Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 435 The Disappeared Corpse

Even if Su Ruolan didn't yell, Lu Chen still noticed something strange with his super perception.

Subconsciously turning around, Lu Chen was startled by this turning around.

Because there was a middle-aged cultivator standing less than two meters away from him, looking at him indifferently.

What's worse, Lu Chen recognized at a glance that that person was the Nascent Soul clone that emerged from their Movement Technique treasure after he killed Lei Junjie and Lei Junyi.

Lu Chen immediately showed an expression of didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the battle of life and death could not be avoided, but he didn't expect that Lei Aotian would come so soon.

"Sister Su, run quickly, you go and take Zi Ling'er away, I will come to Su Manor to find you."

Lu Chen Divine Sense transmitted the voice, and then ran away desperately with the sword without looking back. In the blink of an eye, he was already 100 meters away.

However, the moment Lu Chen's body jumped out, Lei Aotian's figure also disappeared in place.

It was the first to appear in front of Lu Chen, and then he made a lightning strike, raised a powerful beam of true essence, and shot directly at the flying Lu Chen like a six-veined sword.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and almost as soon as he thought of avoiding it, his chest was hit by the blue beam of light as thick as a water pipe.


Lu Chen immediately screamed, his body drew a parabola in the air, and quickly fell towards Longtan Lake, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Lu Chen..."

Seeing Lu Chen face to face, Su Ruolan was defeated by the opponent. After screaming, she hurriedly flew with her sword and plunged headlong towards Longtan Lake, forgetting what Lu Chen had explained.

Seeing that Su Ruolan was on the lake, about to catch Lu Chen who was falling, several powerful beams of true essence struck like lightning.

Su Ruolan didn't even have a chance to escape, so she screamed, her body plunged into Longtan Lake, and then she lost consciousness.

With a sound of "Boom...", the surface of the calm Longtan Lake, because of the fall of Lu Chen and Su Ruolan, immediately set off a huge splash.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many cultivators, pointing and discussing frequently.

However, quite a few cultivators have seen that Lei Aotian is the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen stage of Nascent Soul, and the cultivator that was shot down is only the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage.

Such a suspenseless battle, seeing the clues, they naturally didn't have any interest in continuing to watch, and they all left.

"Lu Dage?" Song Wanting murmured in surprise on a mountaintop more than a thousand meters away from Longtan Lake.

Because just now she clearly seemed to hear a girl calling Lu Dage's name.

Subconsciously glanced at the direction of Longtan Lake, but found that many people Yujian stopped in the air, as if they were watching something lively.

"Wanting! Want to

what? So enthralled we should go back. "

Song Wanting's cousin Mei Yeqing called out.

"Hey hey... I guess my cousin has reached the age of marriage, so I'm probably thinking of a big brother."

Hua Weiyang took a look at Song Wanting and joked.

After they came out of the secret realm, Song Wanting was found by Mei Ye Qing.

And because Hua Weiyang had already had a good time with Mei Yeqing, at Mei Yeqing's invitation, he planned to go to Zhutian City together this time.

"Hmph! I miss you, you big-headed ghost." Hearing this, Song Wanting glared at Hua Weiyang, and said in displeasure.

Song Wanting didn't like Hua Weiyang very much from the bottom of her heart, so she flew away with Yujian after speaking.

"My cousin has such a temper, don't mind, let's go too!" Seeing Hua Weiyang deflated, Mei Yeqing stepped forward to comfort him.

Then Hua Weiyang threw out a flying boat, carrying Mei Yeqing and flew towards Zhutian City.

Lei Aotian looked at Longtan Lake expressionlessly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes,

He didn't expect that such an unbearable boy, who couldn't even catch Own's move, killed Own's two sons one after another.

Divine Sense quickly went to the bottom of Longtan Lake. He had to find Lu Chen's body and cut him into pieces, otherwise the hatred in his heart would be hard to resolve.

But immediately Lei Aotian's expression changed slightly, because under Divine Sense's inspection, he didn't find the boy's body, not even the female cultivator's body.

