Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 211 The Identity Of The Cave Master

After viewing "Happiness and Freedom" is a rare top-level Cultivation Technique,

Leading throughout:

My life is up to me, but if the sky destroys me, I will destroy the sky,

My life is up to me, I am free and happy,

My fate is up to me, and I have been cultivating to become a fairy for hundreds of millions of years...

Seeing the heroic sentences in it, the ancient style is full of passion and blood, and I can't wait to practice this "Happy and Unfettered Skill" in Lotus Position immediately.

However, when he saw the last requirement of practicing this Cultivation Technique, Gu Feng showed a bitter smile, and glanced sideways at Tong Wei regretfully.

Then put down the Jade Slip in his hand, and picked up another Jade Slip to check.

Because there is a separate introduction at the end of "Happy Life",

If you want to practice this Cultivation Technique, you must keep the body of a child, otherwise even if you practice, you will not achieve good results.

But once the Cultivation Technique is cultivated to the Foundation Establishment early stage, you can use the women's dual cultivation to quickly improve the Cultivation Base, which is for ease.

The second Jade Slip introduces the life history of the owner of Immortal Cave.

The owner of Immortal Cave is Li Qingchen, the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen Stage.

In ancient times, the Tianyuan Continent suddenly suffered great changes, and the intercontinental teleportation array connecting the four continents of Beichen, Nanyou, Dongxuan, and Xiji was destroyed beyond repair, making the four continents disconnected from each other.

After the great changes happened that year, Zao Wou-ki, the owner of the Wanzhen Palace in the Northern Territory, called tens of thousands of formation masters in the name of Wanzhen Palace,

And the major forces in Beichen Continent sent people and resources, and spent huge sums of money planning to rebuild the intercontinental teleportation array.

However, when the construction of the intercontinental teleportation array was almost halfway through, there was a sudden explosion in the teleportation array. The destructive power of the explosion was so powerful that

There were countless casualties on the spot, and Li Qingchen was one of the formation masters.

Later, Li Qingchen, who was lucky enough to survive, was unable to ascend to the Immortal World because his life was approaching, so he looked around for opportunities to ascend to the Immortal World.

The final deadline is approaching and I haven't found a way to ascend. In desperation, I happened to be in Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang.

So he found a cave anywhere as his ashram.

There was also a piece of news that left Gu Feng speechless, scolding old man Li for being rude,

Because Li Xiaoyao senior felt that he could not ascend, when he was traveling, he divided the inheritance of own into three parts, which were hidden in three different places in the southern border, the central plains, and the northern region.

And Gufeng they are now

It is only one of them, and it is also the one with the least resources.

Li Xiaoyao senior hid most of the resources he collected all his life in a certain fairy mountain in the Central Plains and the Northern Territory, and attached a simple map.

It is also reminded that those who are destined can enter the Central Plains only when the Cultivation Base reaches the Expanding Aperture stage, and can enter the Northern Territory only when the Cultivation Base reaches the Transcend Tribulation stage.

Otherwise, you will be beheaded by the powerful Restrictions in Immortal Cave.

"Hahaha...Gu Feng, we really got rich. In this storage bag, there are actually more than two million middle-grade Spirit Stones and more than five million low-grade Spirit Stones, enough for the three of us to cultivate to the Gold Core stage. "

At this moment, after Zhong Tao checked the storage bag, he shouted excitedly.

The other two storage bags contain a large amount of Spiritual herbs, refining materials and other resources.

It's just that the spiritual herbs have withered due to a long time, so Zhong Tao automatically ignored it and didn't mention it.

"I have more than 20 Magical Item long swords, more than a dozen Magic Treasures, and three Lingbao, which happen to be one for each person. Come and have a look." Tong Wei also said happily.

"Hehehe... It seems that we are really lucky. My Jade Slip here has recorded a lot of Cultivation Techniques and spells, and the level is not low. We all choose one that is suitable for our own Cultivation Technique to practice."

Gu Feng heard the words and happily shared the discovery of own with the two of them.

With these resources, several people will no longer worry about cultivating resources in a short time.

Then, a few people were overjoyed and began to choose their own Cultivation Technique to prepare for modification.

Because a good Cultivation Technique often affects the height that the cultivator can achieve in the future.

During the period, Gu Feng recommended "Happy and Unfettered Skills" to Zhong Tao,

After seeing it, Zhong Tao was surprised by Deva, and decided to choose it immediately when he saw the final training requirements.

Zhong Tao winked at Gu Feng embarrassingly, which made Gu Feng very embarrassed, so he had to pretend he didn't see it and ignore it.

Next, several people gathered around the spiritual spring the size of a footbath, and began to practice their new Cultivation Technique.

Nanhuzhou, Yun Luo Cheng, when Lu Chen walked into the thatched cottage and saw the appearance of his father Lu Tianhao, he felt anxious again and felt very uncomfortable.

"Cough, cough, cough..." At this moment, Lu Tianhao, who was in a coma, let out a series of coughing sounds again.

I saw my father lying on the simple wooden bed, with sunken eye sockets and a pale complexion.

Haggard, the gray hair in my memory is almost white now,

Lu Chen came to the bedside, with a consonant finger, he protruded a weak zhenqi into his father's body for inspection.

Seeing a golden beam of light miraculously shot out from Lu Chen's fingertips, Chen Shi and Laibao all showed shocked expressions.

It seemed that they realized something again, and joy appeared on the faces of both of them.

As the true essence wandered through his father's body, Lu Chen's face became more solemn, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

After checking, he found that his father had been poisoned by a chronic poison, and the toxin had already approached the heart.

Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise my father might not be able to last a month.

Immediately, Lu Chen took out a detoxification pill, broke off a small amount, about the size of a mung bean, gave it to his father, and used his true essence to help him absorb the medicine quickly.

This is not because Lu Chen is stingy with the Medicine Pill, but because he is worried that his father's mortal body will not be able to bear the power of a whole Medicine Pill, and it will backfire.

After Lu Tianhao absorbed the medicinal power of the detoxification pill, his mental state seemed much better, and he woke up soon.

"Chen'er! Did you come back? I thought I'd never see you again." Lu Tianhao who woke up, saw Lu Chen's figure, and smiled in relief.

"Father! I'm the one who came back. It's a good thing I came back early, otherwise you would be... right! Dad! Why did our family become like this, and you were poisoned."

Seeing that his father had recovered, Lu Chen felt relieved and asked suspiciously.

"Sigh... It's all because my father was too greedy and believed your second uncle's words, which led to the current situation. It's just that your mother suffers and suffers with me..."

Lu Tianhao blamed himself and roughly explained what happened.

It happened two years ago, when Lu Chen was just sent to Baicao Garden to plant Spiritual herbs.

One day two years ago, Lu Hongbo, Lu Chen's second uncle, approached Lu Tianhao and said that a friend introduced a gold mine that needed to be sold urgently.

Hearing this, Lu Tianhao's heart was really moved, and he immediately took someone to check it himself. After some exploration, he found that it was indeed a huge gold mine.

Fist-sized gold nuggets can be dug out with just a few digs in the mine.

The seller was eager to sell the gold mine because of something, but Lu Tianhao couldn't come up with so much cash for a while.

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