Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 404 Shadowless Eagle

"Let's go! It's time for us to go," Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan and smiled.

At this moment, quite a few cultivators filed in, flew into the portal, and then disappeared instantly, so hundreds of thousands of cultivators did not seem crowded.

In order to avoid being randomly teleported when entering the secret realm, when Lu Chen and Su Ruolan approached the portal, they held hands with each other and flew with swords side by side like a couple.

The portal in front of him stood in mid-air like a huge mirror, with a faint light curtain of formation flashing on the surface.

As long as one passes through that formation light curtain, one can enter the secret realm.

However, just as Lu Chen and Su Ruolan Yujian were about to approach the portal, a Sword Ray suddenly struck between Lu Chen and Su Ruolan with a sharp momentum.

"Damn!" Lu Chen, who was holding Su Ruolan's jade hand, was thinking about it, and when he was feeling happy, he suddenly felt the sharp Sword Ray, and after a scream, he subconsciously let go of Su Ruolan's jade hand.

"Lu Chen!" Su Ruolan also screamed, and then dodged to avoid the Sword Ray.

It was at this time that the bodies of the two were sucked into the portal one after another.

"Fuck! Who is it?" At the last moment of entering the portal, Lu Chen cursed angrily in his heart.

Then he turned his head vigorously, he wanted to see who was sneaking up on him.

After seeing the man's appearance clearly, Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and then his body disappeared into the formation light curtain.

"Hmph! Damn perverted pervert, I really don't know what despicable means you used to make that woman treat you kindly. Since I have seen it, your trick must not succeed."

Outside the portal, a beautiful cultivator dressed in a white robe, who could be called the best in appearance, laughed.

Immediately with a thought, he stepped on a Flying Sword glowing with purple brilliance, and flew into the portal with everyone else.

Lu Chen, who was originally holding hands with Su Ruolan, separated because of the attack of the Sword Ray.

enter the portal

Afterwards, Lu Chen's eyes went black, and his body was in a state of sudden weightlessness.

It took a while to feel that the soles of his feet were solid, and a light appeared in front of his eyes. Only then did Lu Chen open his eyes and found himself in a jungle.

But looking around, Su Ruolan and other cultivators were not seen. It seems that the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain sent the cultivators randomly.

"Damn it! Next time I see you, I'm going to spank your ass."

Lu Chen muttered, and then took out a map Jade Slip from the storage bag. This map Jade Slip was still obtained from the bald brother.

After confirming the direction, Lu Chen stepped on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, and his body quickly rose into the air.


Lu Chen, who was flying through the jungle with his sword, suddenly heard three sounds of piercing through the air, and then three invisible qi jins shot towards him like sharp arrows.

The speed was so fast that it arrived almost in the blink of an eye. Caught off guard, Lu Chen showed a look of panic, and hurriedly flew with his sword to avoid it.

But there was still a burst of energy that shot at Lu Chen's chest, knocking him into the air immediately, his body flipping back and forth in the air, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

After flying upside down for a certain distance, Lu Chen stabilized his figure. At this moment, a big hole was torn in his clothes, revealing his flesh and blood, with a red mark on his skin.

"Fuck! What the hell is that? It hurts daddy so much!" Lu Chen, who was slightly injured, yelled,

Divine Sense quickly extended out, trying to find the thing that sneaked up on it.

You must know that you are now in the state of body refining king, and your defense power is comparable to that of Gold Core stage Dzogchen. Ordinary Gold Core stage cultivators may not be able to hurt yourself, but that Qi Jin actually caused me to suffer some minor injuries, which shows its power .

However, as Lu Chen's Divine Sense stretches out overwhelmingly, there is nothing around except the silent woods.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that there was something wrong with this forest, because it was too quiet, so quiet that Lu Chen could clearly hear the sound of own breathing, which was very strange.

checked nothing

After getting it, Lu Chen decided to leave the woods first.

But when Lu Chen just set foot on Flying Sword.


There were several consecutive sounds of piercing through the air, and then five bursts of vigor, sharp arrows that were as solid as arrows were shot at swiftly.

This time, Lu Chen, who had been on guard for a long time, with a thought, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue operated to the extreme, his body almost turned into a few afterimages, and quickly avoided those invisible and invisible energy.


A few bursts of energy hit the big tree, and the surrounding big tree snapped open.

But to Lu Chen's disappointment, he still didn't find any trace of the culprit.

After being attacked one after another, Lu Chen also became angry, and decided to find that guy and tear him into pieces.

So Lu Chen pretended to fly away with the sword again, but this time Lu Chen controlled the flying speed very slowly, extending the Divine Sense while flying,

And maintain a high level of vigilance, carefully check all the scenes within the range of Divine Sense, not even a single leaf is spared.

And so on for a while.


When the three piercing voices sounded again.

"Swipe..." sounded,

A flash of purple light suddenly appeared, directly cutting towards the air about 30 meters to the left of Lu Chen, but the knife light slashed, and a blurry thing suddenly appeared from the air, and then fled away like lightning.

"Grass! Damn it! What a fast speed! Let it run away!"

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but cursed.

But Lu Chen already knew what that sneak attack own was.

Just now when Lu Chen Divine Sense was highly concentrated, when that piercing voice sounded.

He finally saw clearly where those bursts of energy came from, and without even thinking about it, he took out the knife embryo and slashed into the empty air.

Thus, he discovered the existence of that ghost thing. Although he let it run away in the end, the blurred figure still let Lu Chen see what it was.

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