Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 437 - Sitting For Three Years

As the Spiritual Qi entered Lu Chen's body continuously, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue was like a tireless machine, continuously converting the Spiritual Qi into real essence.

The true essence pours into Dantian continuously, and then injects it into the Gold Core in Dantian, and then continuously compresses the Gold Core through Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to increase its density.

The Gold Core, which was originally like a shot put, is hardened inside, and when it is hardened to a certain extent, it will produce cracks.

To be honest, this is the first time that Lu Chen seriously practiced according to the traditional way of cultivation.

Before, either by eating Rongsheng Pill, or by relying on Ling Manyu's pure yin power, the Cultivation Base Realm was able to improve rapidly.

Of course, the main reason is that Lu Chen does not have a corresponding auxiliary Medicine Pill, otherwise he would definitely take drugs first.

However, this also made Lu Chen truly appreciate the difficulty of cultivation.

As we all know, comprehension is a process of entering the body, constantly sublimating and changing.

The cultivator converts the gaseous Spirit Power into a liquid state and stores it in Dantian for the Foundation Establishment period.

The transformation of the liquid true essence into a honey-like viscous state is the fusion period.

Transforming the viscous true essence into a jelly shape is the Dzogchen fusion period.

Harden the jelly-like true essence and knead it into a ball, which is the Gold Core stage.

Breaking the spherical Gold Core to copy the soul is the Nascent Soul stage.

This process sounds simple, but it is quite complicated to do.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly quickly, without the assistance of the Medicine Pill, Lu Chen stayed in the sky time tower for a whole year and a half,

Only barely made some cracks on the surface of the Gold Core, but it is still far from a broken shell.

According to the current stage, Lu Chen barely broke through to the Realm of the Gold Core middle stage.

Only when the surface of the Gold Core is covered with tiny cracks, it can be regarded as a Realm from breakthrough to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen.

Then comprehend how to copy the three souls and seven souls into the Nascent Soul in order to reach a higher Cultivation Base Realm.

At this moment, the people around Longtan Lake have gradually left, making the originally bustling Longtan Lake calm down.

But Lei Aotian still sat in the Lotus Position in the air, and did not leave on the surface of Longtan Lake.

At first, he also suspected that that kid Lu Chen had escaped, otherwise why would he not see his body.

But after thinking about it later, Lei Aotian directly denied this idea, because he thought of a possibility, that is, Lu Chen should not have died, not only did he not die,

I also hid in a cave level that can accommodate living people

among the treasures.

Because only in this way can it be explained, under his own strict precautions, he did not find Lu Chen and the female cultivator.

When I think of that kid Lu Chen, he may have a treasure of the cave level, or an ancient mysterious treasure.

Lei Aotian's mind immediately became fiery, so he planned to fight Lu Chen hard on this Longtan Lake until he came out, even if it doesn't matter if he guards him for decades.

Anyway, this time is nothing to Lei Aotian.

The reason why Chaos Dao Sheng Jue is powerful is that as long as there is enough Spiritual Qi and a certain state of mind, Lu Chen can always breakthrough, there is no such thing as a bottleneck in cultivation.

Now the Yin & Yang fish pattern can continuously emerge Spiritual Qi,

In addition, there is time double speed, so Lu Chen plans to break through until the Nascent Soul period before going out.

But when Lu Chen broke through to the Gold Core late stage, he suddenly felt that the supply of Spiritual Qi seemed to have stopped, so Lu Chen had no choice but to stop training.

But what Lu Chen didn't know was that the Spiritual Qi that was rushing towards the Sky Tower like a white mist was suddenly interrupted, which resulted in no Spiritual Qi to continue to supply him with cultivation.

At the same time, the Cang Qiong Pagoda, which was shining with dark light, returned to its previous dim and unpretentious appearance again.

In the Golden Bead World, Lu Chen who was sitting in the Lotus Position slowly opened his eyes, and then exhaled a foul breath.

"Huh? Why doesn't the Sky Tower provide Spiritual Qi? I thought it would provide unlimited Spiritual Qi, but it doesn't matter, at least I spent so long for nothing... Hahaha..."

Lu Chen felt the thick true essence in his body, and murmured happily.

Because of his ass, he has been sitting for three years, which is equivalent to Spiritual Qi who has been prostituted for three years, and Cultivation Base is the Realm of Dzogchen from breakthrough to Gold Core.

You said how could Lu Chen be unhappy, if it wasn't because the Sky Tower no longer provides Spiritual Qi,

Lu Chen estimated that after a few more years of practice, he would be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Hahaha...Lei Aotian sees that you are still alive this time,"

Lu Chen smiled proudly after feeling the power of own.

With a thought, he immediately left the second floor of the Sky Time Tower, and appeared in the world of golden beads in the next second.

However, just when Lu Chen was about to leave the world of Jin Zhu, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he subconsciously looked in the direction of the spirit vein, but suddenly found that the spirit vein was gone, which is okay.

"Damn it! Where's my spirit vein?" Lu Chen screamed, and then ran away

and go.

When he got to the place where the spirit vein was placed, Lu Chen's heart was almost shattered.

I saw that the spirit vein, which was originally more than 50 meters high and more than a thousand meters long, was condensed into the size of a cucumber, surrounded by the residue left after the Spiritual Qi was consumed.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that the Spiritual Qi in the spiritual vein had been stolen.

"Ah...who is it? Who stole the Spiritual Qi in the spirit vein? I must kill...uh..."

Lu Chen roared angrily.

However, just halfway through the conversation, I suddenly realized a problem,

This is the world of Own Golden Beads, who can suck away the Spiritual Qi in the spiritual vein?

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly thought that the Spiritual Qi absorbed in the Sky Tower before seemed to be the same as the Spiritual Qi contained in the spiritual veins.

No wonder when I first absorbed Spiritual Qi, I had a familiar feeling. The co-author was that the Sky Pagoda absorbed the Spiritual Qi in the spiritual veins, and then provided it to myself for cultivation.

I still foolishly thought that Spiritual Qi was built in the Sky Time Tower, and I was the one who suffered for a long time.

It must be that the Spiritual Qi in the spiritual veins has been exhausted, and it is no longer possible to maintain the operation of the Sky Time Tower, so there is no Spiritual Qi for self-cultivation.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen felt a kind of dumb eating Coptis chinensis, feeling unspeakably bitter, and couldn't help cursing:

"Damn... This sky time tower is too deceitful. It only consumes a whole high-grade spiritual vein in such a short time. Who the hell will be able to use it in the future?"

After heaving a long sigh, Lu Chen had no choice but to accept this reality, and with a thought, he left the world of Jinzhu.

Sunrise and sunset, three days passed in a blink of an eye, Lei Aotian, who was originally sitting in the Lotus Position, suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to slap the lake face fiercely, and then a beam of true essence shot out like lightning with terrifying power.

Because just now, within the scope of his Divine Sense, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, who else could it be if it wasn't Lu Chen.

This shows that Own's guess is correct, that kid Lu Chen really possesses a Heavenly Cave Magic Treasures.

With a sound of "Boom...", the calm lake exploded like a bomb was dropped, followed by a huge wave.

"Damn! This old man is so cruel." Lu Chen in the water cursed inwardly.

As soon as he came out of the Golden Bead World, he was attacked. Fortunately, Lu Chen dodged in time, otherwise he was hit by the opponent again.

He was already on fire in his heart, and his self-confidence burst after his strength improved.

Immediately flew and shot out of the water……………………

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