Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 442 Husband And Wife Worship Each Other

Yidu Prefecture, Banyue City.

After Zhong Tao persuaded the heavenly beauty Shangguan Aoxue, the two even made a private decision for life.

After dawn, I didn't get up even after three poles in the sun.

Gu Feng was in the yard early on, tinkering with the items that needed to be prepared for setting up a stall today, but he didn't get out of the stall for a long time.

From time to time, he turned to Zhong Tao's door, his neck was almost twisted, but Zhong Tao didn't see Fatty open the door, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Gu Feng, why don't you take a day off today?"

Tong Wei came to the yard, looked at the sun in the sky, saw that Gu Feng hadn't gone out for a long time, and smiled at the right time.

When Gu Feng heard the words and was about to explain.

"Squeak..." There was a sound of opening the door.

Then came a young cultivator who was tall, with a big belly, a fat head and big ears, with a smug smile on his face and barely visible eyes.

He walked out of the house with a face full of spring, and when he saw Gu Feng's figure, he smiled heartily and said:

"Hahaha... Gu Feng, Tong Wei, you are early! Don't go out to set up a stall today,

I have great news to tell you, three days later, I will get married... Hahaha..."

"What? Are you going to get married? Really? Who are you going to marry?"

When Gu Feng and Tong Wei heard the words, they showed expressions of disbelief, and asked in surprise.

When Zhong Tao saw the exaggerated expressions of the two, he immediately became angry, but he was as sweet as honey in his heart, and soon continued to say happily:

"You two are sincere! I said I want to get married, of course it is true.

Now, let me solemnly introduce my wife to you, Aoxue, come out quickly! These two are family members, so there is no need to see outsiders. "

After finishing speaking, Zhong Tao went to the door and made a welcoming gesture. I almost said "clang, clang, clang..."

At this time, there was a tall, graceful figure, dressed in plain robes, but couldn't stop her concave and convex, exquisite and translucent figure,

Exquisite facial features, beautiful, with tactful eyes and a smile on the corner of the mouth, the beauty cultivator, who is simply too beautiful, came out of the room slowly,

At that stop, she was even more like a Nine Heavens mysterious girl, exuding a refined aura all over her body.

The person who came was Shangguan Aoxue.

When Gu Feng and Tong Wei saw Shangguan Aoxue's appearance, they were stunned by coincidence.

Gu Feng thought to himself: "Damn it! Such a beautiful woman in the world, why did she fall in love with Zhong Fatty?

It's really unreasonable. "

Tong Wei felt a little ashamed of herself and dared not look at her anymore.

At this time, I happened to catch a glimpse of Gu Feng staring at the beautiful woman, and I was suddenly annoyed.

Secretly squeezed Gu Feng's waist fiercely, the pain made Gu Feng grin his teeth.

Zhong Tao crossed his hands in front of him with a proud expression on his face.

"Gufeng Tongwei, hello. My name is Shangguan Aoxue. It's a pleasure to meet you. I will marry Zhong Tao in three days, and I hope to receive your blessings."

Shangguan Aoxue walked forward slowly, bowed his head and smiled, his voice was sweet and amiable.

She didn't put on airs because her Cultivation Base was higher than the two of them.

When Gu Feng and Tong Wei heard the words, and felt the sincerity in Shangguan Aoxue's tone, they immediately had a good impression of Shangguan Aoxue.

Zhong Tao also came out to smooth things over at the right time, and the three of them quickly became acquainted.

Shangguan Aoxue knew that Tong Wei was seriously injured, so she took the initiative to start a routine with Tong Wei.

Tong Wei lost her Cultivation Base due to a serious injury, and needs three meals a day like ordinary people.

When Tong Wei left and walked to the kitchen, Shangguan Aoxue took the initiative to follow.

Seeing this, Gu Feng was even more moved. He glanced at Zhong Tao and sighed:

"Oh...what a pity! What a pity..."

"What a pity?" Zhong Tao asked suspiciously.

Gu Feng gave Zhong Tao a blank look, and sighed angrily again:

"I remember Lu Chen once said that a good cabbage is made of pigs,

I didn't understand what it meant before, but today I finally understand. "

After speaking, he left the small courtyard.

After Zhong Tao heard the words, he didn't react at first, and kept recalling the meaning of Lu Chen's words. When he realized, he immediately roared angrily:

"Damn Gu Feng, just wait for me."

However, Gu Feng had already fled away and disappeared without a trace.

Zhong Tao's wedding is a big event for this small courtyard. Gu Feng has been busy these few days, discussing this matter.

The dilapidated small courtyard was simply tidied up, and Gu Feng specially prepared two sets of bright red wedding dresses for the two of them.

Logically speaking, everyone is a cultivator, and there is no need to fix these bells and whistles.

But Zhong Tao insisted on doing so, the reason being to give Shangguan Aoxue a complete explanation.

All of this, Shangguan Aoxue is naturally watching

In his eyes and in his heart, he accepted Zhong Tao more and more.

On the third day, the dilapidated small courtyard was decorated with lights and festoons like the secular world, showing a festive atmosphere.

When Shangguan Aoxue changed into the bright red wedding dress, and put on simple rouge and gouache, she looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and she couldn't help but shed silent tears in her eyes. Biqu library

"Hehehe... Sister Shangguan! The auspicious time has come..."

At this time, Tong Wei came in and called out happily.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Aoxue quickly lowered her head, wiped away her tears without leaving any traces, and then walked out the door.

Because there were only four of them in the courtyard, and the parents of the two newcomers were not around.

So they plan to take the sky as their father and the earth as their mother, and then the husband and wife will worship each other, which is regarded as a ritual.

In the yard, Gu Feng stood aside and acted as the master of ceremonies.

Tong Wei took Shangguan Aoxue and walked slowly to the center of the courtyard, acting as a bridesmaid.

Zhong Tao, who had been waiting for a long time, was even more fascinated by Shangguan Aoxue's beauty after seeing Shangguan Aoxue dressed up.

For a while, he actually showed the face of Brother Zhu, with a little saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, just staring blankly at Shangguan Aoxue, which made everyone very embarrassed.

When Gu Feng saw this, he was so angry in his heart that he really wanted to kick him twice, so he hurriedly scolded him in a low voice:

"Damn Fatty, can you fucking make something? This person is yours, why are you still like this?"

"Uh...hehehe...sorry! sorry...let's move on."

Zhong Tao came to his senses after hearing this, and quickly wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

Seeing this, Shangguan Aoxue didn't think she had any other thoughts, so the wedding ceremony continued.

"Bow to heaven and earth..." Gu Feng shouted loudly.

Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue kowtowed slowly facing the sky.

"Second worship to the high hall..." Gu Feng shouted again.

The two newcomers kowtowed slowly to the ground again after hearing the words, full of ritual feeling.

"Husband and wife bow to each other..." Gu Feng shouted again.

Seeing Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue slowly turn around to face each other, Tong Wei couldn't help tears in her eyes and a longing look on her face. Maybe this is the happiest moment for a woman!

However, just when Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue were bowing to each other, they were about to complete the couple's worship.

"Damn it! Stop it!" An angry shout suddenly sounded.

It was very timely to interrupt the worship of the two of them………………………………

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