Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 410 Who Are You?

After Lu Chen successfully stole the spiritual fluid and retreated from the body, he flew alone to the southeast of the eighth space with his sword,

Because according to the map Jade Slip given by Qiu Elder, in the entire secret realm, there is only a mountain called Ruthless Peak in the southeast of the eighth floor.

One is ruthless and the other is Wangqing, so Lu Chen plans to go to Wuqing Peak to have a look.


Just as Lu Chen was flying fast with his sword, three sounds of piercing through the air suddenly sounded, and then three invisible and invisible vigor, like sharp arrows, shot towards Lu Chen with sharp momentum.

"Shadowless Eagle?"

Lu Chen, who had the experience of hunting shadowless eagles, immediately knew what the familiar sounds of piercing through the air meant.

With a thought, the Chaos Sword Flying Technique was operated to the extreme, and the body turned into several afterimages, circling and rolling in the air continuously, avoiding those attacks very cleverly.

At the same time, Divine Sense compressed to a radius of 50 meters, quickly extended out, and soon saw the translucent outline of a two-meter-high owl standing in the air like a shadow.

"There!" Lu Chen shouted in his heart, and the knife embryo appeared in his hand with a swipe, and the real essence was poured into it.

The first form of the nine knives in the early days, "supreme", instantly slashed out, and suddenly condensed a huge purple knife shadow with a length of 100 meters. To the shadowless carving.

It's too late to say, but it's too soon, just in the blink of an eye.

A beautiful purple glow suddenly appeared in the two eyes as big as shadowless carving bowls, and then instinctively sensed the approaching crisis.

"Chirp..." and was about to run away.

But Lu Chen had already locked it with Divine Sense, coupled with the astonishing speed of Taichu Nine Knives.

Almost at the moment Wuyingdiao turned and ran away, the purple glow had already fallen.

The shadowless eagle was split in half by Lu Chen, and then its real body emerged from the air and fell to the ground.

Then Lu Chen flew forward, Divine Sense controlled Wuying Eagle's body and sent it into the world of golden beads,

The whole process took less than four or five breaths, and the movements could be said to be done in one go. It can be seen that Lu Chen already has quite a lot of experience in hunting the shadowless eagle.


Just when Lu Chen was about to move on, a series of applause suddenly sounded.

Immediately there was a voice of praise:


Hehehe...not bad...not bad! With the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, it is possible to ascend to the eighth floor space, and it is also possible to kill the shadowless sculpture that makes the cultivator fearful, so easily,

You can even take away the spiritual fluid from many Gold Core period cultivators without anyone noticing. I have to say that you are really amazing.

If I guessed correctly, you should have a cave spirit treasure! "

At this time, a man in his mid-twenties, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, with a waist width of ten circumferences, was dressed in a black suit, and his whole body was well muscled, giving him a young cultivator full of explosive power.

Carrying a wide and thick giant sword, it is more appropriate to say that it is a giant oar for rowing than a sword.

Yu Jian came unhurriedly, and then looked at Lu Chen with a faint smile on his face.

Lu Chen frowned slightly after hearing the words, looking at the other party's posture, it seemed that the visitor was not kind.

However, Lu Chen didn't intend to get entangled with the other party, so the cupped hands said respectfully:

"Hehehe... I made you laugh senior, Junior doesn't know what senior said,

Before Junior also took the initiative to hand in the storage bag, Junior did not steal the spiritual fluid, if the senior has nothing to do, then Junior will resign first. "

Lu Chen saw that although the other party was about the same age as himself, he had a Gold Core late stage Cultivation Base,

So try to keep your own attitude as low as possible, and hope that the other party can let you go.

But what the other party said next made Lu Chen's hair stand on end.

I saw the other party smiling, and said lightly:

"Hehehe... the Xuantian Sect branch of Anlin Prefecture, Lu Chen, the only disciple under Hao Nande Elder, went from breakthrough to Gold Core early stage in less than five years.

I'm really curious about what kind of encounter you have, and you have such extraordinary achievements in such a short period of time.

It is no exaggeration to say that the peerless genius Li Changlong in the Spirit Beast Palace probably does not have such a terrifying improvement speed like yours.

But it doesn't matter, I will capture you later, just search for the soul. "

"Swipe..." sounded.

Lu Chen stared at the other party solemnly, the knife embryo appeared in his hand again, looked at the man vigilantly, and then asked in a cold voice:

"who are you?"

Lu Chen didn't expect that the other party knew everything about own, but he himself

Don't know this person.

"Hehehe... What's the matter? You can't hold your breath anymore? Now I'm giving you a chance to live. As long as you hand over your inheritance, I can consider saving your life."

The young cultivator, seeing Lu Chen drawing his saber at him, had a look of contempt in his eyes, and sneered. Biqu library

"Fuck your uncle's chance."

Lu Chen was furious when he heard this, since the other party was about to kill him at every turn, after confirming that the other party was an enemy and not a friend, he raised his hand and slashed at him with a "sovereign" knife.

Immediately, there was a flash of brilliant purple light, with the aura of being the only man in charge, no one can open it, going to the sky and entering the earth, and I am the only one who is the only one, and directly smashed the young cultivator.

"Hmph! I'm so overwhelmed, I'll let you see my Lei family's thirteen thunder swords, the first style of flying thunder and going to sea."

As soon as the words were finished, a faint arc of lightning suddenly flashed in the eyes of the young cultivator.

Then the giant sword carried on the shoulder, under the infusion of its true energy, immediately flashed blue lightning arcs as thick as water pipes on its surface, making a sizzling sound.

Then he swung his sword at Lu Chen, slashing from top to bottom. At this time, a powerful lightning arc as thick as an electric pole shot out from the giant sword.



The powerful thunder arc collided with the purple knife light, making a huge bang.

Then a terrifying energy spread rapidly to the surroundings. Seeing this, Lu Chen hurriedly flew with his sword to avoid the energy backlash.

At the same time, with a standard gesture on the right hand, quickly type Buddha Palm and Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong.


Suddenly there was a huge "hum" sound in the sky.

It's too late, but it's fast.

I saw a huge golden palm print formed by the condensed true essence, like a substance, and quickly slapped the young cultivator with the aura of destroying the world.

"Hmph! I underestimated you!"

The young cultivator couldn't help but wondered when he saw Lu Chen's reaction speed was so fast, and his attack was even more terrifying.

At the same time, under the infusion of its true essence, the giant sword in his hand flashed a more violent blue lightning arc again, making a sizzling sound.

Then he slashed out at the huge palm print that hit him.

At this moment, a horrible scene happened, Lu Chen's pupils shrank when he saw it, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart...

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