"There is no beauty in a thousand years, a beauty is a beauty, and a country and a city are amazed by the people of the world."

Although there are countless beauties in the world of comprehension, but in terms of Ling Manyu's figure and appearance, she is definitely the best among beauties, and she has a pure yin body.

Therefore, when Lin Zhiping, the son of the head of the Shennongmen branch in Wuchuan Prefecture, met Ling Manyu,

Immediately fell in love at first sight, fell in love and couldn't extricate himself, wanted to form a comprehension dao companion with Ling Manyu, and at the same time launched a crazy pursuit of Ling Manyu.

And after Lin Dahai, the leader, learned about this matter, he directly gave the two of them a marriage contract, regardless of whether Ling Manyu would agree or not. It was scheduled to be married in Sect one month later.

As a disciple in Sect, it is an absolute honor to be personally bestowed by the head of the sect.

Most people don't dare to think about it, let alone refuse it, unless you really don't want to be in the system.

As a result, Ling Manyu was very distressed. On the one hand, she really didn't like Lin Zhiping, and on the other hand, she didn't dare to disobey the order of the head.

So for the past few months, Ling Manyu has been in a state of restlessness and no intention of cultivating. She has been thinking about how to solve the current predicament all day long, but after thinking about it for several months, she has not figured out a solution.

On this day, Ling Manyu's only son came to the back mountain of Shennongmen with his sword alone, about ten kilometers away from Sect, because there is a naturally formed lake here.

The lake is surrounded by continuous mountain peaks. The lake is green and crystal clear.

When there is no wind, the level is like a mirror, with white clouds and green mountains reflected on the lake, and the mountains and waters are integrated into one.

Big and small fish shuttle in the water, as if swimming among the mountains and white clouds, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.

Ling Manyu accidentally discovered this beautiful scene when Yu Jian was wandering around because of being depressed, and even fell in love with the tranquility here.

But today, when Ling Manyu just landed on the edge of the lake where he stayed with his sword, his brows suddenly frowned, showing a look of panic.

Because there is a corpse floating on the water by the lake, at first glance, it is shocking and creepy.

Ling Manyu originally came here to relax because she was in a bad mood, but she didn't expect to encounter such an unlucky thing, and her mood became even worse.

Ling Manyu, who was about to leave with Yujian, accidentally caught a glimpse of a jade tablet in the hand of the floating corpse, and felt very familiar.

"Huh? It's not

Is it the identity jade badge of Shennongmen disciple? Could it be the same senior brother? "

Ling Manyu recognized the jade badge written in that person's hand, which was the same as the jade badge of her own identity, and murmured suspiciously.

Then use Divine Sense to check whether the person still has breath. After checking, Ling Manyu found that although the person's breath was weak, he was not dead yet, so out of sympathy,

Ling Manyu fished the man up and gave him a Medicine Pill for healing.

Then he retreated a little bit, and looked at the fellow brother lying on the ground with some vigilance.

Under the effect of the Medicine Pill, the man's aura gradually strengthened, and he woke up leisurely after a while,

After waking up, the person saw Ling Manyu's face, showing astonishment and surprise.

Then he relaxed and sat in the Lotus Position. Divine Sense took out a milky white Medicine Pill from the world of the Golden Beads, and after taking the Medicine Pill, he began to run the Chaos Dao Shengjue to refine the power of the medicine.

"Huh? This brother's eyes are so familiar, why do I feel like he knows me?"

Seeing this, Ling Manyu thought suspiciously.

But in Own's memory, there doesn't seem to be any senior fellow from the same school who was born with a straight nose, dark skin, and a little stubble on his face.

Just as Ling Manyu was trying to recall whether she had seen this senior brother from the same school before.

Seeing that senior brother suddenly showing a strong aura, Ling Manyu backed away in shock.

"How...how...possible?" Ling Manyu asked in surprise,

Because that senior brother was seriously injured and dying, but now he exudes such a powerful aura, it doesn't look like he was injured at all.

"Hehehe... Ling Manyu! I haven't seen you for a long time, but you look even more beautiful! Thank you so much for saving your life, hahaha..."

At this time, the brother from the same sect who had recovered from his injuries opened his eyes and smiled happily, with a provocative tone.

After hearing that senior brother's frivolous words, Ling Manyu's face was obviously displeased, and she didn't respond to the other party.

"Uh..." Seeing this, the senior brother touched Own's face subconsciously, only then remembered that he was wearing a mask, no wonder the other party couldn't recognize him.

Then with a thought, he took off the Magic Treasures mask and looked at Ling Manyu with a smile.

"Lu Dage!" Ling Manyu said in shock.

At first she was puzzled by the other party's behavior, but when Lu Chen's familiar face appeared in front of her eyes, Ling Manyu immediately revealed

Surprised expression.

"Hahaha... Long time no see, Ling Manyu! How are you doing recently? Fortunately, you saved me, otherwise I would be cold." Lu Chen smiled gratefully again.

Thinking about that bad old man suddenly attacking him, Lu Chen still has lingering fears,

At that time, the opponent's attack speed was so fast that Lu Chen didn't even have a chance to hide in the golden bead world, and Dang even passed out.

But fortunately, the old man did not continue to chase and kill him. It is estimated that the old man thought that he was absolutely impossible. After being attacked by him, he still had his life to live!

"Hehehe...Lu Dage! Why are you here, and..." Ling Manyu pointedly said.

"Hey... don't mention it! I met a bad old man and was plotted against by him, but fortunately I was lucky. Don't you think I'm doing well? Hahaha..."

Lu Chen said indifferently with a haha.

Since I was in Baiyun City, Qianling Prefecture, because of Lu Chen's unintentional words,

Ling Manyu guessed that Lu Chen was the mysterious cultivator who saved her from Hua Guangyuan back then.

In addition, Lu Chen saved herself in the endless forest, so Ling Manyu has a good impression of Lu Chen.

Seeing Lu Chen again now, Ling Manyu felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

Immediately after Ling Manyu hesitated for a moment, she mustered up her courage and asked:

"Lu Dage! Did you save me from Hua Guangyuan last time?

Did you... still kiss me? That was my first time..."

Although Ling Manyu had said these words to Lu Chen through the communication beads, she did not receive a reply from Lu Chen.

So today, Ling Manyu still decided to muster up the courage to ask clearly face to face, otherwise this matter would always be on her mind.

"Uh...hehehe...that was all a misunderstanding. At that time you took the aphrodisiac, and there was nothing I could do about it. Besides...the power of the medicine made you lose yourself, I..."

Lu Chen blushed when he heard this, but still smiled embarrassingly.

As a result, before Own finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ling Manyu's words.

"Lu Dage! You...you don't want to talk about it, it's really embarrassing."

When Ling Manyu heard this, her face turned red and she said shyly.

"Hahaha...Actually, I want to tell you that it's also my first time," Lu Chen saw Ling Manyu's delicate appearance, and deliberately teased her.

"Yeah!" As a result, Ling Manyu hummed softly when she heard the words, and her heart was as sweet as honey......

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