Zhong Tao's insolent laughter filled the entire cave and formed an echo that could not dissipate for a long time.

"Damn Fatty! What the fuck are you crazy, do you know that daddy's hitting the middle stage of fusion,

I'm fucking blinded by your voice, huh? I can't see your Cultivation Base, could it be...? "

Gu Feng let out a foul breath, opened his eyes, frowned slightly,

He just yelled at Zhong Tao, and then realized that he couldn't see his Cultivation Base, so he asked in surprise.

"Hahaha..." Facing Gu Feng's shocked gaze, Zhong Tao laughed arrogantly again, his eyes could hardly be seen on his fat round face. Biqu library


At this time, a black shadow flew towards Zhong Tao quickly, and accurately slapped Zhong Tao's face, making a crisp "pop".

Zhong Tao was too complacent and had no defense against Gu Feng and Tong Wei, so he was successfully attacked by Gu Feng.

At this time, Zhong Tao finally couldn't laugh out loud, and pressed the object hit on the face with his right hand, held it in front of his eyes,

His face turned dark immediately, because it was clearly a shoe, and seeing that Gu Feng had a bare foot, his face became even uglier.

"Hahaha..." At this time, Tong Wei also woke up from the practice, just in time to see the scene of Zhong Tao's dark face, his appearance was very funny,

This time it was Zhong Tao and Tong Wei's turn to laugh out loud.

Seeing this, Zhong Tao immediately went into a rage and said, "Fuck! Gu Feng, you fucking beat daddy with your stinky shoes. Daddy will definitely beat you to death today."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Tao's obese body turned into an afterimage, appearing in front of Gu Feng in the blink of an eye, wrestling with him,

Gu Feng did not show any weakness, he used his true energy to fight back without showing any weakness, there was a muffled bang bang sound in the cave, the two punched to the flesh,

The powerful energies collided with each other, causing the cave to shake, and some small stones fell from the roof of the cave.

Of course, Zhong Tao also deliberately gave way to Gu Feng, otherwise, given that he was a small Realm taller than Gu Feng, how could Gu Feng have the power to fight back.

As time passed, Gu Feng gradually fell into a disadvantage, and at the same time he knew in his heart that Zhong Tao had really broken through to the fusion middle stage.

"Stop! Stop hitting! Stop hitting! Damn it! You're lucky to breakthrough a small Realm more than me."

Gu Feng stepped back, keeping a safe distance from Zhong Tao, panting heavily

, raised his hand to stop it.

"Hahaha... Now you know how powerful daddy is!" Zhong Tao smiled proudly seeing that he could easily crush Gu Feng.

"Hehehe... Don't be discouraged, we are still young, I believe in you, one day we will achieve higher achievements."

Tong Wei came to Gu Feng's side in a flash, and comforted him gently.

Gu Feng felt warm in his heart when he heard the words, and he hugged Tong Wei in his arms at the right time, and Tong Wei nestled her head on Gu Feng's shoulder, with a happy and sweet smile on her face.

Both of them couldn't help themselves, ready to kiss each other.

"Hey, hey, you two are going too far! I'm still here, can you think about my feelings as a single man!"

At this time, Zhong Tao's cursing words came, interrupting the sweet behavior of the two.

Tong Wei's face flushed when she heard this, and she turned red, she lowered her head shyly and dared not look at Zhong Tao.

On the other hand, Gu Feng smiled awkwardly, and gave Zhong Tao a blank look, with the attitude of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Let's talk! How do we get out? There seems to be no way out of this cave."

Zhong Tao asked.

"I guess if we want to go out, we still have to study the Jade Slips left by Li Xiaoyao senior,

There are many records about formation, and there may be a way to get out of it. "

Gu Feng thought for a while, then pointed to the Jade Slip on the wooden frame.

"Then what are you waiting for! I can't wait to go out soon." Zhong Tao urged after hearing the words.

Then I came to the cave, next to the wooden frame placed against the stone wall, there were many Jade Slips on the wooden frame,

Zhong Tao first picked up a Jade Slip, injected Divine Sense into it, and began to check the contents inside, looking for a way out.

Seeing this, Gu Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then used Movement Technique to come to the wooden frame, followed by Tong Wei,

In order to find a way out, the three of them got busy again...

Southern Xinjiang belongs to the joint jurisdiction of the seven sects. In addition to setting up the headquarters, almost every state in the other 580 states has a branch of the seven sects.

And between branches, according to the local geographical location, human environment, development status and other factors,

The divisions are rated according to the star rating, from one-star Sect to five-star Sect,

A one-star Sect is equivalent to a small individual, which is under the jurisdiction of a two-star Sect.

The two-star Sect will directly govern almost ten

One Star Sect,

A three-star Sect can almost directly govern ten two-star Sects, and also govern one hundred one-star Sects.

Then by analogy, the final headquarters only needs to govern five five-star Sects, and can easily manage all the branches in the entire southern border.

This kind of management system also imitates the grade classification from the one-star Sect to the nine-star Sect in the Central Plains.

For example, Shennongmen in Anlinzhou belongs to One Star Sect, while Shennongmen in Wuchuan Prefecture belongs to Samsung Sect and has the authority to directly manage the Anlinzhou branch.

Although everyone is still under the unified management of the headquarters after all, the headquarters only issued general guidelines and policies aimed at the branches in the entire southern Xinjiang region. Biqu library

And each locality also has relative local policies to carry out specific work around the central idea and decision-making of the headquarters.

Based on this situation, there are generally outstanding disciples who pass strict assessment and selection every year, and are promoted from one-star sects to higher-level sects to practice.

Because the higher the Sect star rating, the more superior the Cultivation Technique resource equipped.

It's like a county first-level staff, transferred to the city's first-level department, then promoted to the provincial department through assessment, and then went to the central government to work.

Needless to say, it must be much better to mix the central,

Therefore, almost every disciple belonging to the seven major sects sharpened their heads, wanting to get closer to the higher first-level sect, so as to obtain more abundant cultivation resources.

Among them, there are quite a few cases. Some cultivators worked hard through their own, and finally mixed up from the one-star Sect to the headquarters, and soared into the sky.

Then, if you encounter a cultivator that is really unable to breakthrough again,

In the end, they will also be transferred back to each branch, but this kind of transfer must be the big boss in charge of one side, and once again it will give you a city lord.

Just like Wang Jingxuan's father, Wang Haocang, originally belonged to the Tianyan Sect.

In the end, because he really couldn't break through the higher Realm, he was sent to Longquan City through some connections, and became the city lord of Longquan City.

Cases like this abound.

Ling Manyu is from the Shennongmen Branch of Anlin Prefecture, and after this year's strict selection, together with Mu Kexin and the other ten brothers,

They were dispatched together to the branch of Shennongmen in Wuchuan Prefecture. Logically speaking, this was originally a happy thing.

However, Ling Manyu has been very distressed recently...

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