Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 359 Nine Knives In The Beginning

After dozens of flashes of lightning flashed, Pill Master Wu was instantly wiped out, life and death vanished.

At this time,

With a sound of "Ding...", a small object fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Lu Chen followed the sound, and Divine Sense quickly stretched over, and what Divine Sense saw was a dark green ring lying quietly on the floor.

"Huh... what is this? It's actually a storage ring! Hahaha... I really didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest."

Lu Chen, who recognized the ring as the storage ring at a glance, smiled happily.

You must know that this storage ring alone is worth a lot, let alone the storage ring of the Nascent Soul boss, there must be a lot of good things in it.

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and the storage ring on the ground flew into his hand automatically. Divine Sense was injected into it, and he found that there was actually a Restriction inside.

Therefore, Lu Chen took a lot of trouble to undo the Restrictions left by Master Wu,

However, when he saw what was inside, Lu Chen immediately laughed ecstatically and said:

"Hahaha... It is true that horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls. The ancients did not deceive me!"

I saw that the entire space for storing rings was about the size of a basketball stadium. There were various wooden racks in different categories. The wooden racks were neatly arranged horizontally and vertically. At first glance, I thought it was a large warehouse.

Each wooden frame has a corresponding logo, including Spiritual herbs, ore, Magic Treasures and so on.

What's more terrible is that there are different numbers of storage bags on the wooden shelves of each category, which means that the number of items for each logo is huge.

"Hahaha... I really got rich, I got rich, this can't be the warehouse of the old Fengxiangdan Building in Xinyang City!"

Seeing the densely packed storage bags on the wooden shelf, Lu Chen murmured excitedly.

Immediately, with a thought, Lu Chen randomly took out a storage bag from the wooden shelf marked Spirit Stones in the storage ring, and Divine Sense checked it.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes lit up, because there were more than two million middle-grade Spirit Stones in the storage bag, and there were more than twenty more on the wooden shelf of the storage bag.

As we all know, one medium-grade Spirit Stones can be exchanged for one hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, which means that he suddenly became a billionaire. Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt that his own heart was in his throat.

Next, Lu Chen looked through all the storage bags one by one with excitement.

In fact, the facts are just as Lu Chen guessed, as the general manager of the Old Fengxiang Dan Building in Xinyang City, Master Wu,

It is also a descendant of the witch family.

All the inventory of Laofeng Xiangdan Building and the revenue of the past few months are placed in his storage ring.

Of course, some of the resources are his lifelong income, but now everything belongs to Lu Chen.

On the side of Laofengxiang Pill Building, under the instruction of Alchemist Wu, the senior executives appropriately reduced the price of apricot widower stone marrow pill from 500 mid-grade Spirit Stones to 300 mid-grade Spirit Stones. .

But no matter how much they yell, no one is willing to buy their Medicine Pill, which makes him angry.

Sometimes he really wanted to lower the price to the same level as the Feiyu Merchant Guild, but since Alchemist Wu was not around, he didn't dare to make a claim.

Therefore, this idea had to be shelved.

On Lu Chen's side, after counting everything in Pill Master Wu's storage ring, he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, because the harvest this time is really too great.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Lu Chen's Divine Sense found a dark box in the corner of the storage ring, and the box was actually made of star pattern steel.

Star pattern steel is an eighth-level spirit refining material, usually used as the main material to refine Magic Treasures, but now there is such a large piece of star pattern steel, which is only used to refine a box.

Then the things stored inside are probably another rare treasure.

With this thought in mind, Lu Chen couldn't wait to open the box to see what treasures were inside.

There are still multiple Restrictions arranged on the box, but these Restrictions are almost invisible in front of the powerful analysis function of the Chaos Taoist Art.

Soon Lu Chen lifted all the Restrictions, and when Lu Chen opened the box full of expectations, he found that there was only a strand of veil in Nuoda's box.

"Is there a mistake? Why is there only such a shabby thing? Could it be that this light gauze is a token of love given to him by the old friend of Alchemy Master Wu? Otherwise, how could the old guy keep it so tightly."

Holding the gauze in his hand, Lu Chen thought in astonishment and disappointment.

The entire gauze is about thirty centimeters square, off-white in color, soft and silky in the hand, the fabric is somewhat similar to fine silk, and the size is more like a handkerchief for women.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's face was extremely dark, and he was certain in his heart that this handkerchief must be the old guy who had a crush on a certain female cultivator.

Then she stole her handkerchief and treasured it to express her missing.

think here

, Lu Chen picked up a fireball technique, ready to destroy it, the old guy's disgusting taste, he didn't want to keep it.

"Boom..." With a thought in his heart, Lu Chen held Qingsha's right hand, and a raging fire suddenly appeared out of thin air.

But immediately, Lu Chen's eyes froze.

Because with his real energy comparable to the Gold Core early stage, the fireball technique he used could melt even steel, but it couldn't burn the gauze in his hand.

"This is?" Lu Chen couldn't help but wondered when he saw this.

Then, a bewitching blue light suddenly flashed in the room, and a blue flame was seen floating out of the air from the palm of Lu Chen's right hand.

But the veil was surrounded by blue flames, but there was still no sign of damage.

"This...what the hell is this thing that even the Skyfire Wulian Heartfire couldn't burn it down?"

Lu Chen, who put away Wulian's anger, said in shock.

Then he picked up the strand of gauze and carefully sized it up. Divine Sense inspected it, but found no clues, and pulled it with real energy, but the gauze still remained motionless.

There was no other way, so Lu Chen had no choice but to try to use the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to see if he could use its powerful analysis function to get some information.

Following the operation of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, a mysterious text appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

What is recorded in it is indeed a formula, and it is also a sword formula called "Nine Swords of the Beginning".

"Nine knives in the early days? It looks very good." Lu Chen read the entire Cultivation Technique roughly, and murmured joyfully,

Ever since he got the knife embryo that couldn't be seen from the material, but gave him a very extraordinary feeling, Lu Chen planned to use the knife as his natal weapon.

The sword is the king of thousands of weapons, and it embodies a domineering, brave, courageous, and resolute temperament. These points are very consistent with Lu Chen's straightforward personality.

Now that I have this knife formula, it can be said that it is right for Lu Chen's heart.

"Hahaha... I'm sorry, old Kong, I'll leave the rest of the Apricot Widower Stone Essence Pill to you to refine, I have to take a good insight into the Taichu Nine Swords."

In the room, Lu Chen smiled heartily.

In order to prevent Pill Master Kong from exhausting the spiritual herbs, Lu Chen also went out on a special trip, and handed over the prepared 5,000 medicinal herbs to Su Ruolan for him to take and hand over to Pill Master Kong.

I made up a random reason, then returned to my own room, entered the world of Jinzhu again, and prepared to practice the "Nine Knives of the Beginning"……………………………

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