Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 424 The Sword Of Killing Intent

In other words, after Lu Chen used the phantom array to trick Li Changlong Yujian into escaping, he was attacked by a large number of shadowless eagles in less than a cigarette.

One end and two ends are still fine, facing so many shadowless eagles, even he dare not push them too hard.

Lu Chen, who is well aware of the habits of the Shadowless Eagle, immediately landed on the Gobi Desert with his sword, but he never thought that countless red-flame iron-backed scorpions suddenly appeared on the ground and attacked him.

Lu Chen was really startled when he saw the tank-like scorpion.

Immediately, he drew his sword and killed many red-flame iron-backed scorpions at once. However, as more and more red-flame iron-backed scorpions swarmed, Lu Chen also felt his scalp tingling.

In the end, he decided that it would be better to escape, even if he might face a dozen Gold Core cultivators in front of him, maybe with them around, he would have more chances to escape.

But who once thought that as soon as Lu Chen appeared, he was locked by several air machines, and then he was attacked one after another.

After finally dodging, he was recognized by the previous cultivator again,

Then a fiery red Sword Ray struck towards him, so fast that it almost reached him in the blink of an eye.

In times of crisis, Lu Chen also made lightning-fast shots.


Everyone saw a gorgeous purple sword shadow, with an extremely domineering aura,

In the blink of an eye, it collided with the red Sword Ray, making a loud "clang".

Immediately, the two figures turned into afterimages, intertwined with each other non-stop, and then separated again.

The powerful aura made everyone look sideways, and couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the two of them.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

Just when the two were fighting hard, the footsteps of galloping horses once again attracted everyone's attention.

I saw countless red-flame iron-backed scorpions rushing out from all directions on the top of the mountain, and soon covered the entire top of the mountain.

After seeing the crowd, countless eyes the size of a gong, flashing with a green light, and accompanied by a terrifying roar, rushed directly towards the crowd.

Seeing this, everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and took out their own weapons one after another, and began to resist the attack of the red flame iron back scorpion.

For a time, the entire mountaintop was filled with colorful lights and shadows of swords.

The roars of Demonic Beasts, the screams of cultivators, the crackling of rocks, the hissing of friction...the whole scene fell into chaos

in chaos.

With such a huge number of Scarlet Flame Ironback Scorpions, Li Changlong and Lu Chen, who were fighting fiercely together, had to retreat separately.

But as soon as the two separated, they were surrounded by several tank-sized Scarlet Flame Iron-backed Scorpions.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Lu Chen saw that on the back of the Chiyan Iron-backed Scorpion, the originally erect tail was poking at him like a spear with a sharp cold light.

Under the infusion of true essence, the knife embryo in his hand instantly condensed a huge knife shadow tens of meters long, and then slashed horizontally like lightning.

As a result of the light of the knife, it immediately cut off several stabbing tail thorns in a uniform manner like chopping melons and vegetables, and immediately countless blood spurts, Lu Chen quickly dodged to dodge.


The few scarlet flame iron-backed scorpions without their tail thorns wailed in pain and kept rolling on the ground desperately.

But the other red flame iron-backed scorpions rushed forward at the same time. Seeing this, Lu Chen turned his wrist and swung his knife again to slash out.

Exercising the first style of "Supreme" in "The Nine Swords of the First Beginning" to the extreme, immediately centered on Lu Chen, forming countless huge purple sword shadows,

Due to the light of the knife, the Scarlet Flame Iron-backed Scorpion that was rushing towards Lu Chen was beheaded in a large area, and immediately there was an open space full of blood in front of him.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of more than a dozen other cultivators. None of them expected that this ordinary-looking young man actually possessed such terrifying fighting power.

But there was no time to think about it, because a large number of red-flame iron-backed scorpions continued to climb up from the foot of the Five Elements mountain.

After Li Changlong killed the Chiyan Ironback Scorpion in front of him, he also felt the movement from Lu Chen's side, and he also showed a shocked expression.

But the movement in his hand didn't stop. Under the infusion of its true essence, the long sword kept flashing red light. Almost every sword ray slashed, and a large number of red flame iron back scorpions would be killed.

In this way, fifteen or six cultivators continued to slay the Chiyan Iron-backed Scorpions on the top of the mountain in less than a cup of tea.

The entire mountaintop, the size of a football field, had already piled up countless corpses of Red Flame Ironback Scorpions, and the originally emerald green lawn was also covered in blood.

But then everyone's hearts fell to the bottom, because they all discovered a fatal problem.

That is, these red-flame iron-backed scorpions seem to be inexhaustible. Basically, as soon as you kill one, there will be other red-flame iron-backed scorpions.

The scorpion rushes up to you desperately.

Moreover, people discovered that the defense and attack power of the Red Flame Iron-backed Scorpions following up behind them were obviously much stronger than the previous Red-flame Iron-backed Scorpions.

Often beheading a red flame iron back scorpion requires a lot of real energy.

Then the problem arises, the cultivator’s real energy is limited, and as time goes by, if it continues to be consumed like this, once the real energy is exhausted, then they can only wait to die next.

Therefore, after several cultivators realized this problem, they directly flew into the air with Yujian, hoping to find a chance of life, so that the red flame iron-backed scorpions on the ground could not attack them.

However, within less than ten breaths after they flew out, they were attacked by the Shadowless Eagle hiding in the air.

The body was instantly smashed into a sieve, and then fell to the ground, becoming the food of the Red Flame Ironback Scorpion.

This scene immediately made everyone's hearts fall to the bottom.

Because Xia Housheng knew Lu Chen, he killed the Chiyan Iron-Backed Scorpion while moving closer to Lu Chen. Seeing this, Leng Ye also followed, and the three of them stood back to back and each held a direction, which immediately eased the tension between each other. pressure.

Seeing this, other people also looked for their companions to follow suit. Excluding the cultivator that fell before, there are still nine cultivators on the top of the mountain, seven men and two women.

"What about Lu Chen? It's not an option to continue like this!"

While Xia Housheng was attacking, he sent Divine Sense to Lu Chen and asked,

But Xia Housheng didn't get a reply from Lu Chen, instead he felt a strong killing intent from Lu Chen.

I saw that Lu Chen kept waving the big knife in his hand, his eyes were slightly closed, and he had already entered a certain state of epiphany.

The robe on his body is automatic without wind, and the strong killing intent spreads to the surroundings like substance, and the momentum of the whole body is continuously strengthened.

Every time the knife is swung, there is a strong killing intent, caused by the light of the knife, any Red Flame Iron-backed Scorpion that comes close to him is instantly blown away.

With the chaos in the body running to the extreme, the content of the Cultivation Technique of "Nine Knives of the First Beginning" is constantly being deduced in the mind,

Only the sword can be used, only the heart does not intend, the intention will come when the mind is full, and the intention will be... Only killing...

When the aura in his body reached a peak, Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in them immediately,

Then he shouted loudly: "The Nine Knives of Taichu", the second style "only kill"


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