Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 310 Draw A Talisman Against The Sky

After Wuchuan Prefecture, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, and Tong Wei were surrounded by the short cultivator in Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, the two sides started fighting without saying a word.

Because of the gap in Realm, Tong Wei was no match for the short cultivator after all.

If it hadn't been for Zhong Tao's use of the fixed word formula, which made Fang Tian's painting halberd of the short cultivator pause for a moment at a critical moment, Tong Wei would have died tragically on the spot.

But even so, Tong Wei was still seriously injured, and her body fell to the ground extremely quickly, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

Fortunately, Gu Feng arrived in time with Yu Jian and caught Tong Wei who was falling rapidly.

However, Tong Wei's complexion is pale at the moment, her breathing is weak, and she is in a comatose state. If she doesn't get timely medical treatment, she may still not be able to escape the fate of dying.

"Zhong Fatty! Come and help!" Gu Feng, who was so anxious, instinctively mobilized his true energy and shouted loudly, asking Zhong Tao for help.

And Yujian was about to approach Zhong Tao, but was blocked by the ugly short cultivator.

Zhong Tao, who was fighting Ma Deyi inseparably, knew the situation was not good after hearing Gu Feng's shout.

After a strong light flashed from the giant brush in his hand, he forced Ma Deyi back.

Zhong Tao quickly flew with his sword, and came to Gu Feng from another direction.

"How is Tong Wei?" Zhong Tao asked with concern when he saw Tong Wei lying in Gu Feng's arms, her face pale as paper and her breath weak.

At the same time, he watched the short cultivator and the white-clothed cultivator Xia Liubo warily.

"The situation is not good, we have to break through quickly, otherwise..." Gu Feng said bitterly and anxiously, but did not say the following words.

At this time, Ma Deyi, a black-clothed cultivator, also came to the side of the short cultivator, and the three of them stood side by side.

"Hmph! You are bound to die today. I advise you to die obediently. I can also consider leaving you a whole body."

The short cultivator said coldly with contempt.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Gu Feng's heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

The huge Tianyuan chessboard in the sky, because there is no maintenance of Gufeng's follow-up Zhenyuan, after firing a net-like beam,

Then it lost its dazzling brilliance, changed back to its original ordinary appearance, and flew back into Gu Feng's hands.

The net-shaped light beams are also greatly reduced in power due to the lack of continuation of the true essence.

The white-clothed cultivator Xia Liubo, who made the chessboard empty, did not cause much damage to him under the shield block.

"Hehehe...Young master! Let me come this kid. I like his broken chessboard very much. After I kill him later, I will ask the young master to reward me with the Lingbao chessboard. "

Seeing that the short cultivator was about to make a move, Xia Liubo, who was freed from the constraints of the space on the chessboard, hurried over to Yujian, and smiled embarrassingly.

The short cultivator glanced at the chessboard in Gu Feng's hands reluctantly when he heard the words,

To be honest, he actually fell in love with the Lingbao chessboard in Gufeng's hand, but since the younger brother asked for it, he was too embarrassed to refuse it directly, so as not to upset the younger brother's heart.

So he quickly put away his thoughts and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... Since Junior Brother Xia has a heart, the Lingbao chessboard will naturally belong to you, Deyi! I will give you the Lingbao fan!

Don't steal the brush from Fatty's hand. From now on, as long as you hang around with me, Tian Chu Nan, if you have good things, you will be indispensable, hahaha..."

The short cultivator smiled proudly, and divided up the Lingbao in the hands of Zhong Tao and the others in advance.

"Uh...young master..." Ma Deyi wanted to say that he was an old man who used a fan for women, so he felt a little bit sorry and wanted to fight for the brush in Zhong Tao's hand again.

But it was directly interrupted by Tian Chu Nan's words:

"Hahaha... Alright, Junior Brother Ma! Even if you don't need it, you can still give it to Junior Sister Zhou. I know you have been secretly in love with Junior Sister Zhou for a long time. That's fine! That's it, let's kill them first."

Hearing this, Ma Deyi couldn't help thinking of Junior Sister Zhou's graceful figure, his eyes lit up and he said:

"Hehehe... that's fine! I want that fan."

After speaking, he took the lead in raising the Magic Treasures long sword, and with a flash, he rushed towards Zhong Tao and others.

Xia Liubo's true energy, which did not show weakness, was poured into the sword, which made the sword buzz. When it appeared again, it had already come to the rear of Gu Feng and the others, forming a pincer attack with Ma Deyi.

"Zhong Fatty, you should run away first! Otherwise, everyone will die here today."

At the moment of crisis, Gu Feng said anxiously,

Holding Tong Wei's body in his left hand, Divine Sense controls the chessboard and flies towards the white-clothed cultivator Xia Liubo.

It just blocked the shadow of the knife from the opponent, and there was a loud bang.

"Damn it, what time is it, why are you talking nonsense!"

Using the pen as a sword, Zhong Tao kept attacking and blocking the black clothes

Cultivator Ma Deyi cursed while attacking.

Consciously or unintentionally, the body stood in front of Gu Feng and Tong Wei, sharing the pressure for them.

However, Zhong Tao's pressure became much greater. He was equivalent to facing the attacks of two fused middle stage cultivators.

It didn't take long for several hideous wounds to appear on his body.

Seeing this, Gu Feng couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, and even pushed the chessboard desperately to reduce the pressure for him.

I saw the black chessboard constantly shuttling in front of Zhong Tao, acting as a defensive Magic Treasures, blocking the opponent's attack for him.

At this time, Gu Feng saw that Zhong Tao was waving the mop-sized brush in his hand, and every time he swung it, it would produce a light and shadow of energy like substance,

That light and shadow is like a big knife, powerful, very mysterious and magical.

Looking at the writing brush in Zhong Tao's hand again, Gu Feng had an idea, as if he had thought of something, and then shouted loudly to Zhong Tao:

"Zhong Tao! Draw a talisman quickly, the Lingbao brush in your hand should not be used just as a sword."

"What? Draw a talisman? But I don't have any talisman paper!" Zhong Tao said in astonishment when he heard the words. He was distracted and received another Sword Ray on his chest.

The pain made him twitch, and his heart was furious. The true essence was desperately poured into the brush, and instantly condensed a giant brush with a length of tens of meters.

Then it swept out horizontally, with the sound of piercing the air, which was very bluffing.

"Retreat!" Seeing this, Ma Deyi hurriedly yelled, and Xia Liubo quickly dodged with their swords.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the two of them hadn't been killed for so long, Tian Chu Nan felt annoyed.

He also saw that all of this was due to the mystery of the Lingbao brush in Zhong Tao's hand. Not only was it extremely hard and strong in defense, but it could also write terrifying energy light and shadow.

Then he also flew to join the battle, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, under the perfusion of his true energy, flashed a sharp light, mixed with the squeaking purple thunder arc, with a terrifying momentum, from top to bottom The next one struck Zhong Tao.

Ma Deyi and Xia Liubo each performed their best blows from different directions.

Gu Feng shrank his pupils when he saw this, and felt the terrifying power of the opponent's attack, so he knew that the situation was not good, and immediately shouted anxiously:

"Zhong Fatty! Draw a talisman against the sky, don't think so much, draw the talisman you are best at, hurry up, there is no time."


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