Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 357 Buy Medicine Pill And Get Spirit Stones

The advent of Xingzhi Shisui Pill, under the timely promotion of the alchemy god Kong Qiu, made the successive outbreaks of "Yao Li" in Xiling City, Tongling City, and Jiujiang City relatively relieved.

Every city's city lord's mansion is organizing pill refining masters to refine apricot widower stone marrow pills in full swing.

Like Xinyang City, the case of monopolizing medicinal materials headed by Laofengxiangdanlou, and then selling apricot widower stone marrow pill at a high price to obtain huge profits, also exists in these three cities of comprehension.

It's just that the attitude of the city lord's mansion is astonishing in several cities. They only pay attention to the final result and don't care about the process.

On the side of Xinyang City, the Laofeng Xiangdan Building was set up just beside the infected area.

Many cultivators infected with "Yao Li" stood behind the isolation formation light curtain and formed a long queue. The purpose is to buy an apricot widower stone marrow pill to save lives.

Under the isolation formation light curtain, a doorway-like opening happened to be opened, and a table was placed at the door.

A middle-aged male cultivator was sitting in front of the table. Every infected person walked to the formation light curtain, and a special person would take away their storage bags.

Laofeng Xiangdan Building is a five-story octagonal tower. At this moment, Master Wu is standing on the top floor of the tower, looking down. The cultivator who bought the Medicine Pill is still lined up like a long queue.

There was a faint smile on his face, and he felt relieved a lot. It seemed that there was no accident.

A day has passed since he made a bet with that boy Lu Chen, and he already knew about Lu Chen and others going to the Feiyu Pill Pavilion.

Seeing that Lu Chen was so swearing at first, he was still a little bit worried. After confirming again and again that no medicinal materials would flow into Feiyu Pill Pavilion's hands, Pill Master Wu was relieved a lot.

With the chance of winning in his hands, he even thought about whether to kill Lu Chen directly, or slowly torture him to death.

However, just when Pill Master Wu was proud, his eyes suddenly froze.

I saw that the infected people who were still lined up like a long line were leaving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon there were only a few infected people at the front left.

"Executives! What's going on here?" Pill Master Wu turned into an afterimage, flew directly down from the fifth floor, and suddenly appeared next to the middle-aged cultivator like a ghost, asking in a cold voice.

The middle-aged cultivator sitting behind the table heard the sound, and after seeing that the person who came was Wu Danshi, he felt a "thump" in his heart, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

Because he didn't know why, it was fine just now, why all the people in line left all of a sudden.

But still bit the bullet and said fearfully:

"I'm going to investigate now, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, the senior executive cast the Movement Technique and left quietly. He was afraid that if he left late, he would attract the dissatisfaction of Alchemist Wu, which would lead to his death.

Then the executives of Laofeng Xiangdan Building

Something happened, the body turned into an afterimage, one after another enthusiastically and quickly shuttled across the roof of the infected area, and soon caught up with an infected person who had fallen into a pill.

Because he had already taken Xingzhi Shisui Pill, he entered the infected area without worrying about being infected with "Yao Li".

"Say! Why did you suddenly leave the queue?"

The senior executive suddenly appeared in front of the young cultivator who had fallen into a trap like a ghost.

As a result, the young cultivator was so frightened that he fell to the ground directly. He was already suffering from Dantian's malaise due to the infection of "Yao Li".

The fall hurt even more and he screamed in pain. As a result, a long sword was placed directly on his neck. He immediately suppressed the pain and looked at the person in horror. Biqu library

"Let me ask you, you were clearly queuing up to buy the Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill just now, why did you leave suddenly?" the senior officer asked again in a cold voice.

When the young cultivator heard this, he was afraid of offending the other party, so he quickly explained:

"Ex...senior...I just heard someone from Divine Sense say that Feiyu Dange is selling apricot widower stone marrow pills, and the price is only 60 middle-grade Spirit Stones,

And if you buy their Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill, Feiyu Dan Pavilion will also give away 100 middle-grade Spirit Stones. On the street next to it, they also opened a separate formation hole,

I think other people should have heard the news, so everyone is going to check it out. "

"What? Did you remember correctly? How could it be possible that you spent Spirit Stones to buy their Medicine Pill, and Feiyu Pill Pavilion gave you a hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones. Is Su Ruolan from Feiyu Pill Pavilion crazy?"

