Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 255 Staying To Buy Money

Lu Chen sat on the ground and raised the price, asking Yan Zixia to take out 100,000 medium-grade Spirit Stones, plus 50% of the spiritual herbs received, and it was a friendship price, so if it wasn't a friendship price, what would it be?

Their conversation was heard clearly by everyone present, and they all accused Lu Chen of being greedy, despicable, taking advantage of others, adding insult to injury, and so on.

One hundred thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones is not a small amount, even if it is the Gold Core stage cultivator present, it may not be able to get it out.

What's more, those cultivators in the fusion period are even more difficult to get out.

This is also because Lu Chen is used to going smoothly along the way, and the Spirit Stones he earns each time are in units of 10,000, so that he ignores the normal income level of other cultivators.

Everyone was talking about it, but Lu Chen didn't care. He believed that these people would bow their heads and compromise to him in order to survive.

However, there are also self-righteous people who jumped out and refuted Lu Chen's cultivator.

I saw a thin old man with sunken eye sockets, hooked nose, deep eyes, and gray beard. He was very dissatisfied with Lu Chen's actions. He walked out of the crowd and said coldly:

"Huh! Boy! The teleportation array has existed since ancient times, you just discovered it first, but you set up a formation to stop us.

I advise you to be a smart person and don't try to rob us, otherwise we will work together to break through the defense formation you have set up, and you will be crushed.

At that time, I'm afraid you won't get anything and even lose your life. If you obediently open the formation, after we go out,

Maybe there will be some resources for you. "

Lu Chen sneered when he heard the words,

I thought: "What is the teleportation array? It has existed since ancient times?

If it wasn't for owning the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and using its powerful analysis function, I believe that everyone present would not be able to discover the existence of that teleportation array.

Also donate some resources to yourself, you old man is really generous! "

"Hmph! What a joke, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. What you said made me very upset.

Now I declare that the conditions for other people to leave this space remain the same, but you must give me 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, plus 70% of the Spiritual herbs you get,

Otherwise, you will die of old age in this space. Anyway, I think you will not live long at your age, and there is no need to spend such a high price to go out, everyone said, right? "

Lu Chen

Also snorting, Yin & Yang gave the old man a blank look with his idiot-like eyes, and said strangely.

"Hahaha..." Lu Chen's words immediately elicited roars of laughter from the crowd.

"You! Kid, you are looking for death!" The old man's face darkened when he heard this, and he said angrily.

As he said that, he dodged to the front of the formation light curtain, and sacrificed a Magic Treasures long sword. Under the infusion of true essence, the Magic Treasures long sword flashed sharply.

The old man's face was cold, he seemed to be very angry, and swung his sword directly towards the formation light curtain arranged by Lu Chen,

The Sword Ray flashed, and the Magic Treasures long sword instantly cut a long slit in the formation light curtain like cutting watermelon.

"Crack..." A sound like broken glass sounded,

Then the formation light curtain in front of the old man collapsed directly, the old man was overjoyed when he saw this, and said in his heart:

"It turns out that this kid's formation level is no more than this!"

Seeing that boy Lu Chen was approaching, the old man directly cast Movement Technique, intending to take Lu Chen down.

Everyone saw that the old man broke the formation arranged by Lu Chen so easily,

Many people think that the formation arranged by Lu Chen is just a paper tiger, so it is so vulnerable.

"Not good! That formation is weird!" Someone pointed in Lu Chen's direction and exclaimed suddenly.

As everyone saw, the formation light curtain, which was broken by the old man before, instantly recovered when the old man dodged to approach Lu Chen.

The originally transparent formation light curtain suddenly became blurred, as if filled with thick fog, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside.

Together with Lu Chen's figure and the entire thatched cottage, they all disappeared into the mist.

"It's defensive formation plus attack formation, there seems to be phantom formations, and they're all sixth rank spiritual formations.

This kid is really a freak, the way of formation is so difficult, I didn't expect him to be a sixth rank spiritual master! Xia Housheng, who saw the clue, said in shock,

I can't help but take a breath in my heart, because even he is only a fifth rank spiritual master, don't underestimate this small difference in rank,

Some formation masters spend their entire lives unable to cross this gap.

"Ah..." At this moment, a heart-piercing scream suddenly came from inside the formation light curtain.

The sound makes people shudder, and many cultivators have subconsciously retreated a step.

Everyone speculated what happened inside the formation light curtain

What, but it is not difficult to guess the fate of that Gold Core early stage cultivator.

Seeing this, Hu Shilong frowned slightly. He was also shocked by Lu Chen's methods. He didn't expect that the other party, a kid who merged with the early stage,

Can actually use formation to kill a Gold Core early stage cultivator, no wonder the other party can break the formation arranged by the Master, and thus get Tianhuowu Lianxinhuo.

It seems that to deal with this kid, we must prevent him from using formation, Hu Shilong thought to himself.

Mei Ye Qing looked at all this in shock, never expecting that the little person she looked down upon before would have such a trick.

At this moment, the dense fog in the formation light curtain quickly dissipated, and at the same time, Lu Chen's figure appeared in front of everyone again.

But the old man in the Gold Core early stage has disappeared. Needless to say, everyone knows that the old man is probably dead.

"Hehehe...Sorry! I kept everyone waiting for a long time, and something happened,

But it does not affect everyone leaving this space, let me say one more thing, I only give everyone a stick of incense time,

If you have not made a choice, then I will leave, and before I leave, I will detonate the formation regularly, and I will not be able to control whether everyone can go out after that time.

What's more, you don't want to break the formation together, and then take me down,

Because I left, it took only two or three breaths to detonate the formation, so I advise everyone, don't make fun of your own life for a little something outside your body. "

Lu Chen casually smiled, but his words were full of threats.

Many cultivators were bitter when they heard the words, because what Lu Chen said was exactly what they thought, but now they dare not act rashly.

As Lu Chen said, in case they can't take Lu Chen down within a few breaths,

Once Lu Chen detonated the teleportation array before he left, who would they cry to?

There are not a few cultivators who want to kill Lu Chen, but after Lu Chen made an example of others, there are more cultivators who are afraid of his methods.

For a while, many cultivators have begun to admit their feelings, and prepare storage bags in advance, and prepare to leave money to buy roads.

Hu Shilong stepped in front of the formation light curtain, glanced at Lu Chen, and threw a storage bag to Lu Chen without saying a word.

He really doesn't want to stay in this ghost place any longer, if something happens again, who can he talk to for reason...

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