Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 218 A Dying Person

"What happened? Why are there so many vicious people from Rivers and Lakes at the door of old man Lu's house? Could it be that his family has provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked?"

Outside the small courtyard of the Lu Mansion, many curious neighbors and passers-by were watching, and a middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

"No way! Old man Lu moved here for more than a year, and he is usually kind and kind, not like the kind of troublemaker," another old man said worriedly.

"Don't make wild guesses, look at that young gentleman, with a smile on his face, he is the master of these people,

It seems that there is no malicious intent, maybe something good happened to old man Lu's house? "Someone in the crowd pointed at Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen was riding on a tall white horse, looking very coquettish, enjoying the feeling of being watched by everyone.

Zhu Daoming also rode with him on horseback, but there was a forced smile on his face, and he looked at Lu Chen full of helplessness and fear.

To be honest, he really regretted why he didn't choose to escape.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have ended up like this.

What he didn't expect was that Lu Chen looked harmless to humans and animals, but his methods were extremely vicious.

It turned out that after Lu Chen and Zhu Daoming returned to Zhu Daoming's base camp from the gold mine,

Without further ado, Lu Chen used the powerful Cultivation Base to forcibly extract a trace of Zhu Daoming's soul, and sealed it in a piece of Jade Slip.

Humans have three souls and seven souls, and the divine soul is a part of the three souls. How can it be randomly extracted by others?

Because once the soul is taken away, even if it is a trace, as long as that trace of soul is wiped out, then the person who is taken away will undoubtedly die.

That is to say, Zhu Daoming's life and death now depend entirely on Lu Chen's thoughts.

Moreover, the process of extracting the soul was very painful. At that time, Zhu Daoming was in so much pain that he screamed again and again.

Therefore, Zhu Daoming sighed in his heart, "It's too late to regret!"

"Chen'er! Who is this?" Lu Tianhao, who heard the news, came to the door with Mrs. Chen and Lai Bao, and happened to see Lu Chen walking to the door on a tall horse.

"Hahahaha... Father! Mother! Laibao! You came just in time, I'm here to pick you up and go home!

Oh... that's right! This is Changshengku

Zhu Daoming, the master behind the scenes, hit it off with me and returned all our property to us.

And it has increased quite a bit, from now on, father, you will be busy."

Lu Chen jumped off the horse skillfully, pointed at Zhu Daomingjie beside him and said with a smile.

Lu Tianhao was shocked when he heard the words, he didn't expect that the other party was actually the mysterious master behind the "Eternal Life Library".

Hurry up and respectfully said to Zhu Daoming's cupped hands, "Mr. Zhu! You're being polite. I'm coming to Lu Tianhao. Please give me your advice."

"Don't dare! Brother Lu, don't be polite. The people under his command were offended before. Today, he came to the door to apologize. Please forgive me, Brother Lu."

Facing Lu Chen's father, Zhu Daoming didn't dare to make a decision, so he quickly returned the salute respectfully.

"Hehehe... Mr. Zhu is serious." Although Lu Tianhao knew that all this should be related to his son's identity as a cultivator,

But after all, he is still an ordinary businessman, and Lu Tianhao did not neglect his etiquette.

"Father! You two, don't be so polite. Be polite. Let's go home first!" Lu Chen laughed.

"Hehehe...Okay! Let's go home!" Lu Tianhao smiled with emotion.

Although all this was brought by his son, Lu Tianhao still had a proud face on his face.

Mother Chen and Laibao were delighted when they heard that they could go home and that their previous properties had been returned.

Although Mrs. Chen didn't say anything before, but there is a good life, who wants to live such a hard life?

Amid the envy of their neighbors, everyone left the thatched cottage where they had lived for more than a year.

In the evening, Lu Chen chatted with his parents alone for a while, and briefly explained what happened.

He gave the Jade Slip that sealed Zhu Daoming's soul to his father Lu Tianhao, and told him how to use it.

After finishing these tasks, Lu Chen bid farewell to his parents and prepared to continue on the path of spiritual practice.

As a man, his father, Lu Tianhao, felt reluctant, but he also knew that his son's ambition was not in the world, so he told Lu Chen to be careful and didn't say anything else.

Mother Chen was naturally crying, and kept telling Lu Chen to pay attention to safety and to go home often.

The care of his parents made Lu Chen feel mixed feelings, but now the cultivation base is still shallow, so he has to work hard to move on.

It's still arranged. It's done.

With the arrangement and Zhu Daoming's care, I believe there will be no troubles.

With a deep sigh in his heart, taking advantage of the silence of the night, Lu Chen threw out the flying boat and headed straight for Wuchuan Prefecture...

A certain valley in Wuchuan Prefecture,

At the cost of burning his life essence, Wang Haocang gained short-term strength, forced Zhang Bingtian back, urged the Great Teleportation Talisman, and fled here.

Wang Haocang, who had just appeared, spat out a mouthful of black blood with a puff.

The black blood splashed on the vegetation beside him, making a sizzling sound, and the originally lush vegetation instantly withered.

Before he had time to think about it, Wang Haocang quickly sat down in the Lotus Position, took out a Medicine Pill from the storage bag, and swallowed it.

However, before he had time to refine the Medicine Pill, he spit out a mouthful of black blood again, his body tilted, and he passed out on the ground, unconscious...

Lu Chen drove the flying boat all the way and didn't land the flying boat until it entered the boundary of Wuchuan Prefecture.

At this moment, in the dead of night, Lu Chen landed in a certain valley.

Divine Sense quickly extended out, ready to confirm the surrounding environment,

At this time, Lu Chen Divine Sense found a middle-aged cultivator lying in an open space more than 100 meters away from him.

Seeing that his lips were black, his complexion was purple, and his breathing was weak, it was obvious that he had been deeply poisoned, and he would die in a short time.

"Fuck! It's really unlucky to find a place to take a rest, but I also ran into a dead person," Lu Chen cursed to himself.

Originally, I was very sad because I just left my parents, but when this kind of thing happened, my mood became even worse.

But the strange thing is that the middle-aged cultivator always gave Lu Chen a familiar feeling,

So, reluctantly, Lu Chen cast Divine Sense again to check the cultivator, and after confirming that he really didn't know that person, Lu Chen was about to leave.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly seemed to think of something. The eyebrows of this middle-aged cultivator were somewhat similar to Wang Jingxuan.

With this thought in mind, the more Lu Chen looked at them, the more they looked alike.

"Couldn't he be Wang Jingxuan's relative! Forget it! You'll be lucky if you meet daddy," Lu Chen cursed.

Immediately after performing the Xuantian Nine Steps, he appeared in front of that middle-aged cultivator almost in the blink of an eye...

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