In the golden bead world, when Lu Chen turned the last trace of true energy in Dantian into a thick form, it meant that Lu Chen had successfully broken through to the fusion late stage.

If the true essence fused with the early stage is as viscous as honey,

So now the real essence that is fused with the late stage is as thick as rice paste.

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes. When he saw that the Spirit Stones that had piled up into mountains before were now very few left,

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. This Chaos Daosheng Art is good and powerful enough. The only drawback is that it consumes too much Spirit Stones.

And Lu Chen obviously felt that the further he got to the back, the more Spirit Stones he would consume for every small level he broke through.

Even Lu Chen, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was still taken aback by the amount of Spirit Stones he consumed, and felt a pain in his heart.

I tried my best to offend the Spirit Stones obtained by so many talents, but after breaking through two small levels, there were not many left.

Sighing lightly, Lu Chen felt that he was just a toiler, there was no way, who told him to spread the Chaos Daoshengjue, this heaven-defying Cultivation Technique?

Feeling the thickness of the real essence in his body, Lu Chen was finally relieved a lot.

Can't help but laugh to himself:

"Hahaha... I finally broke through to the fusion late stage, and then I just need to condense my true essence, and then I can aspire to the Gold Core stage.

But it doesn't matter, with my true energy comparable to the Gold Core early stage, plus the Chaos Body Refining Technique,

Even if you encounter a cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, it is not impossible to fight. "

Lu Chen, who wanted to understand this point, no longer bothered about the consumption of Spirit Stones. At worst, he would work harder in the future and earn more Spirit Stones.

Lu Chen came to a wooden shelf. The wooden shelf had three floors, and each floor contained things that Lu Chen considered more precious.

At this moment, Lu Chen picked up a carrot-sized tower-shaped Magic Treasures.

I saw the small tower, the whole body was dark, but the material could not be seen, the bumps and convexes were distinct, with edges and corners,

The top of the tower is like a cover, the tower is like a bottle, the whole body is dark, and there is a small black bell hanging from each corner, which is simple and atmospheric.

The base is hollowed out and engraved with the word "sky".

Cangqiong Pagoda was Lu Chen's home in Vientiane City, because the father of the city lord Wang Yuanjiang was seriously ill, so he and Yishan's genius doctor came to treat him. Biqu library

As a result, by chance, he was almost killed by Wang Yuanjiang's father and also

It was Wang Yuantu who seized the house.

I also discovered a secret from it. It turned out that Wang Yuantu was taken away by the unparalleled ancestor of the Heavenly Dao Sect in ancient times, and the cause was the Sky Tower in his hand.

Under the circumstances of the wrong circumstances, I also self-defeatingly helped Patriarch Wushuang,

Wang Yuantu, who originally wanted to commit suicide and dragged Wushuang Patriarch's back, ended in failure.

Moreover, he was tied up to cast spells by the Wushuang ancestor, and he was about to take him away.

It's just that for some reason, Wushuang Patriarch failed to seize the house in the end. Instead, some scattered memories about Heavenly Dao Sect appeared in my mind.

At the same time, I also learned about the origin of the Sky Tower, which may be an ancient mysterious treasure.

Because he is well aware of the preciousness of the Sky Tower, Lu Chen will use Divine Sense to check the Sky Tower almost every time he breaks through.

But every time own Divine Sense enters the Sky Tower, it feels like a mud cow has entered the sea, without any reaction.

Or use the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze the Sky Tower, but still find nothing.

Lu Chen thinks it might be that own is not strong enough, which makes him unable to find out about the Sky Tower.

So, when Lu Chen's Cultivation Base was improved again.

Lu Chen habitually picked up the Sky Tower, wanting to see the mystery of this legendary ancient treasure.

Lu Chen picked up the Sky Tower with his left hand, and Divine Sense probed into the Sky Tower again.

"Om..." Suddenly, a buzzing sound like a bell sounded,

It was like a thunderbolt suddenly exploded in Lu Chen's mind.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen felt a sharp pain in his brain, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

The sudden change made Lu Chen unexpected, and he collapsed on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

However, what Lu Chen didn't know was that the moment he fell to the ground, a golden light suddenly flashed in the world of the golden beads, which almost disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then returned to calm.

Lu Chen felt like he had a very long and strange dream,

In the dream, I seem to have gone through thousands of years, and it seems to end in a flick of a finger.

This feeling is amazing, but it is Lu Chen's true feeling.

In the dream, I seem to be in a universe with bright stars. Beyond the stars, it is dark and deep, vast and mysterious, which makes people feel fearful uncontrollably.


The helpless Lu Chen was very confused, he just found a direction and flew away with the sword.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Chen found that even though he was flying with the sword desperately, he still felt that the starlight was out of reach.

The more time passed, the more upset Lu Chen felt, as if no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the place where the stars were shining.

But Lu Chen didn't dare to give up. It is impossible for him to stay in this universe. Maybe wherever the starlight reaches, there is a planet?

With this in mind, Lu Chen continued to move forward with his sword in the universe. Even though the surrounding silence was terrifying, Lu Chen still did not give up.

"Boom..." At this moment, a huge bang came,

A certain starlight in the distance suddenly exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly set off in the Universe,

The terrifying energy is mixed with dust, and spreads to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oops! Is it a planetary explosion?" Lu Chen screamed, turned around quickly, and flew desperately with the sword.

However, no matter how hard Lu Chen tried, it didn't take long for that terrifying energy, mixed with large and small stones, to quickly arrive in front of Lu Chen and drown him instantly.

"Ah..." Lu Chen screamed instinctively, because a huge stone dragged a long flame,

With an aura of destruction, it was flying towards Lu Chen at an extremely fast speed, arriving in the blink of an eye, so that Lu Chen couldn't dodge at all.

Just when Lu Chen thought that he was bound to die, he was horrified to find that the boulder directly passed through his body after hitting him.

I clearly have flesh and blood, but those stones and the terrifying energy generated by the explosion did not hurt me at all, which is amazing.

Then, two figures flew towards each other quickly, from far to near, and came to not far from Lu Chen in the blink of an eye, facing each other two by two.

"Senior! Junior Lu Chen, where is this place? How can I get to land?"

Seeing that someone finally appeared, Lu Chen shouted excitedly.

However, those two cultivators didn't pay attention to Lu Chen, they didn't seem to feel Lu Chen's existence at all.

"Senior! Senior! I..." Lu Chen still did not give up, and shouted loudly again,

However, before he finished speaking, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face revealed a look of horror, and he looked at the two senior cultivators in shock...

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