Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 279 Bloody Vengeance

That night, Xia Ji was lying on the bed. Because she was pregnant, she became more and more like an ordinary pregnant woman, and she slept almost every night.

In the room was a nineteen-year-old female cultivator with a slightly youthful face, dressed as a maid, who was in charge of the night's duty, so as to be ready for the master's orders at any time.

In the dead of night, a female cultivator dressed as a servant girl was sitting in front of the table in front of the bedroom window, leaning on the table with her chin resting on her right hand, feeling a little drowsy.

Taking a look at the master who was lying on the bed breathing steadily, he was obviously asleep, the little girl also slowly closed her eyes and dozed off.

After a while, Xia Ji who was sleeping suddenly frowned slightly, but she didn't wake up, her expression was very painful and struggling.

in the dream,

Xia Ji was in a jungle, and according to the location shown in the information jade tablet, Yu Jian flew to find Hu Shilong.

It didn't take long for Xia Ji to see Hu Shilong's figure. At this moment, Hu Shilong was sitting under a big tree in the Lotus Position, exercising kung fu to heal his injuries.

From his pale face and weak breath, it was obvious that Hu Shilong was seriously injured.


As soon as Xia Ji approached, Hu Shilong immediately said in a cold voice vigilantly.

"My son is me! My son, what's the matter with you? Why did you suffer such a serious injury? It's all because the servants failed to take good care of you, so please punish me."

With a face full of self-reproach, Xia Ji said in a sweet voice of concern,

As he spoke, he also shot a beam of true energy into Hu Shilong's body to help him heal his injuries quickly, and at the same time, it also played a role in checking the injury.

"Hehehe... Don't worry! I won't die yet! I can't blame you for all this, after all, who would know that this secret realm was sent randomly?"

After seeing that it was Xia Ji who came, Hu Shilong finally breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his vigilance, and smiled.

With Xia Ji here, I don't have to worry anymore, and I can concentrate on recovering from my injuries.

"My lord! Which thief actually hurt you so badly? If I met him, I would definitely beat him up and cramp him."

At this time, Xia Ji withdrew her true essence, her face was slightly angry and said,

Hu Shilong then revealed the matter between himself and Lu Chen, including that his own protection Movement Technique was also broken by Lu Chen,

When Xia Ji heard this, a subtle light flashed in her eyes.

Then he took out a healing medicine pill. Once the medicine pill was taken out, the strong medicinal fragrance immediately filled the air, which lifted people's spirits, but it was a first-class healing medicine pill.

Hu Shilong took the Medicine Pill without doubt, and then took the Medicine Pill. The Medicine Pill melted in the mouth, and the powerful medicinal power instantly nourished the wounds all over the body.

The injury is positive

He was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, making him feel as if he was in a hot spring, very relaxed and refreshed.

"What is this Medicine Pill? Why is it better than my healing Medicine Pill?" Hu Shilong asked in surprise,

Because in this short period of time, more than half of his injuries have recovered, this pill is really a holy medicine for healing.

"Hehehe...Young Master! Of course, the slave family will give you the best things!" Xia Jibao smiled meaningfully, and retreated a few steps without leaving any traces.

Seeing this, Hu Shilong felt that Xia Ji's attitude was suddenly a little weird, but he couldn't tell why it was so weird.

Then, he transported his true essence to prepare to recover from the injury with the help of powerful medicine, and then summoned people to go to Lu Chen to settle the score.

However, when Hu Shilong was operating the Cultivation Technique, he suddenly found that his own true essence remained unmoved like stagnant water,

Then there were bursts of pain in Dantian, as if burning with fire.

"Xia Ji!" Hu Shilong suddenly roared out Xia Ji's name angrily.

At this time, without thinking, she knew that it was her Medicine Pill who made a mess, and she was poisoned.

"Hey hey hey... what's the matter, young master? Why are you so angry at the slave family all of a sudden?"

Xia Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she had changed into a different person, looking at Hu Shilong.

"Why...why? I'm not mean to you, why do you want to harm me?"

Hu Shilong scolded loudly with a doubtful tone in his anger.

He never imagined that this woman who had followed him for many years, was gentle, considerate, well-behaved, and allowed herself to gallop would actually harm him.

"Hahaha...why? Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day? Eighteen years, a full eighteen years!

Do you know how disgusted I feel every time you lie on top of me and do that shitty thing? I even want to eat your flesh and drink your blood, you know?

But Huang Tian paid off, he finally made me wait for this opportunity today, hahaha..."

Xia Ji laughed almost like crazy.

Hu Shilong's face was ashen when he heard the words. He didn't expect Xia Ji to speak so harshly. People are not grass and trees, so who can be ruthless? After getting along for a long time,

In fact, Hu Shilong had already accepted Xia Ji in his heart, but he didn't expect such a result.

Tried to circulate the true energy again, but it still had no effect, and there was a feeling of weakness all over the body, even if he couldn't raise his hand, let alone stand up and resist.

"Xia Ji! Have you ever liked me? Even a little bit?" Hu Shi

Long suddenly looked into Xia Ji's eyes and asked seriously.

"No!" Xia Ji directly vetoed it, but when she saw Hu Shilong's serious eyes, her heart became complicated again.

"Then can you tell me why?" Hu Shilong knew that he might not escape death today, so he asked with ashen face,

He was really puzzled, why did Xia Ji plan to stay by her side for eighteen years just to kill herself? Then this woman's scheming is too scary!

"Hehehe...why? Because your Hu family destroyed all of my Xia family, my mother...and my Little Sister, all died tragically at the hands of your Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce,

At that time, if it was not because I was not at home, I am afraid that even I would not be spared,

From then on, I swear by Heavenly Dao, I will destroy your Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce with my own hands, destroy your Hu family, and avenge my father and mother.

That's why I joined the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, endured humiliation, and climbed up step by step, in order to get close to you and find opportunities to destroy your Hu family.

You don't know yet! I am already pregnant, and I am pregnant with your evil seed, but I will send him to your father,

If the baby is a boy, I believe your father will be happy to raise him. I will tell him that your Hu family is our biggest enemy. Guess what will happen?

Of course, if the baby is a girl, I will train her to be a whore and let her sleep with all the men in your Hu family, including your father... Hahaha..."

Xia Ji narrated almost like a madman, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry, sometimes painful, with complex expressions.


After hearing the words, Hu Shilong was furious, spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, clenched his fist tightly, and angrily reprimanded Xia Ji:

"You lunatic! Haven't you ever thought that the child is also your flesh and blood? Even if you have a grudge against the Hu family, it has nothing to do with the child. The child is innocent!"

"Hahaha...innocent? Then there are 180 souls in my Xia family, so they are not innocent? I hate your Hu family, and I hate you too.

Since you are the hope of the old Hu family, I will destroy their hope first, and then destroy your Hu family. No one can stop me. "

Hu Shilong's words seemed to have stimulated Xia Ji, and Xia Ji laughed like a madman after hearing the words.

"Hey... Actually, I want to tell you that I really like you a little bit!"

Hu Shilong sighed softly, then used the secret method to burn Blood Essence, obtained a small amount of true energy, then broke Own's heart, and fell to the ground directly, he chose to commit suicide...

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