Lu Chen passed through a sea of ​​bamboo, and there was a tall mountain gate in front of him, with the three characters of Shennongmen written on the mountain gate, Lu Chen was overjoyed, it seemed that he had found the right place.

"Stop! Where's the prickly boy, what are you doing sneaking around there?" A scolding voice came, and the person who spoke was an eighth-level disciple of the Qi refining period, who looked about forty years old.

Lu Chen's hair has been growing for half a month, and it looks like a hair inch. Compared with the long flowing hair of other cultivators, it really looks different.

"Brother, you're being polite! That's how it is. I just picked up a storage bag here, and there are ten middle-grade Spirit Stones in it. I'm here to hand it over to my brother." Lu Chen cupped his hands to show his respect, and then took out Pre-prepared storage bags.

When the disciple guarding the mountain gate heard the ten Spirit Stones, his eyes lit up obviously. He knew that Lu Chen was lying with his eyes open, and he must have asked for something from himself.

So he pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh! Isn't this my storage bag? I was looking for it just now, and I was picked up by you, brother. Thank you very much. There are really not many cultivators like you in this world. ,"

"He's not wanting face better than me!" Lu Chen secretly scorned in his heart, but smiled and handed the storage bag to the other party, saying: "Where is it! It's a good thing to return it to its original owner, please Brother, look at the number, is it right?"

"Haha... What did you say, little brother? I still don't believe in your character?" That senior brother said so, Divine Sense still poked into the storage bag, and saw that there were indeed ten middle-grade Spirit Stones After that, the smile became more cordial.

You must know that ordinary disciples only get a few low-grade Spirit Stones a month, and these ten Spirit Stones can be worth what he earns by guarding the mountain gate for a year or two, but with his age and this Cultivation Base, it is estimated that he can only watch the gate in this life.

"Little brother! Tell me! Why are you here at Shennongmen?" The senior put away the storage bag and smiled at Lu Chen.

"It's like this. My elders asked me to come to Shennongmen to look for Daoist Qingxu, and I have to teach him some things myself." Lu Chen said as he took out the jade tablet with Qing written on it, ready to hand it to the other party for inspection.

"Wh... what? Qing... Qingxu Daoist?" The senior brother asked in horror, as if he was very afraid of hearing this title.

"Yes! It's called Qingxu

The real person, it should be an Elder from your Shennongmen, and I would like to invite you to introduce it for me. Lu Chen waved the jade plaque engraved with clear words in front of the other party's eyes, saying that he had evidence to prove that he was not lying.

The senior brother became panicked when he saw the jade card clearly, and quickly apologized: "Brother! Oh no, senior brother! I'm sorry, I to have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai, please forgive me, I will return this storage bag you."

This is the identity badge of the headmaster. He guessed that Lu Chen's elders must be of extraordinary background, so he sent Lu Chen to deliver things to the headmaster. I guess he won't be able to get along.

"Brother, what did you say? This is your storage bag. I just returned it to its original owner." Seeing the other party's change of attitude, Lu Chen should be because this Qingxu real person has a relatively high status, so he dare not take it away. own meeting ceremony.

But Lu Chen is a newcomer and knows the importance of communication. People like this kind of little people are definitely not liked by others. It doesn't hurt to spend a little money to build a good relationship with the other party.

Seeing that Lu Chen's eyes were firm, the senior brother made something you understand, so he had no choice but to give up his gratitude and said, "Then I thank you senior brother, my name is Yang Liu! Come with me, and I'll take you to the palm of your hand right away." Door."

After speaking, Yang Liu took out a larger flying boat and greeted Lu Chen warmly, looking a little proud. He thought that Lu Chen must have never been on a flying boat.

"My dear! Daoist Qingxu is actually the head of the sect!" This time it was Lu Chen's turn to be shocked. He thought that Hongfu was helping an Elder at most, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually the head of Shennongmen. But the headquarters of Shennongmen, being the head here is a very remarkable thing.

The head of the branch can be considered a regional manager! Daoist Qingxu is the proper CEO, and he is also in charge of the entire operation of Shennongmen.

The flying boat passed through the clouds and mist very quickly, and it suddenly opened up in front of the eyes, and there were a lot of mountains, and there were ancient buildings on each mountain. Where to grow Spiritual herbs.

The flying boat landed slowly in front of a palace, with three ancient characters "Taiqing Palace" written on the palace.

It didn't take long for Yangliu to emerge from Taiqing

He came out of the hall and led Lu Chen into the hall. The decoration inside the hall was simple and elegant, and a faint medicinal fragrance permeated the air.

"Disciple Lu Chen pays homage to Master!" Lu Chen bent down and said respectfully, but his eyes were slanted, looking at the real person who was facing away from him, and quickly lowered his head when he saw that the other party was about to turn around.

Master Qingxu turned around, still holding the jade tablet engraved with Qing characters in his hand, and said: "It is said that your elders have something that you have asked you to hand over to me?"

"Yes!" Lu Chen took out the Jade Slip from the storage bag, raised his head and handed it to Master Qingxu, but he was stunned the first time he saw Master Qingxu.

In his imagination, Daoist Qingxu should be an older man, or a mature and stable middle-aged man, no matter how bad he is, he has to look like a fairy.

But the first impression of Lu Chen in front of me was that she was a "fake girl". I saw that he was tall, fair-skinned, and his face was carved like a sculpture. .

"Huh!" Daoist Qingxu got a little angry, grabbed the jade finger in the air, and the Jade Slip flew into her hand, and Divine Sense was injected into it.

Lu Chen who came back to his senses quickly put aside his random thoughts, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Sorry! I'm sorry!"

Seeing that Daoist Qingxu frowned slightly, his face gradually darkened, and he didn't know what Hongfu wrote to her, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, after reading the content, Master Qingxu didn't say a word, raised his hand and shot out a Spirit Power, knocking Lu Chen into the air, frightening Yang Liu to kneel on the ground and dare not make a sound.

"Ah... Fuck! You are so sick!" Lu Chen got up and cursed subconsciously, and regretted it as soon as he finished cursing.

"Ah..." Several more Spirit Power hit Lu Chen's body, and he trembled in pain. The opponent seemed to be well controlled, and Lu Chen was not injured except for the pain in the flesh.

But Lu Chen felt annoyed in his heart, didn't he just stare blankly for a moment, who told you to look like a shemale, I came here to ask you to avenge you, not to ask you to take revenge, at worst, why not leave by yourself. Biqu library

"Qingxu, you bastard, you bastard, Hong Fu helped you, you don't want to be grateful, and you actually repay your kindness with revenge. If you have the ability, let me go. Daddy won't learn from you." The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more angry he jumped up and pointed Pointing at Daoist Qingxu's nose, he cursed loudly.

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