Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 78 The Identity Of The Old Man

"Thank you, no need, I plan to take these two rough stones back to make two stone benches." Lu Chen laughed,

Because Lu Chen can't know what's inside the rough stone in advance, he can only feel the approximate fluctuation of Spirit Power, so he chose three rough stones.

Now that Zhao Chengzhi's matter has been resolved, he plans to go back and solve it secretly. He still understands the principle of keeping money from leaking out.

"Don't! Let's see if the remaining two rough stones can be used for resources!" The cultivators who were watching saw that Lu Chen didn't intend to continue to analyze the stones, and they booed one after another.

"Yes! Since the sky is so smart, you can untie it and let us open our eyes." A cultivator persuaded loudly,

"That's right! Let's take a look!" Out of curiosity, everyone began to persuade Lu Chen.

"Hehe... I still have something to do so I won't bother you to choose the rough stones." Lu Chen cupped hands to apologize to the surrounding cultivators, and did not affect his own decision because of others' booing, and prepared to put the two rough stones into the storage bag.

Just as he was lowering his head, several streaks of real energy suddenly struck, and they reached his feet in the blink of an eye, so frightened that Lu Chen quickly dodged to dodge, thinking that someone was sneaking up on him.

After a flash of inspiration, the remaining two rough stones the size of wax gourds were cut vertically and horizontally into eight small pieces, without a trace of Spiritual Qi showing.

After Lu Chen stabilized his figure, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhenguanxi.

"Hmph... boy! Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. You are just lucky. I always like to help others. Today I will help you with stones for free, so you don't need to say thank you." Hahaha..." Zhen Guanxi laughed arrogantly and left.

He saw that the remaining two rough stones were cut into several small pieces by the real yuan he shot out, and there was no trace of Spiritual Qi leaking out, so he knew that these two rough stones were just waste.

"Look! It's broken... It really is still broken. Let me just say, this looks like a waste rough stone, how can it be possible to open up good things one after another." A cultivator in the crowd said disdainfully.

"Don't say that. Didn't they also develop purple pith steel just now? Not only did they help their companions pay off the usury, but they also made a huge profit of 500,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones." A cultivator retorted.


It's just luck, what's the big deal. "The cultivator wanted to argue at first, but the facts were in front of him, and he felt like he couldn't eat grapes and said the grapes were sour.

Seeing that there was no excitement to watch, everyone started to leave the venue.

Lu Chen came to the position just now with a slight frown, squatted down, secretly carried the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, picked up a small piece of rough stone, and saw that there was no fluctuation of Spirit Power, he was suddenly puzzled.

"What's the matter? It was clear that the Spirit Power of these two rough stones fluctuated the most when selecting them, so why didn't the Spirit Power fluctuate after they were cut?" Lu Chen wondered inwardly.

Then he picked up the remaining small pieces of rough stone one by one, and suddenly understood in his heart.

There are two small pieces of rough stones, as before, possessing strong Spirit Power fluctuations, although they were cut by several real yuan from Guanxi,

But it happened that the position was not cut right, so that there was no leakage of Spiritual Qi, making everyone mistakenly think that it was two pieces of waste.

"Lu Chen! You don't have to be sad, after all, you didn't lose money, and you also helped Zhao Chengzhi pay off the debt." Yang Yunfei comforted Lu Chen when he saw that Lu Chen's face was a little ugly.

"That's right, Lu Chen! I didn't know how many times I collapsed just now, at least you still have some money to make, so you really don't need to mind." Zhao Chengzhi also thought that Lu Chen was sad because the last two rough stones were waste.

"Hehe... You still have the nerve to say that you looked crazy at the time, and you couldn't hold it back." Qi Yutang laughed, saying that Zhao Chengzhi felt ashamed, but he couldn't refute.

"Hehe...don't worry! I'm fine!" Lu Chen changed his slumped expression and smiled, Divine Sense swept all the stones into the Golden Bead World, ready to look for opportunities to study again.

Seeing that Lu Chen's expression didn't look fake, Yang Yunfei and the others felt relieved.

"Hehe... Since my friend is fine, I will leave this old man. I will give this to you. In the future, if my little friend comes to Taibai City in the Central Plains and encounters difficulties, you can take this to the old man. I can do my best." Meager strength." The old man said with a smile, and handed Lu Chen a palm-sized jade tablet.

"Thank you senior, I don't know what to call a senior?" Lu Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words, without being shy, he took the jade card and thanked him.

"Hehe... old man Xuanyuan Zhen." After speaking, the old man flashed and disappeared in place.

"Xuanyuan Zhen! Damn! He's actually Xuanyuan Zhen, the God of Artifacts," Zhao Chengzhi muttered first. He seemed to have heard the name somewhere before, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Sudden! He said excitedly as if he had suddenly realized that he even used Lu Chen's usual spoken language.

"Why are you so surprised? It's just a name." Qi Yutang wondered because he didn't understand.

"Haha... You don't usually read books, you don't know that Xuanyuan Zhen is a well-known craftsman in Beichen Prefecture,

Artifact refiners are divided into: Spirit Artifact Master, Artifact Great Master, Artifact Grand Great Master, and each level is divided into nine ranks.

And Xuanyuan Zhen is the Grand Great Master of Artifact Refining, with extraordinary art of refining Artifacts, known as Artifact God! You said he is not very powerful. "Zhao Chengzhi talked about knowledge, and he returned to his previous state of flirting.

Hearing this, Lu Chen was also shocked by the identity of the old man. At the same time, he was also glad that he was able to make friends with the old man. Maybe in the future he would have to rely on the old man's help to learn how to refine weapons.

"So awesome?" Qi Yutang said in shock.

"It seems to be quite awesome! No wonder he is willing to pay a high price for Spirit Stones to buy purple pith steel." Yang Yunfei laughed.

"Hehe...why do you guys like to learn how to speak like me?" Lu Chen put away the jade plaque, a black line appeared on his forehead, and after staying with them for a long time, these guys unexpectedly used some modern terms unconsciously.

"Haha... I think your words are interesting. If you are surprised, you can use "Fuck", and if you praise, you can use "Awesome". The words are simple and can express your own emotions." Qi Yutang laughed.

"Okay! You guys are awesome! It's alright!" Lu Chen said speechlessly.

"How can we be as awesome as you! You can sell so many Spirit Stones by just choosing a rough stone, why don't you choose one for each of us? Let us follow you to make a small fortune." Qi Yutang's eyes lit up, and he suggested.

" think highly of me. I don't have that much talent. It's luck to be able to choose a piece. You are not afraid that I will lose all your money?" Lu Chen joked.

"Don't embarrass Lu Chen anymore. I don't dare to gamble anymore. I advise you not to get involved in gambling." Zhao Chengzhi said with lingering fear.

"Lu Chen! Why are you here?" At this moment, an exclamation sounded.

Lu Chen and others followed the prestige.

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