"Don't that kid know that this is a cliff? Did he fall to his death?" Chu Yi murmured suspiciously.

Immediately, Chu Yi took out the Lingbao Mace and attacked like crazy, sand and rocks flew everywhere on the top of the mountain and exploded again and again.

"Chu Yi, why are you crazy? Did you catch up with the baby? Could it be that he was cut off?" Hua Wuque asked, followed by Duan Tianyu from Tianyanzong and Qiao Tieen from Xuanqi Pavilion. They were puzzled Looking at the angry Chu Yi.

"Get out!" Chu Yi roared, looking at Hua Wuque and the three angrily, he waved the spirit treasure in his hand at the three of them, emitting a burst of energy.


The three quickly dodged to avoid it, and just exploded where they were standing.

"What the hell are you crazy about, did daddy provoke you?" Hua Wuque cursed as soon as they stabilized their figures.

"I think you are right, the egg of the ancient divine beast was probably cut off by someone, haha..." Duan Tianyu of Tianyan Zong laughed.

"It's really incredible. When did such a person appear in the Qi refining period of the Seven Sects? Do you think it will be that mysterious person." Qiao Tie'en from the Xuanji Pavilion laughed.

Chu Yi did not speak, and attacked Hua Wuque and the other three again. Anyone could see that he was in a bad mood at the moment and wanted to find someone to vent his anger.

"Let's go! Let this kid go crazy, let's go drink." Hua Wuque shouted, and they hurriedly used Movement Technique to go away, so as not to be caught in an unreasonable disaster.

After the few people left, Chu Yi stopped attacking and smiled triumphantly, then ran down the mountain.

In the golden bead world, the gigantic egg flew towards the distance at a very high speed, hit the gray matter on the edge of the golden bead world, landed on the ground with a muffled sound, and one third of it was embedded in the soil.

All of this was calculated by Lu Chen. Divine Sense is just a thought, and the speed must be faster than the flying speed of the giant egg. With the help of the height of the top of the mountain, Lu Chen can jump up and add the distance of Divine Sense. Sure enough, the dome was successfully sent into the world of Jinzhu.

As for falling off the cliff, it was to confuse Chu Yi. In fact, when Lu Chen was about to approach the ground, he thought of hiding in the world of golden beads, so naturally he couldn't be killed by the fall.

Lu Chen looked at the giant egg twice as tall as himself, and showed a satisfied smile. The eggshell was milky white and smooth, and there was a sense of simplicity in the palm of his hand.

The Gold Devouring Toad and Sky Knife Mantis also approached at this moment, looking at the giant egg curiously, but they seemed to have sensed something, instinctively feared, and ran away as far away from the giant egg as possible.

Lu Chen smiled when he saw this scene and didn't think much about it. The most urgent thing is to leave quickly, otherwise Chu Yi will be in trouble after chasing him. What happened before and after it was only a few minutes.

Lu Chen appeared in the forest at the bottom of the cliff, and ran in another direction, not far.

"Roar..." A huge and ferocious Demonic Beasts blocked Lu Chen's way.

"Third-level Demonic Beasts Flame Lion?" Lu Chen exclaimed, and when he looked back, Chu Yi's figure slowly came out from behind a big tree, with a stern expression on his face.

A smile that controls everything.

Lu Chen's guess was right. The reason why Chu Yi attacked like crazy before was to make Hua Wuque and others who were chasing after him misunderstand and then leave. Otherwise, how could Chu Yi enjoy this shocking secret to himself if they were there.

"I thought you would fall off the cliff and die, and secretly scolded you for being extremely stupid, but when I came down the mountain and found no traces, I knew that you were not only not stupid, but very smart, I guess you not only got After taking the eggs of ancient beasts, you still have a Cave Magic Treasures that can accommodate living people, right?" Chu Yi said lightly, and when it came to the Cave Magic Treasures, his eyes couldn't help showing greed.

Seeing that Lu Chen was silent, Chu Yi continued to laugh and said, "Dongtian Magic Treasures only existed in the legends of ancient times. The interior space is huge. Not only can it store items, but it can also store living people, and you fell from such a high place. , and suddenly appeared again, I really can't find any other reason to explain it."

"And then?" Lu Chen smiled, and the Mother-Child Chiba blade suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Magic Treasures! Haha... You really are not an ordinary disciple of the Qi refining period. I really don't know which sect you are a disciple of, but you have such a great opportunity." Chu Yi smiled, not caring that Lu Chen took out his weapon.

Lu Chen is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. This Chu Yi is not as big and stupid as he appears on the surface. Instead, he is thoughtful. Lu Chen wanted to preemptively strike. Spirit Power was poured into the Mother-Child Chiba blade, and a blue light suddenly appeared on the blade. Several green light spots scattered in the air, flying towards Chu Yi's face with a fierce offensive.

