Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 36 Completely Revealed

"Senior! I don't know what I'm guilty of?" Lu Chen cupped his hands neither humble nor overbearing. No matter how much he hated Shenshoushan, when he didn't have enough strength, he still had to be polite.

When Qi Delong saw that a cultivator in the Gold Core stage was in trouble with Lu Chen, he felt very gloating.

"Hmph! Don't treat everyone else as idiots. Among the resources you sell, some of them can only be produced in the Canglan secret realm. Besides, you, a disciple in the Qi refining period, suddenly took out so many precious resources.

In the secret realm of Canglan, who else could have been the one who robbed the resources of the disciples of various sects? And Chu Yi, an outstanding disciple of Killing My God Beast Mountain, how dare you say that you are guilty of these two crimes? "Shen Beast Mountain Elder questioned with his eyes wide open.

"Which sect's genius disciple is this Lu Chen? He was able to escape the search and bring out the resources."

"I asked him how he could come up with so many resources all at once. It turned out that he got them from the Canglan secret realm, and he hid so many resources all at once, which is really amazing."

"I remembered, he seems to be a disciple of Xuantian Sect, I saw him at the entrance of Canglan secret realm."

Many people in the crowd were discussing, and some disciples who had participated in the Canglan secret realm revealed Lu Chen's background.

"Going back to the senior secret realm is extremely dangerous. I admit that I have collected a lot of resources, but the premise is that I have also saved the lives of many disciples, prevented many disputes, and reduced the death rate of each sect. , shouldn't some fees be charged?

Besides, I have never met Chu Yi before, so how can it be said that he was killed by me? "Lu Chen knew that the matter had been exposed, and it was better to admit it directly than to argue, but Chu Yi's death was determined not to admit it.

"I knew you were lying to me, you liar!" Wang Jingxuan said dissatisfiedly, and Lu Chen looked at her innocently, meaning that there was nothing I could do.

"Hmph! If that wasn't the case, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me? Now I will give you a chance to join my Divine Beast Mountain. I, Divine Beast Mountain, can let go of these things, otherwise..." Divine Beast Mountain Elder didn't finish speaking, but The meaning of the threat is obvious.

"Hehe... What a joke, otherwise what do you think? He is from my Xuantian Sect, you openly poach my Xuantian Sect's disciples, do you really think that there is no one in my Xuantian Sect?" The voice just fell.

A long white veil caught everyone's eyes. Her alluring appearance, agile eyes, exquisite figure loomed, every frown and smile were full of charm, and everyone was in awe for a moment.

I was dumbfounded.

"Huh! Fox Spirit!" Wang Jingxuan said dissatisfiedly, maybe this is a common problem of women, who don't want to see other women showing off in front of her.

Lu Chen didn't expect that Xuantian Sect would come, and he was very grateful for standing up for him.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be the Xuantian Sect blue Elder. Since your blue Elder has come forward, as long as this kid hands over the secret that can drive many Demonic Beasts, I, Shenshoushan, will naturally not embarrass him anymore." Shenshoushan Elder met the visitor He frowned.

The strength of the other party is comparable to his, both are Cultivation Base of Gold Core late stage, this level is easy to win and lose, but it is more difficult to judge life and death. Everyone has climbed to this level through cultivation, and the more they cherish their lives.

"I'm afraid this matter will not go according to your wishes. I was also ordered to bring him back to Sect. If you have any opinions, just ask the high-level officials of Shenshou Mountain to come forward, otherwise I have no choice." Xuantian Sect Blue Elder expressed his own attitude.

Lu Chen didn't expect that the purpose of Divine Beast Mountain was this, but he himself didn't understand why he was able to drive two Demonic Beasts, so he couldn't say he didn't know, and the other party probably wouldn't believe him either.

As for Xuantian Sect, since the incident with his master Hao Nande, Lu Chen has been disheartened towards Xuantian Sect. He actually does not plan to return to Xuantian Sect when he came out this time. He had to rely on himself when he made the vow to destroy the Mountain of Divine Beasts. Work hard to get it done.

So Lu Chen bowed to Lan Elder and said: "Please forgive me, Elder! I still have important things to do, I'm sorry I can't go back to Xuantian Sect with you."

"Hehe... Do you have the right to choose, little guy? I'm here to arrest you." The blue Elder with light locks of hair showed a charming smile.

Lu Chen was left speechless when asked, all because of his low strength, but how can he get out of the current situation? Biqu library

If Wang Jingxuan was willing to help, with the two Gold Core Dzogchen masters she brought, she should be able to escape. She glanced at Wang Jingxuan expectantly, but she was still angry and ignored her at all.

"Little guy! It seems that you can't escape today, why don't you come back to Tianyan Sect with me, I can keep you safe, and if you join our Tianyan Sect, Sect will give you the status of a direct disciple At this time, the Elder of Tianyanzong stood up and said with a smile,

The seven sects in southern Xinjiang are fighting openly and secretly. Everyone knows the purpose of Shenshou Mountain. Shenshou Mountain wants to get Lu

The method of dust driving the demonic beasts, other sects also want to get it, even if they can't get it, they won't let Shenshoushan get it, even if they kill Lu Chen in the end.

Lu Chen ignored the Elder of Tian Yanzong, but said to Wang Jingxuan: "Miss Wang! Can you help me out of trouble? I will definitely repay today's kindness when I have the opportunity in the future."

Seeing Lu Chen ignoring him, the Elder of Tian Yanzong looked very ugly. If it weren't for the two Gold Core Dzogchen masters standing beside Lu Chen, he would have made a move a long time ago.

Later, Hehuanzong and Shennongmen also offered an olive branch to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen rejected them one by one, which left the impression of arrogance and ignorance on Lu Chen for several Elders.

"It's not impossible to help you! But you have to promise me three things!" Wang Jingxuan smiled with beautiful eyes.

"Three things? Good! In the future, as long as there are things within my ability, I will promise you." Lu Chen didn't expect that Wang Jingxuan would only ask such a request, and he readily agreed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just follow me!" Wang Jingxuan took Lu Chen's hand and walked away, and the cultivators onlookers avoided to make way for them.

"Where are you going?" The Elder of the Divine Beast Mountain yelled, dodging to stop Lu Chen and the others from leaving, but unexpectedly, he was blocked by a tall and steady male cultivator, who was the "Uncle Zhao" who followed Wang Jingxuan.

That "Uncle Zhao" stretched out his hand to show a palm-sized jade tablet with a dragon character engraved on it.

Several Elders could see and recognized the origin of this jade tablet, and they all showed bitterness. They had to tell Sect about this matter before making a decision.

Immediately, everyone broke up unhappy, leaving only the onlookers whispering.

Lu Chen followed Wang Jingxuan for a long distance and heaved a sigh of relief when no one was chasing him. He became more and more curious about Wang Jingxuan's background.

"Miss Wang! What is your identity?" Lu Chen looked at her curiously.

"It's up to you! Miss Wang sounds terrible, you should call me by my name! Don't forget that you promised to do three things for me." Wang Jingxuan let go of Lu Chen's hand.

"Don't worry! I, Lu Chen, promise to keep my promise, right! Is there any way for you to secretly send me out of the city? Now many people are staring at me. It's too dangerous with my strength." Lu Chen asked.

Wang Jingxuan thought for a while and said: "There is a way, you go with me first! I can let you leave Longquan City tonight."

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