Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 65 Small Tower "Sky"

"Squeak..." A mouse stopped and looked around, saw that there was no danger, then crawled over to Wang Yuantu's body, sniffed it and seemed to hear some strange noise, and it ran away in fright. Biqu library

"Uh... my head hurts so much, I seem to have thought of something." Lu Chen sat up abruptly, and the iron cuffs that bound his hands broke free with a crisp sound.

Seeing that he had gained strength, Lu Chen hurriedly checked his own body, his true essence was recovered, and "Chaos Daoshengjue" could also operate normally, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Divine Sense extends out, and the surrounding scene is clear. I am in a closed stone house. The strange thing is that own Divine Sense can only check the situation within ten meters.

Lu Chen thought that there might be a formation that isolated Divine Sense nearby, when he saw Wang Yuantu's body lying beside him.

"Didn't I be taken away by Wang Yuantu? Why do you feel that nothing is wrong?" Lu Chen murmured, regardless of whether he went out first.

Lu Chen also broke free from the handcuffs, feeling as if there was an extra part of memory in his brain.

Lu Chen deliberately thought about the extra part of the memory, and the memory flashed through his mind quickly like a movie. After watching the entire memory, Lu Chen felt speechless for a while.

Memory is like a distorted disc, many contents cannot be read, some are like mosaic, some are blurred, the information obtained is limited, the clearest is the more detailed contents of recent decades.

Thirty years ago, Wang Yuantu accidentally discovered an ancient relic, and found a tower-shaped Magic Treasures in it, which was still intact after tens of thousands of years.

In the process of sacrificial training, a primordial spirit suddenly entered Wang Yuantu's sea of ​​consciousness and wanted to take him away, and that primordial spirit was Wutian Patriarch.

At that time, Wang Yuantu was the Cultivation Base fused with the middle stage, and his soul was slightly stronger than that of Wutian Patriarch's Primordial Spirit.

After all, it is very rare for the primordial spirit not to dissipate after tens of thousands of years, which also reflects the extraordinaryness of the tower-shaped Magic Treasures from the side.

Therefore, neither Wang Yuantu's soul nor Wutian's ancestor's primordial spirit can do anything to the other. From then on, Wang Yuantu has a split personality and often does some weird things.

A month ago, Wang Yuantu discovered that the primordial spirit of the Wutian ancestor in his body seemed to be much stronger, and he began to act stupidly again.

Desperate to take him away,

So Wang Yuantu bought poison and wanted to commit suicide, but he didn't want to be taken away. This made Wutian Patriarch angry.

But Wang Yuantu wanted to die, and he tried his best to obstruct it. From the outside world, Wang Yuantu seemed to have gone wrong in his cultivation, but in fact his soul was fighting against the primordial spirit of Wutian Patriarch.

The Shunqi Pill of Yishan Miracle Doctor actually helped Wang Yuantu to spread the toxin. If there is no Lu Chen, death may be what Wang Yuantu wants most.

However, Lu Chen's Snow Lotus Pill detoxified the poison at a critical moment, so Patriarch Wutian didn't need to expend the power of Yuanshen to control the toxin, and naturally killed Wang Yuantu's soul immediately and controlled his body.

When Lu Chen was checking Wang Yuantu's condition, Patriarch Wutian discovered that Lu Chen's internal energy was unusual, and his tendons and veins Dantian were also different from ordinary people, so he planned to use secret methods to retake Lu Chen's body.

But who once thought that there would be a dragon soul in Lu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and his primordial spirit eventually became a stepping stone for Lu Chen's soul power to improve.

I really tried my best to harm others and myself, and the fate will be in vain.

There are also some memory fragments about the Heavenly Dao Sect, Lu Chen secretly wrote down and explored again when he had the opportunity.

"Tower-shaped Magic Treasures? Could it be an ancient mysterious treasure?" Lu Chen murmured, if this is the case, then it is developed.

Lu Chen got up and Divine Sense controlled Wang Yuantu's storage bag to fly into his hand. After checking, Divine Sense found that there were quite a lot of resources inside. many resources. Biqu library

There are as many as 500,000 Spirit Stones in Guangzhongpin, as well as a lot of various Spiritual herbs, and some refining materials. Of course, the most important thing is the small tower.

Lu Chen held the small tower in his hand to check, but he couldn't see the material. He saw that the small tower was about the size of a carrot, with distinct bumps, edges and corners.

The top of the pagoda is like a cover, the pagoda is like a bottle, and the whole body is dark. There is a small black bell hanging from each corner, which is simple and atmospheric. The base is hollowed out and engraved with the word "sky".

"Haha...Sky Tower! Such an imposing name, you will mess with me from now on." Lu Chen operated the "Chaos Daoshengjue" to refine it.

However, to Lu Chen's disappointment, the Sky Tower has not been refined

According to the sign, Divine Sense is going to check the internal situation, but it is also impossible for Niu Ruohai to check.

"It seems that the own Cultivation Base is too low, so it cannot be refined." Lu Chen sighed in his heart, and prepared to study it after his Cultivation Base improved.

After sending everything into the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen threw a fireball to turn Wang Yuantu's body into ashes to express his gratitude.

Walking out of the stone house, I found two people lying on the ground. According to Wutian's ancestor's memory, these two people are Wang Yuanjiang and Yishan's genius doctor.

At this moment, the two of them had already received their lunch boxes, and Lu Chen, who was in a good mood, also threw a fireball at random, reducing them to ashes. Of course, their storage bag, Lu Chen, did not let go.

Walking along the passage, there is a small palace in front of it. The palace is not very big, and it looks like three ins and three outs. After a quick check, Lu Chen found no treasures. go.

Xiaozhu Peak in Xuantian Sect, Anlin Prefecture, Zhong Tao dragged his fat body and ran, with a cloud of dust rising behind him.

"Zhong Fatty, it's time for you to lose weight," Gu Feng joked.

"Let's not talk about weight loss, have you read the information released by Sect?" Zhong Tao's eyes were full of excitement.

"What information?" Both Gu Feng and Tong Wei looked at him suspiciously. Recently, the two of them have been very bored and basically stay at home.

"Endless Forest Trial, disciples under the Foundation Establishment period can sign up to participate. Hunt a certain number of Demonic Beasts inner pills to exchange for Foundation Establishment pills. Our chance has come! Haha..." Zhong Tao laughed excitedly,

At this moment, the three of them are all Cultivation Bases of the Great Consummation Qi Refining Period. Gu Feng and Tong Wei have each saved a Foundation Establishment Pill, and plan to receive another one next year to try to hit the Foundation Establishment period.

And Zhong Tao was very annoyed when he failed in the Foundation Establishment stage last time and wasted a Foundation Establishment pill, so he was very excited when he saw the news of the Endless Forest Trial.

"Endless forest? It's too dangerous. I advise you not to go there. It's safer to wait another year for Sect to issue the next Foundation Establishment pill." Gu Feng said solemnly.

"Wait for Sect! You know that if you wait for Sect, the day lily will be cold. If you don't cultivate your comprehension, how can you be immortal? With your mentality, you will never be able to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in your life." Zhong Tao hated iron for lack of steel.

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