The senior executive was unbelievably authentic when he heard the words. Obviously, as the opponent's steward, he also knew it.

"Don't dare, I heard that's what Divine Sense said. If the senior doesn't believe it, he can ask other people. I beg the senior to let me go for my pity's sake!"

Seeing that the other party didn't believe him, the young cultivator was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, begging for mercy, but when he looked up, there was no sign of a senior official.

The senior executive had already left, and he caught several infected people who had left one after another.

As a result, they all got the same news from their mouths,

It is true that someone sent them Divine Sense and told them to go to Feiyudan Pavilion to buy apricot widower stone marrow pill,

Not only do you only need to spend 60 medium-grade Spirit Stones, but they also give you 100 medium-grade Spirit Stones for free.

Immediately, the executive went back to the mansion, ready to return to Master Wu.

As a result, after Pill Master Wu heard the news, he also looked at the senior officer in disbelief, frowned, and did not speak for a long time.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, why did Feiyu Pill Pavilion do this,

What is the purpose of doing this, you know, this method is equivalent to selling one apricot widower stone marrow pill, and the Feiyu Dan Pavilion will post a hundred and ten middle-grade Spirit Stones.

The more you sell, the bigger the profit. If you can't figure it out, Alchemist Wu really can't figure it out.

"You continue to organize people to sell Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pills, play it by ear, and lower the price if appropriate. I'll go to the Feiyu Pill Pavilion and see what the hell that kid Lu Chen is doing."

Pill Master Wu couldn't figure it out, so he didn't intend to think about it. After giving the order, he walked away directly.

The location of Feiyu Dange Xinyang City Branch is actually only three or four streets away from Laofeng Xiangdan Building, and it is also very close to the isolation formation of the infected area.

They also made a hole the size of a doorway under the isolation formation.

Then set up two tables outside to sell the Medicine Pill.

Su Ruolan stood on the corridor on the top floor of the Feiyudan Pavilion, overlooking the crowds below. The cultivators in the infected area kept gathering here, and then took the initiative to queue up to buy the apricot widower stone marrow pill.

The cultivator who has recovered from the Medicine Pill will take the Jade Slip certificate of 100 middle-grade Spirit Stones to the Feiyudan Pavilion to continue purchasing other items.

And this Jade Slip voucher is what Lu Chen said in his mouth. Every time you spend, you can directly deduct 10% of the Spirit Stones from the voucher.

For example, if you spent 100 mid-grade Spirit Stones in Feiyudan Pavilion, then 10% will be deducted, that is, 10 mid-grade Spirit Stones. In fact, you only need to pay 90 mid-grade Spirit Stones .

This approach made many cultivators feel very fresh, and they took advantage of it again.

In addition to the Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill sold by Fei Yu Dan Pavilion, they have saved hundreds of middle-grade Spirit Stones,

So many cultivators went to Feiyu Dange to pick out a few other Medicine Pills with gratitude, just in case.

As a result, the business of Feiyu Pill Pavilion is particularly hot, and it is like a bustling market.

Moreover, whenever a cultivator enjoys a discount, he hates Laofengxiangdanlou even more in his heart, and feels that Laofengxiangdanlou is a scam.

"Bah! What nonsense, Old Fengxiang Danlou, an apricot widower stone marrow pill actually costs 500 mid-grade Spirit Stones, such a black-hearted business will go bankrupt sooner or later,

It's better to use Feiyu Dan Pavilion, otherwise my defense Magic Treasures will be in vain. "

As soon as a cultivator came out of the Feiyudan Pavilion, he complained to his companions cursing.

When his companion heard the words, he was also filled with righteous indignation:

"Brother Zhao is right. We will never go to Laofengxiang Danlou again. They know how to take advantage of people's dangers to make a fortune."

When the two of them left, they didn't know.

One looks like an old Chinese doctor, about sixty years old, with gray hair combed into a bun,

An old man with a little goatee beard, a red face, and a bit of a fairy spirit, Biquku

He was looking at the two of them coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes...

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