Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 272 Fierce Battles

However, the middle-aged cultivator had just flown out for less than one or two breaths, and the female cultivator stopped him again by coming first.

The fire dragon whip in his hand was infused with true essence, glowing with fiery red brilliance,

She kept waving the fire dragon whip in her hand, and countless fiery red whip shadows intertwined in the air, forming a huge net, spreading around with a fiery breath.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the middle-aged cultivator, and all this happened in a blink of an eye.

Before he had time to think about it, the middle-aged cultivator hurriedly threw out the fairy lock ring. Under the infusion of true energy, the ring instantly grew bigger and collided with the whip net that was attacking him.

"Zizizizi..." The air suddenly burst into flames, and there was an ear-piercing buzzing sound, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The middle-aged cultivator continuously poured true energy into the Immortal Suo Ring, and the Immortal Suo Ring radiated so brightly that it forcibly forced back the whip net in the air.

In the first confrontation, the middle-aged cultivator had the upper hand. Once the fairy lock ring enveloped the female cultivator, the middle-aged cultivator would kill her without hesitation.

But that female cultivator is not a vegetarian either, and the fire dragon whip in her hand is also infused with her true energy, exuding a powerful force,

The two fought fiercely together again.

On Lu Chen's side, when he was unshackled by the middle-aged cultivator, he knew that his own opportunity had come.

The Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in the body was operating to the extreme. When it was thrown out, it broke free from the Magic Treasures rope in an instant, and it was a standard gesture to the male cultivator.

"Om..." I saw a huge palm print made of condensed true essence, emanating from Lu Chen's right palm like substance.

Like swatting a mosquito, with a terrifying aura, he slapped the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage directly.

The sudden change shocked the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage. He never thought that Lu Chen, who was only a Cultivation Base integrated with the late stage, would dare to attack him.

What shocked him even more was that Lu Chen's real energy was so strong, comparable to his own, and his methods also looked extraordinary.

Then, Yu Jian quickly avoided Lu Chen's Buddha Palm horizontally,

At the same time, Divine Sense locked Lu Chen, and the big knife in his hand quickly slashed towards Lu Chen. If you look at it from a distance,

I saw a huge knife shadow with a length of more than 100 meters, with a terrifying momentum, almost reaching the top of Lu Chen's head in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it! Is it so fast?" Lu Chen was heartbroken

Li was shocked.

With a thought, a huge black stone appeared above Own's head,

"Clang..." The huge Sword Ray split on the black stone, making a loud clang,

Because Lu Chen sacrificed the black stone hastily, although he successfully resisted the opponent's Sword Ray,

But the black stone directly hit Lu Chen's body with a strong inertia, making a muffled sound.


Lu Chen, who couldn't dodge in time, spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and there were many horrible cracks on his body, especially on his face, which looked hideous and frightening.

Lu Chen used to hit others with black stones, but he didn't expect to be hit by black stones today.

Honestly: "It really hurts,"

This is probably what Lu Chen wanted to say most in his heart!

Lu Chen, whose body was falling extremely fast, quickly took out a Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, and swallowed it without hesitation.

When the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill entered his belly, Lu Chen immediately showed joy, and powerful vitality instantly filled his whole body.

Immediately, the cracks on the surface of the body quickly healed, and the injuries in the body also recovered quickly. Lu Chen secretly counted the time in his heart,

After about ten breaths, Lu Chen revived again with full blood.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Vitality Pill was really as legendary. If I had suffered such a serious injury before, it would take at least a day or two to recover.

It's only ten breaths now! Hahaha... It really deserves to be the holy medicine for healing. "

Lu Chen, who stabilized his figure, laughed heartily. Biqu library

Feeling that his body was full of strength again, Lu Chen yelled "Wow!"

With strong self-confidence, Yujian rushed directly to the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, with a desperate posture.

As for the middle-aged cultivator, I was very surprised to see Lu Chen being so brave.

But if Lu Chen can entangle the male cultivator, it will be much easier for him to deal with the female cultivator.

The two confronted each other for the first time, and the middle-aged cultivator already had the upper hand, but now he was even more prepared to suppress the female cultivator in one fell swoop.

I saw that the middle-aged cultivator, while controlling the fairy lock ring, kept bumping into the female cultivator, and at the same time looked for an opportunity to trap the female cultivator.

While taking out a talisman the size of a palm, after muttering something in his mouth, the talisman instantly turned into a golden beam of light, shooting towards the female cultivator like flying.

Immediately, countless poles thick and thin

The vines, as if they were alive, tracked the female cultivator in a targeted manner, trying to entangle her.

"Papa..." The female cultivator kept waving the fire dragon whip in her hand, while quickly dodging the vines with her sword.

At the same time, he increased the infusion of true essence in his hand, and the fire dragon whip suddenly became brighter, exuding a dazzling red glow.

"Roar..." At this moment, a dragon chant resounded through the sky.

I saw that the fire dragon whip in the female cultivator's hand suddenly turned into a huge dragon burning with raging fire, and then flew towards the middle-aged cultivator with its teeth and claws open.

When they encountered vines wherever they went, those vines were instantly burned by flames, and then quickly wilted.

Seeing this, the middle-aged cultivator showed a dignified look on his face. He didn't expect the opponent's fire dragon whip to be so powerful, so he didn't have time to think about it.

At this moment, the giant dragon with flames had already attacked him. Even though he was far away, the middle-aged cultivator could still feel a terrifying temperature.

Lu Chen clamored to kill the cultivator of the Gold Core stage, which immediately aroused his extreme displeasure, feeling that his majesty had been provoked.

"Hmph! Overthinking one's abilities!" The cultivator of the Gold Core early stage snorted coldly.

Seeing Lu Chen Yujian rushing towards him with a desperate posture, he decided to teach this ignorant boy a good lesson.

Immediately, the powerful true energy poured into the big knife in his hand again, and the big knife buzzed, as if expressing his dissatisfaction in his heart.

At this time, under the rapid swing of the sword by the Gold Core early stage cultivator, Lu Chen could almost only see the afterimage of the sword.

Then countless sword shadows were like door panels in the air, with a terrifying momentum, Shrouding the Heavens smashed towards Lu Chen,

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Chen could only use black stones to resist such a powerful saber.

Under the infusion of Lu Chen's true essence, the black stone instantly became the size of a hill, and directly hit the huge knife shadow with the width of the opponent's door from bottom to top.

"Boom..." The powerful energy hit the black stone, producing a huge bang.

In the sky, Lu Chen walked around the black stone with his sword, approached the stubble-faced cultivator desperately, and shouted: "Wanfo Chaozong"

Countless small palm shadows that followed without a trace, with a strong will, swarmed towards the big man cultivator.

At the same time, the ancient beast Pixiu, also known as the little earthworm, has quietly approached the big man cultivator......

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