Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 466 Medicine Pill In A Pot

After Qi Yutang finished speaking, he also had an apologetic face, because he had made a lot of shots before.

After Lu Chen listened, Divine Sense enveloped the Gold Devouring Toad and the Heavenly Knife Mantis, and the next second, the two guys disappeared in front of everyone.

Because of the relationship between Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang, and they also both made moves, Lu Chen naturally couldn't say anything more.

This is like your pet dog being beaten by your good friend without knowing it, and it makes sense that you are embarrassed to get angry.

Although Qi Yutang didn't say what their mission was, it's not difficult for Lu Chen to guess that they should also come for the fairy crystal, but they don't know if they can recognize it as the fairy crystal.

"No wonder I only picked up one fairy crystal. I just don't know how much these people got. It's a pity that I came late."

Lu Chen sighed inwardly, then subconsciously glanced at the others.

Immediately, they were so frightened that they fell silent, not daring to look at him.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help smiling, because this is the embodiment of respecting strength.

At this time, a handsome young cultivator bit the bullet and respectfully said to Lu Chen cupped hands:

"senior! I am Han Yu, an Outer Sect disciple of Huangfeng Valley, and also Yang Yunfei's fellow disciple. Senior, if you have nothing else to do, I will leave first."

After Lu Chen heard the words, he showed a harmless smile and said loudly:

"Hehehe... I dare not be a senior or not a senior, after all, I am about the same age as you,

If you don't dislike it, you can just call me by my name, that's right! My name is Lu Chen.

In fact, before this, it was only two or three years ago. I was still a young disciple in the Foundation Establishment period.

Not even as good as you guys, but now I am the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the Gold Core period, that's because..."

Having said that, Lu Chen paused for a moment, made a fool of himself, and looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Han Yu didn't know which part Lu Chen sang, and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

When everyone saw this senior named Lu Chen, they suddenly became more cheerful, and explained his Cultivation Base Realm,

Although I was shocked that the other party was able to achieve such a great achievement in such a short period of time, I was more confused and confused.

I don't know why Lu Chen said that, because in most people's minds, these seem to have nothing to do with them. Biqu library

Even Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

Seeing that the effect he wanted was not achieved, Lu Chen continued to laugh:

"That's because I accidentally worshiped under the disciple of the god of alchemy, Kong Qiu, and learned the method of pill refining, like

What Rongsheng Pill, Jinyuan Pill, Bu Shen Pill, etc. are all inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

So it's not worth mentioning that Cultivation Base breakthrough is so fast. "

At this time, Lu Chen saw that everyone's expressions finally changed, but he didn't know if it wasn't because Lu Chen's Cultivation Base was much higher than theirs.

These people had already beat Lu Chen to death with sticks, because they had never seen anyone like this, who was so good that he got cheap.

Even Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang's faces were dark and embarrassing after hearing the words.

But what Lu Chen did next and what he said made everyone's eyes shine.

I saw Lu Chen took out a table from the world of gold beads, raised his hand, and five jade basins the size of washbasins appeared in front of everyone.

What's more terrible is that each jade basin is full of various medicine pills, and each medicine pill is of high quality, at least top-grade medicine pills, and occasionally there are some top-grade medicine pills with a halo.

Just piled up in the jade basin like this, it is very eye-catching, and suddenly a strong medicinal fragrance pervades.

"Rongsheng Pill"

Seeing this, one of the cultivators fused with the early stage screamed with wide-eyed eyes.

As we all know, Rongsheng Pill is equivalent to an enhanced version of the catalyst. If you take a Rongsheng Pill with the early stage cultivator, you can almost 100% improve two small levels.

In other words, if that cultivator takes Rongsheng Dan immediately, he can directly breakthrough to the fusion late stage.

Don't underestimate these two small levels. Some cultivators can't surpass them in their entire lives, and stop at the early stage of fusion.

Moreover, the price of Rongsheng Pill is so expensive that ordinary disciples can't afford it at all.

Therefore, if his companion hadn't grabbed the cultivator in time, he would have almost rushed to snatch it directly.

There are many such examples, which immediately caused an uproar among the more than a dozen cultivators present, and then looked at Lu Chen excitedly.

Because everyone is not stupid, at this time Lu Chen took out so many attractive Medicine Pills,

And it happened to be what they urgently needed, so this senior must have something in mind.

So everyone looked at Lu Chen, ready to see what he had to say.

"Hehehe... Everyone, please listen to me. For me, it is fate to be together with gratitude. It just so happens that these Medicine Pills are of no use to me.

So... so I want to give these Medicine Pills to everyone for free, which can be regarded as a good relationship, and everyone can make friends. "

Lu Chen said with a surprising smile.

"What? Give it to us? True or false?"

Hearing this, a disciple of Yinshenzong exclaimed in surprise, with an incredulous expression on his face.

You must know that every moment of the Medicine Pill here is worth a lot. No one can believe that Lu Chen would say that it is free

their words.

"Lu Chen, you..." Yang Yunfei screamed when he heard the words, and wanted to stop him, but Lu Chen's Divine Sense sound transmission came from his ear,

Only then did Yang Yunfei show a strange expression, and stopped Qi Yutang in time.

At this time, Lu Chen followed up with a righteous smile and said:

"Hehehe...Everyone! Biren is the disciple of Kongqiu, the god of alchemy. The Master often teaches us that the greatest value of Medicine Pill does not lie in its efficacy,

Rather, it is to allow more cultivators in need to take the corresponding Medicine Pill,

And strictly require us to make friends, we must treat each other with sincerity, not double-handed.

So I see that everyone's Cultivation Base is in the fusion period, so I took out these Medicine Pills and sincerely donated them, hoping to help everyone,

At the same time, I sincerely hope that I can become good friends with you outstanding people. "

Lu Chen's words can be described as sincere and sincere, and everyone was deeply moved after hearing them.

Some were even more ashamed, because just now they suspected that Lu Chen would take advantage of their high Cultivation Base to rob them of their resources.

Who would have thought that not only did they not bully others, but they also took the initiative to take out so many medicine pills to make friends with everyone, which undoubtedly reflected the demeanor of the disciples of the alchemy god Kong Qiu.

Almost no one doubts that Lu Chen is a disciple of the God of Alchemy, Kong Qiu, because most people can't come up with so many high-quality medicine pills.

What's more, if you can get acquainted with them through this opportunity, it will also be a rare opportunity for these ordinary disciples.

Just as Yang Yunfei was about to step forward, Lu Chen Divine Sense told him what to do next.

A tall, square-faced cultivator who looked older, about 38 or 30, came to Lu Chen's table and said with a smile:

"Okay! Brother Lu Chen! I've made a deal with you as a friend. I'm Gongsun Bin. I'm an Outer Sect disciple of Yinshenzong.

At present, it has been more than ten years since I have been stuck in the integration period of Dzogchen. I don’t know how many gold yuan pills I can get at most? "

"Brother Gongsun, you are welcome. I think ten coins should be enough for Brother Gongsun to break through to the Gold Core stage.

Moreover, Brother Gongsun can also choose other Medicine Pills. As for how much to take, it depends on how much Brother Gongsun needs. I don’t have any restrictions here.

After all, I also sincerely want to make friends with you. "

Lu Chen said sincerely again.

Gongsun Bin was embarrassed when he heard that he could get so many Medicine Pills, but he couldn't hide his joy and said:

"Brother Lu Chen! Since you treat me sincerely, I'm too embarrassed to take your Medicine Pill for nothing. I don't have anything else.

There are a few spars here, just treat them as a meeting gift for you brother, please accept them with a smile. "


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