Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 320: Extreme Cultivation Genius

In Wuliang Mountain, there is an open space in the mountain, about the size of two football fields, forming a large square. At this moment, the square is already overcrowded, and there are as many as three or four thousand cultivators by visual inspection.

Some are in groups of four or four, some are in twos and threes, and some are sitting alone in Lotus Position.

There were so many people at the scene, even though many cultivators spoke in a low voice, it still made the scene very noisy.

Many people are discussing which sect they want to join, and some cultivators are full of confidence, as if they have made sufficient preparations in advance for this time to recruit disciples.

However, some cultivators were worried, maybe because they were not prepared enough, worried that they would not be selected, and looked worried.

As dozens of powerful auras descended one after another, a dozen or so cultivators of the Cultivation Base descended from the air, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet.

After those senior cultivators greeted each other a few words, they each started to take out their own guys from their storage bags.

After a while, a table and a sign appeared in front of each senior, with the names of their respective sects written on the sign.

Looking around, it's kind of like a big job fair scene.

Then the cultivator, who was recruiting disciples on the spot, began to look for his favorite Sect and take the initiative to line up and wait for the assessment test.

"Look at Immortal Sword Sect, Artifact Pavilion, God Talisman Gate, Misty Sect...the logos of these ten sects are so eye-catching." Qi Yutang pointed to ten sects in a row, whispering in surprise.

Because other Sects put up a wooden sign in front of the own table to indicate their identity.

But above the tables of these ten sects, there is a faint formation light curtain floating, and each formation light curtain displays different luminous characters, which is very eye-catching.

"Cousin Yu, don't point at me. These ten sects are the ten nine-star sects in the Central Plains. They are naturally different from other sects."

Tong Minghong reminded in a low voice.

At this moment, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, Qi Yutang, Tong Minghong, and others were standing in line at the Huangfenggu table, waiting for the assessment test.

Strangely, compared to other sects, there are far fewer cultivators in front of the nine-star sect.

"Boom..." At this time, a dazzling fiery red light suddenly shot into the sky from the left side of the square. It was so bright and dazzling that it lasted for a long time.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of all the cultivators in the square. The Elders who were in charge of recruiting disciples from many sects looked at the left side of the square in surprise, then their eyes lit up, and they dropped the things in their hands.

Then fly to go.

The originally quiet square suddenly boiled because of this ray of light.

"What is that?" Qi Yutang who didn't know the situation asked in surprise.

"This... This could not be the ninth-level Spiritual Roots with full fire attributes! Otherwise, how could it emit such a dazzling vision?"

Zhao Chengzhi thought for a while, and exclaimed inexplicably excitedly, speaking incoherently.

As we all know,

Cultivators must have Spiritual Roots to practice. Common Spiritual Roots include five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Uncommon special Spiritual Roots are further divided into three types: wind, thunder, and ice.

The simpler the Spiritual Roots, the easier it is to represent the speed of cultivation and the difficulty of breakthrough bottleneck.

Double Spiritual Roots or triple Spiritual Roots are relatively heterogeneous, and they tend to be more hindered than single spirits when breaking through bottlenecks.

But multiple Spiritual Roots are also beneficial. You can choose several or more attributes of Cultivation Technique according to the attributes, and the power of using them together is also extraordinary.

And each kind of Spiritual Roots, according to its purity, is divided in detail from first-level to ninth-level.

Generally, fifth-level Spiritual Roots is already considered a good talent for cultivation, not to mention the ninth-level full of Spiritual Roots, it must belong to a one-in-a-million cultivation genius.

At this time, there was a tall, handsome-looking young cultivator with sword-shaped eyebrows, torch-like eyes, and Jinglun on his head.

He was dressed in a white plain robe, but he couldn't conceal his unique temperament among dragons and phoenixes. He was holding a bowling ball-sized crystal ball in his hand, standing respectfully at the front of Calabash Valley.

"Hahaha... Congratulations fellow daoist. I didn't expect that you guys in Calabash Valley would meet a talented student who cultivates talent. It's really gratifying."

At this time, the Misty Peak Elder who came first, smiled politely with cupped hands, but looked at the young cultivator holding a crystal ball with deep eyes.

"Yes! Such a talented disciple has been born, so we will naturally come to congratulate him."

Elders from other sects came one after another and congratulated them one after another.

"Uh...hehehe... Elders, you are welcome, luck! It's just luck." The Elder of Calabash Valley is a middle-aged cultivator who looks forty or fifty years old.

At this moment, facing many Elders from other Sects who came up to congratulate him, not only could he not be happy, but he smiled awkwardly and responded with a forced smile.

After all the Elders from the Nine-Star Sect finished their congratulations, they didn't leave. The Elders from the other Sects seemed to smell something unusual, and left one after another with interest.

Seeing this, the Elder in Calabash Valley knew that today's matter might not be that simple.

Sure enough, the Elder of the Spirit Beast Palace finally couldn't bear it anymore, and went straight to the point, asking the young cultivator:

"Boy! What's your name? The Calabash Valley is just an eight-star Sect. Are you willing to join our spirit beast palace? I will definitely make you a direct disciple of the Sect Elder."

No one expected that the Elder from the Spirit Beast Palace would be so direct, with an extremely domineering tone. But with his leadership, the Elders of the other nine-star Sect also threw out their own olive branches one after another,

Everyone was chattering and scrambling, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos. No one cared about the Calabash Valley Elder's thoughts.

Some promised to give a certain amount of cultivation resources every month, some promised to give a high-grade Cultivation Technique, and some even directly promised to let a sect leader personally accept him as a personal disciple and other benefits.

All of a sudden, that young cultivator became a favorite like the stars holding the moon.

There is no way, the ninth-level disciples who are full of Spiritual Roots are considered to be one in a million, and their future achievements must be limitless. Talented disciples like this are worthy of these Elders' crazy looting.

Moreover, if these Elders, who are responsible for recruiting disciples, can recruit such extremely talented disciples for Sect, the benefits it will bring to him will be immeasurable.

The Elder of Calabash Valley saw these nine-star Sect Elders digging the foot of own wall in front of own, and couldn't help showing a helpless and bitter smile,

Although he was furious in his heart, he didn't dare to express too much, for fear of bringing disaster to Sect.

I can only pray in my heart that this young cultivator can take the initiative to give up the temptation and choose their Calabash Valley, so that the Elder of other Sects will have nothing to say.

However, the young cultivator seemed to have expected such a scene to happen, with a polite smile on his face all the time,

"Alright! Alright! It's useless for us to talk more, let's ask him what he thinks first!"

At this time, the Elder of the Artifact Pavilion said loudly,

The other Elders also realized this problem after hearing the words, and all raised their eyes to look at the young cultivator.

The young cultivator saw that the surroundings had finally calmed down, so he stepped forward.

He first bowed respectfully to all the Elders one by one, and then saluted to the Elder in Calabash Valley, then raised his head and chest, and straightened his body.

At this time, everyone knew that he was about to make a choice, and they all looked at him nervously and expectantly.

"Hehehe...Thank you seniors for your love, my boy's name is Li Changlong..."


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