Hu Shilong frightened the tall cultivator away with just one word, and the Fatty cultivator still kept his word.

Without further ado, he took out a large storage bag and threw it to Hu Shilong.

Then Yu Jian was about to pick ice muscle snow lotus, but at this moment, he was blocked by a figure.

Fatty cultivator saw the person coming, frowned, and asked: "What does fellow daoist mean? I gave you five million middle-grade Spirit Stones. Could it be that fellow daoist is not keeping his promise?"

"Hehehe...No, no, I never promised you to give up the ice muscle snow lotus from the beginning to the end. If you don't believe me, think about it carefully?" Hu Shilong said with a playful smile.

"Uh..." Fatty cultivator thought for a moment after hearing this, and then his face became ugly.

The other party did not seem to have expressed his attitude to himself. After he agreed to the conditions proposed by the other party, the tall cultivator ran away directly with the sword.

It's just my own wishful thinking, thinking that since the other party put forward conditions and accepted own Spirit Stones, they would voluntarily give up the ice muscle snow lotus.

"How dare you fuck me?" The Fatty cultivator cursed with an angry expression after he figured it out.

Immediately, he took out a big knife and slashed at Hu Shilong as fast as lightning.

Because both of them are Cultivation Base of Dzogchen Fusion, Fatty cultivator is not afraid of Hu Shilong.

Hu Shilong's Divine Sense has long locked on the Fatty cultivator's every move. The moment the Fatty cultivator made a move, Hu Shilong dodged with his sword,

The body retreated extremely quickly, and the movements were very elegant and unrestrained.

The Fatty cultivator was not slow to react. With a long sword under his feet and a big knife in his hand, he quickly chased Hu Shilong aggressively.

However, before the Fatty cultivator got close to Hu Shilong, he suddenly felt something strange in his body.

There are some strange light green gases on the surface of Dantian.

The light green gas instantly attached to own Dantian, and Dantian suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then quickly languished.

"Not good! Poisoned!" Fatty cultivator was shocked, and then quickly changed direction to prepare to escape.

How could Hu Shilong just let him run away like this. A handful appeared in the hand

Magic Treasures level long sword,

In the next second, the first one appeared in front of the Fatty cultivator.

Fatty cultivator might be able to compete with Hu Shilong if it was in its heyday,

But Dantian in his body was corroded by terrifying toxins, apart from the severe pain, his true energy was also rapidly dissipating.

Even when Hu Shilong's Sword Ray attacked, the Fatty cultivator couldn't resist it, and the next second he was decapitated and died in endless unwillingness.

Under the control of Hu Shilong's Divine Sense, the opponent's storage bag flew into the hands of Own, and then Yujian flew to Shishan to pick the ice muscle snow lotus. Biqu library

"Hu... Hu Dage!" At this moment, Mu Nianci came over with his sword and looked at Hu Shilong with some fear.

After all, Hu Shilong's strength still gave her a great sense of oppression.

"Hehehe...this is for you," Hu Shilong said with a smile as he handed the Fatty storage bag and ice muscle snow lotus to Mu Nianci.

"Ah? For me? No, no, no... Ice muscle snow lotus is so precious, I can't have it."

Mu Nianci was shocked when he heard the words, and then quickly waved his hand to refuse.

But I was thinking in my heart, what does Hu Dage mean by this? We have only just met, why did he give himself such a valuable thing? Does he like himself?

But we have only known each other not long ago, and we are not mentally prepared at all, so what should we do?

"It's useless for me to take this. Let's treat it as a meeting gift from me when we get to know each other once!"

Hu Shilong put the ice muscle snow lotus into the storage bag, and then stuffed it to Mu Nianci, saying indifferently.

He himself couldn't explain why he did it.

Besides, Hu Shilong is a freewheeling person, he can do whatever he wants, it's just a thought, not so many complicated thoughts.

"This...then thank you Hu Dage," Mu Nianci looked at the storage bag in his hand, with a complicated heart, and said softly with a blushing face.

At this time, a figure flew towards the two of them again with the sword, at an extremely fast speed, like a streamer, and within a few breaths, it came to the two of them.

"Young Master!" The man said respectfully to Hu Shilong with his cupped hands.

Seeing Mu Nianci and Hu Shilong together, he politely smiled at Mu Nianci's cupped hands as a greeting.

Mu Nianci naturally smiled and nodded in return.

"En!" Hu Shilong nodded lightly.

"Young Master! This subordinate has something important to report! Please excuse me, Young Master." The man said respectfully to Hu Shilong again.

"Hehehe... Hu Dage! I'll be waiting for you in front," Mu Nianci said with a smile, and left with the sword wisely.

After Mu Nianci left a certain distance, the cultivator took out a memory crystal ball from the storage bag.

Hu Shilong took the memory crystal ball suspiciously, injected Divine Sense into it, and the picture inside was very clear at a glance.

In the picture, a young cultivator fused with the early stage is being besieged by countless bloodthirsty golden ants.

That young cultivator appeared frequently, not only did he not die in the siege of bloodthirsty golden ants,

On the contrary, he fought back desperately, beheading countless bloodthirsty golden ants, and his strength can be regarded as remarkable.

Especially the black stone sacrificed by the cultivator, Hu Shilong felt very extraordinary, he was very hot in his heart, and wanted to take it for himself.

In the end, a bewitching blue flame burst out from that person's body, and it was only by virtue of this flame that he was able to fall off.

"Wulian Xinhuo! Where is that person now?" Hu Shilong recognized at a glance that the blue flame cast by that cultivator was Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo.

At the same time, he also guessed that the cultivator was the culprit who stole the master Yin Cangwu Lian Xinhuo.

I didn't expect the other party to appear in this secret realm. If he is captured, I believe that the Master, as an old man, should be very happy.

"My son! That person is flying to the northwest. If we rush there, with the help of the memory crystal ball, I believe we will be able to find that cultivator soon." The person said happily.

"Hehehe... Well! You did a great job. I will naturally ask for credit for you when the secret realm is released, and then I will reward you. You take us to find that cultivator first." Hu Shilong happily ordered.

Next, Hu Shilong took the subordinates who had just joined him, and Mu Nianci, and rushed to the northwest to look for the young cultivator.

Lu Chen didn't know that he had exposed Wu Lian's anger, and he was rushing towards the direction of Piercing Cloud Arrow with Song Wanting...

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