You must know that I shot with all my strength just now, and the two people were killed on the spot after being hit. Then the question arises, where is the body?

Lei Aotian felt that the matter was very strange, so the Divine Sense stretched out overwhelmingly, covering the entire Longtan Lake almost instantly, but the bodies of the two people were still not found.

"Did they run away without dying? Impossible, absolutely impossible,"

Lei Aotian stood in the sky above Longtan Lake, wondering in his heart, Divine Sense continued to check the entire bottom of the pool, thinking that even if they dug three feet into the ground, they would still find their bodies.

However, what Lei Aotian didn't know was that there was a speck of ordinary dust in the dust at the bottom of the pool, which was Lu Chen's hiding place.

To say that Lei Aotian's attack was really amazing, Lu Chen who was hit almost passed out on the spot, until the moment he fell into the lake.

The icy lake water made Lu Chen wake up suddenly, but at this moment he was seriously injured, his whole body was cracked, it was terrifying.

Lu Chen hurriedly took out a ten-thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill, and took it with the lake water.

Just when Lu Chen was about to hide in the world of Jinzhu, he saw Su Ruolan also fell into the lake, and his vitality was rapidly passing away.

Distressed Lu Chen, Divine Sense quickly enveloped Su Ruolan, wanting to take her

Let's hide in the world of Jinzhu together. Biqu library

But I never thought that I have already broken through to the Realm of the Gold Core period.

Still unable to bring other people into the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen was so angry that he scolded all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Golden Pearl World on the spot.

Emergency moment,

Lu Chen suddenly had an idea, Divine Sense quickly sacrificed a small black tower the size of a carrot, and then put Su Ruolan into the tower.

With a thought, I disappeared into the lake water together with the small carrot-sized tower.

But that golden bead world turned into a speck of dust and fell into the bottom of the lake without anybody noticing.

In the Golden Pearl World, Lu Chen sat slumped on the ground, looking at Su Ruolan who was still unconscious in the Sky Tower, but his life was no longer in danger, the corner of his mouth could not help showing a smug smile.

Because the Golden Pearl World has been able to accommodate everything except other living people who cannot be brought in.

But at the critical moment just now, Lu Chen didn't want to let Su Ruolan die,

So I thought that the first floor of the Sky Tower could accommodate living people, so I tried to take Su Ruolan into the Sky Tower first,

Then bringing the Cangqiong Pagoda into the Golden Pearl World, this is tantamount to hitting a sideline.

However, Su Ruolan in the Golden Pearl World has been in a coma,

Even though the injuries on his body have recovered under the treatment of the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, he still hasn't woken up. This should be related to the Golden Pearl World.

But this is a good thing for Lu Chen, otherwise it would be difficult for him to explain.

"I really didn't expect Lei Aotian, an old guy, to be so strong that I almost quit cooking."

Lu Chen muttered to himself, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

All along, Lu Chen has relied on the Dantian and Meridians in his body, which are different from ordinary people, plus the thick real energy, which basically allows him to fight at a higher level.

But Lei Aotian is really too strong, he didn't even have a chance to use Thunderbolt, so he was hit by the opponent.

If it wasn't for the fact that Own Body Refining Technique had already reached King Physique Realm and was about to approach Monarch Physique Realm, it is estimated that this body would not be blown up by the opponent directly.

Looking at the Sky Tower under his feet, Lu Chen had a thought, and in the next second he appeared directly in the space on the first floor of the Sky Tower.

Before Lu Chen didn't have enough Cultivation Base and didn't have time to explore this heaven-defying treasure,

Now that I have broken through to the Gold Core stage, and now I dare not go out, I have plenty of time to study the Sky Tower.

In case Lei Aotian hadn't left yet, wouldn't it be the same as giving away the head if he went out like this?

Therefore, Lu Chen intends to temporarily stay in the world of Jin Zhu and train him for a few years.

Wait until I breakthrough to a higher Cultivation Base Realm, and then go out to find that Lei Aotian to settle the score......

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