Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 239 Don't Touch Porcelain Like This

The secret realm of Yinfenggu is a Minor World by itself, the exact size is unknown, but a cultivator guesses,

The so-called secret realm should be a small continent, covered by a super-large formation arranged by the cultivation power of ancient times.

The reason is simple, because the portal randomly sends the cultivator to the secret realm,

And quite a few cultivators were just teleported to the edge of this world, and the scenes they saw were all breathtaking.

On the edge of the sky and the earth, there is a majestic and tall formation light curtain, flashing a pale golden brilliance, and if you look closely, it also dances with a mysterious rune.

Standing on the edge of the land, if you look up, the formation light curtain goes straight into the sky, which is very majestic.

As a last resort, Lu Chen cast Wulian Xinhuo and cleverly used the strong wind in the sky to escape the siege of bloodthirsty golden ants successfully.

Lu Chen, who was flying in the sky with Yujian, saw that he was far away from the colony of bloodthirsty golden ants, and began to land in a forest.

There is no way, the clothes on my body were scratched by countless winds again, and there were almost only some cloth strips hanging on my body, which was very bare.

If it is seen by other female cultivators, they will definitely think that they are a pervert.

After Lu Chen landed, "Qinghong" Flying Sword automatically disappeared into the world of golden beads under the control of his mind.

Looking around, there should be no other cultivators in the wilderness here, so Lu Chen felt relieved.

Immediately, he tore off the cloth strips on his body, and stood naked under a big tree. He even looked down at the eight-pack abs on his stomach narcissistically, and prepared to change into a new set of clothes.

However, what Lu Chen didn't know was that a pair of eyes were staring at Lu Chen from a nearby tree hole, and his every move was clearly seen by that person.

Seeing that the other party took off his clothes in front of Own, he was very annoyed, and quickly covered Own's eyes with his hands, not daring to continue watching.

But curiously, he opened his fingers slightly, but unfortunately he could only see the man's back, and then shyly covered his eyes.

Lu Chen didn't use Divine Sense to check Zhou Wei's environment because he was in a hurry to change clothes.

So I didn't find that there was a naturally formed tree hole in a big tree five or six meters away, and a cultivator happened to be hidden in the hole.

"Hiss... hiss hiss..."

inside the cave

When the man was feeling shy, he suddenly heard a strange noise. The space inside the cave was small and dimly lit, making it difficult for the naked eye to see things clearly, so the man instinctively used Divine Sense to check.

As seen by Divine Sense, a thumb is thick and thin, with a triangular-shaped head, red and black spots all over the body, sharp eyes, spitting snake letters, and a posture of eager to bite own.

"Ah..." The man suddenly shuddered, screamed, kicked through the tree hole with a bang, and instinctively flew towards Lu Chen using the Movement Technique.

"Ah..." When Lu Chen was putting on his pants, he was startled by a sudden scream,

Seeing that a female cultivator suddenly appeared in front of Own, she quickly lifted up the big pants. As for whether the other party saw it or not, it has nothing to do with Own.

"Ah...pervert!" Seeing that Lu Chen was naked and wearing strange shorts, the woman was very ashamed, exclaimed again, and waved her hand to hit Lu Chen in the face.

"It's you?" Lu Chen was so speechless, he was almost stared at by the other party, and the other party actually called him a pervert and even beat him.

Lu Chen couldn't let her hit him, he raised his hand to hold the opponent's wrist, and then he saw the opponent's appearance clearly, and said in surprise.

"It's you...cousin is right, you are a...bad...bad person." At this moment, the woman saw Lu Chen's face clearly and said in surprise.

However, he passed out in the next second.

Seeing that the other party fainted suddenly, Lu Chen didn't seem to be faking it, so he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground, and there was a soft and silky feeling in his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey... don't bring such a touch of porcelain! I didn't do anything." Lu Chen looked at the beautiful woman in his arms and said in a speechless voice.

He shook the other person's body, but he didn't see him wake up.

Immediately, Lu Chen noticed that the other party's face gradually turned pale, his lips turned purple, and his vitality was rapidly dissipating.

"Eh? It seems to be poisoned?" Lu Chen murmured in his heart.

Immediately, a beam of true energy was shot into the woman's body for inspection. After the situation was found out,

Lu Chen sighed softly, and put the woman flat on the ground...

When Hu Shilong and Mu Nianci passed through a swamp with their swords, Mu Nianci noticed a pale blue beam of light rising into the sky,

Guess that there may be some treasure in the world, and quickly remind Hu


Next, the two flew with their swords together, and quickly rushed to the place where the blue light suddenly appeared.

When the two of them reached a low-lying area, a body of water appeared in front of them, a bit like a lake.

There is a protruding rocky mountain in the middle of the water, on which grows a clump of green lotus leaves, and in the middle of the lotus leaves stands a snow-white Lotus flower the size of a plate,

The white Lotus flower shone with a pure white halo, and at the same time exuded a Sacred pure breath,

After people have seen it, they will have a feeling that "you can only watch it from a distance but not dare to play with it."

"'s actually snow lotus with ice muscles!" At this time, two cultivators flew towards the sword quickly, and within a few breaths, they came to the edge of the water area.

At the same time, Hu Shilong and Mu Nianci were also discovered.

"Hahaha... Sure enough, there is a treasure in the world, it is ice muscle snow lotus." Another cultivator Yujian flew over quickly, and exclaimed,

The man saw that four cultivators had arrived before him, except for the weaker female cultivator,

The Cultivation Base of the other three people didn't look weak. For a while, they all kept vigilance against each other, and no one wanted to snatch the ice-muscle snow lotus first.

Because once who makes the first move, it is very likely to be besieged by several other people.

"Hu Dage!" Mu Nianci cried out worriedly seeing that he couldn't see the Cultivation Base of these people.

Hu Shilong did not answer directly, but gave Mu Nianci a reassuring look.

I thought: "These three people were obviously attracted by the light that soared into the sky just now,

If the battle is not resolved quickly, maybe more cultivators will arrive later,

It's really hard to say who will finally get the snow lotus with ice muscles. "

"Hehehe...Everyone, there is only one ice muscle snow lotus now, but we have five people, which is not enough.

Why don't I give you some Spirit Stones as compensation, how about I own this snow lotus plant? "

The Fatty cultivator who arrived behind laughed,

He saw that Hu Shilong, Mu Nianci, and the other two cultivators each had a Cultivation Base of Dzogchen fusion period, which was comparable in strength to his own.

I'm also worried that if time drags on for too long, if another Gold Core cultivator comes, then it's nothing to do with them.

So he proposed to give some Spirit Stones to the two parties, hoping that the other party can take the initiative to withdraw from the competition for ice muscle snow lotus......

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