath of Wulian's heart fire,

After finding the person who stole the sky fire, Su Ziming unexpectedly spoke up to stop him.

But the matter of Tianhuo is very important, and there are so many people at the scene, it is impossible for me to say it clearly. If it gets out, it will probably attract more powerful cultivators to peep.

"Hehehe... I'm sorry, Lord City Master, it's me, Meng Lang, and I'll leave first if I have something to do." Yin Cang smiled apologetically, and left in the air after speaking.

After quick thinking, Yin Cang knew that it was impossible to take that kid away now, otherwise everyone would think that it was the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's revenge on that kid for losing the game.

Since it is useless to stay, Yin Cang might as well go to Hu Shilong and use the power of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Pavilion to capture the kid.

Yin Cang believed that as long as the kid was still in Qianyang City, with the strength of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, he would definitely be unable to escape.

"Thank you senior for your rescue, and thank you Lord City Master for saving the boy." Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully towards Yu Tongwei and Su Ziming.

"Hehehe... Alchemist Lu doesn't need to be too polite, this is also my job." Su Ziming smiled.

A young, promising and potential pill refiner like Lu Chen, he also intends to make friends with him, even if Lu Chen can't help him now,

But what about later? If you don't keep the other party clean, you can help yourself. This is also his criterion for dealing with people and mixing things in the workplace as the city lord.

Seeing what happened here, Yan Zixia proposed to entertain a few people to celebrate, Lu Chen naturally would not refuse, and he had to rely on Yan Zixia to send someone to escort him out of the city.

Before, because he was worried that Chu Dingtian would find out his whereabouts, even if he agreed to help Yan Zixia in the competition, he still wore a mask to avoid being recognized.

Who would have thought to be targeted by Yin Cang again? Lu Chen never dreamed that Yin Cang would be the master of Wulian's Heart Fire. Given the importance of Sky Fire, he probably wouldn't let him go easily.

Thinking about this, Lu Chen felt a headache. The matter of the beast Shan Chu Dingtian has not been resolved yet, and now he has provoked a strong enemy like Yin Cang.

Lu Chen followed the crowd to "Food is Immortal" under the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. The father-in-law Yu Tongwei took Lu Chen aside for a private talk.

"Boy! What the hell are you doing? Didn't you leave Qianyang City? Why did you suddenly come back and represent the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in the gambling competition?" Yu Tongwei asked in a very unfriendly tone.

"Hehehe... Thank you uncle for saving me just now. In fact, I don't want to be like this. The thing is like this..."

Lu Chen smiled shyly, roughly telling the story of how he met Song Yushu halfway and was rescued by Yan Zixia.

old man

When Yu Tongwei heard this, his face became a little better, and he asked again:

"Then what's going on with Yin Cang? What did he say to you through sound transmission? At the beginning, he should have taken a fancy to your potential and wanted to take you as his apprentice. Why did he suddenly attack you?"

"Uh... this..." Lu Chen hesitated a little. After all, Tianhuo was too important, and he quickly weighed the pros and cons in his heart. Finally, he told Yu Tongwei about Tianhuo. Wulian is angry, can other people see it?

"What? You mean, you stole the Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo that Old Monster Yin was fostering at Changfen Ridge?" Yu Tongwei asked, staring at Lu Chen in surprise.

After getting Lu Chen's approval, Yu Tongwei calmed down and showed a clear expression...

After Yin Cang left the City Lord's Mansion, he came directly to the door of Hu Shilong's room, and when he was about to knock on the door, Xia Ji's panting sound came from inside.

Hu Shilong was very angry because he lost the game, and he called Xia Ji as soon as he came back, and turned his grief and anger into strength, which made Xia Ji pant again and again.

Yin Cang is also a battle-tested person, so he naturally knew what was going on inside, but the matter was so important that Yin Cang didn't want to delay, so he directly transmitted Divine Sense to Hu Shilong, saying that he had something important to find.

Hu Shilong, who was doing push-ups on Xia Ji, suddenly heard Master's gloomy words in his mind, which frightened him so cleverly that he softened immediately.

Although I complained in my heart that the Master came at an untimely time, I still didn't dare to delay, because the Master said through voice transmission that there was something very important, otherwise how could the other party not know what I was doing.

"What's wrong, young master?" Sensing Hu Shilong's strangeness, Xia Ji asked in confusion.

"It's okay, you wait for me here for a while, I'll go back when I go." Hu Shilong said while putting on his clothes,

When he left, he didn't forget to touch Xia Ji's body fiercely.

After the master and apprentice met, Yin Cang briefly explained the matter, and Hu Shilong was also surprised, he did not expect such a coincidence to happen.

So he immediately ordered to use the entire intelligence system of Qianyang City to pay attention to this cultivator named Lu Xiaoyao.

On the one hand, he tried his best to investigate Lu Xiaoyao's details, on the other hand, he kept an eye on his movements and waited for the opportunity to capture him in one fell swoop.

Yin Cang himself returned to hiding near Shi Weixian, he had already left multiple Divine Sense marks on Lu Chen,

This time, I vowed to capture Lu Chen, regain Wulian's heart fire that belonged to me, and then beat that kid into cramps to wash away the hatred in my heart...

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