"Roar..." A fiery red figure flashed in front of Chu Yi, and the several green light spots hit the body of the flaming mad lion, making a ding-ding sound, without causing any damage to it, and then fell on the ground on the ground.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect the Flaming Lion's defense to be so strong. You must know that Hua Guangyuan, who had completed the Qi refining period last time, was instantly killed by this move. The Mother-Child Chiba blade controlled by Divine Sense returned to his hand.

"Boy, how about we make a deal, as long as you hand over the Dongtian Magic Treasures, I can consider letting you go." Chu Yi said.

"Hehe... How does this sound so familiar! It seems that I have said it to others." Lu Chen thought to himself, with the small dragon gun in his hand, the Mother-Child Chiba blade, and the Spirit Power infused in his whole body,

Five dragon shadows flew towards the flaming mad lion with their teeth and claws open, and at the same time several light spots shot directly at the flaming mad lion's eyes.

He himself was not idle, his body flashed and he used the Xuantian Nine Steps to the extreme, his body instantly turned into an afterimage, and the long sword in his hand was transformed into a sword ray dozens of meters away under the infusion of Spirit Power, and directly smashed at Chu Yi.

"Humph... overestimated!" Chu Yi snorted coldly, and used Movement Technique to avoid Lu Chen's Sword Ray. When he appeared again, he had come to Lu Chen's side and rear, and the Lingbao instantly slashed out, a head formed by the condensed Spirit Power The wolf ran towards Lu Chen with a terrifying aura.

Because the distance is too close, come

Unable to dodge, Lu Chen could only take out the Black Turtle Shield to block it.

"Boom..." The five dragon shadows collided with the Flaming Lion, with a force comparable to the Foundation Establishment early stage, directly knocking the huge body of the Flaming Lion back again and again, breaking two big trees before stopping.

The Mother-Child Chiba blade turned into several green light spots and hit the flame mad lion's face. The huge lion's head dodged backwards, but two small blades hit the flame mad lion's neck. With a roar, the wild lion rushed directly at Lu Chen, and fiery flames spewed out of the air.

The black tortoise shield the size of a door panel blocked the energy attack of the mace, but at this moment the flames spouted by the flaming lion had already arrived in front of Lu Chen.

The scorching temperature made Lu Chen dare not take it head-on, so he had to dodge to dodge, but the remaining power of the Lingbao was still there, and with a bang, Lu Chen flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen quickly got up, endured the injury and took the Mother-Child Chiba blade back into his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, thinking: "This Lingbao is really powerful, just the remaining power will hurt myself a lot."

"Hehe... I really underestimated you. I have to say that your Spirit Power is comparable to the Foundation Establishment early stage. If I didn't have Lingbao in my hand, I'm afraid I would be the one who died today, but I won't Give you any chance, go to hell!" Chu Yi was still talking with a smile one second, and the next second he had already flashed in front of Lu Chen.

"Roar..." The Flaming Lion also cooperated with Chu Yi to attack Lu Chen.

"Fuck! This kid doesn't play cards according to the routine." Lu Chen was in a hurry, Xuantian nine-step cast disappeared in place, and he was already several feet away when he reappeared.

At the same time, with a thought, the Gold Devouring Toad and the Sky Knife Mantis appeared in the field, surrounding Chu Yi and the Flame Lion in the middle.


"It turned out to be you!" Chu Yi was surprised, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart. He didn't expect that Lu Chen was the mysterious person who robbed the resources of the six disciples. It's hard to say who will be the winner of the Demonic Beasts with a perfect temperament.

Lu Chen commanded the Golden Toad and the Heavenly Knife Mantis to attack the Flaming Lion. If they were two against one, they should not be a big problem.

Lu Chen also rushed towards Chu Yi, and the Mother-Child Chiba blade turned into dozens of green light spots, shooting towards Chu Yi's face with fierce power.

"Roar..." Accompanied by the dragon's chant, the little dragon gun suddenly became brighter, and the five dragon shadows rushed towards Chu Yi with their teeth and claws open.

Chu Yi didn't dare to be careless, poured Spirit Power into the Lingbao mace, and slashed out continuously. The five wolves greeted the rushing Lu Chen like a 3D special effect.

"Go to hell!" Lu Chen yelled, and under the infusion of Spirit Power, the small dragon gun condensed a gun shadow the size of an electric pole, as if it was real, and smashed at Chu Yi from top to bottom with an aura of destruction .

At the same time, Chu Yi poured Spirit Power into the spirit treasure, which also condensed a huge mace light and shadow. The white light flashed and collided with the light and shadow condensed by Lu Chen's small dragon gun.

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