Lu Chen jumped over the cliff and landed steadily in front of the palace, and began to look at the palace. The palace has a simple and magnificent shape, and the five-story tower-shaped wooden building is similar to the palace buildings in online games.

Lu Chen tried to push open the heavy arch, and a sense of vicissitudes and simplicity came out. An empty Great Hall appeared in front of him. The composition of the Great Hall was somewhat similar to that of Tai Xuan Hall in Xuantian Sect. There was a picture scroll in front of it. Below is a futon with six Taishi chairs on each side.

When Lu Chen entered the Great Hall, the scene around him suddenly changed, so frightened that Lu Chen hurriedly turned his head and planned to retreat, but there was no door behind him.

I saw myself appearing on a circular arena, which was about half the size of a football field. On the opposite side of the arena was a figure with its back facing me. The arena was surrounded by a huge square.

Lu Chen looked at the figure vigilantly, not daring to act rashly. At this moment, the figure turned around slowly, with a kind smile on his face.

When Lu Chen saw his face clearly, he was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately shouted: "Father! Why are you here?"

"Chen'er! Why are you here?" Lu Tianhao also looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

"I'm here to participate in the endless forest trial," Lu Chen replied.

"Hehe... You have been away from home for three years, my father and your mother miss you very much, I didn't expect to meet you here, my father is so happy.

Come! Let Weifu take a look at you, you are a little thin, but you are also strong. " Lu Tianhao smiled gratifiedly, and then walked quickly towards Lu Chen.

"Haha...I am also very happy to see my father, stop here." Lu Chen suddenly scolded, looking coldly at his father Lu Tianhao opposite.

"Uh... Chen'er! What's wrong with you? Don't you even know your father?" Lu Tianhao was stunned by the scolding, and asked suspiciously.

"Hehe... Although I don't know who you are, my father is a mortal, and it is impossible for him to appear in Cultivation World." Lu Chen looked at the other party indifferently, and said lightly.

When Lu Chen met Lu Tianhao for the first time, his heart was really touched. He had traveled far away for three years and hadn't returned. After all, blood was thicker than water in his bones. The longing for his father welled up in his heart, and he let down his vigilance for a moment.

"Hmph! You

Rebel! I think you are so confused that you can't even recognize your father. Today, as a father, I will teach you a good lesson. " Lu Tianhao said angrily, and quickened his pace towards Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen backed away quickly, keeping a certain distance from Lu Tianhao, his true energy was banned and he couldn't use Divine Sense to check the other party's details.

Although he knew that the other party could not be his own father, Lu Chen was still a little bit hesitant to do so.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with Lu Chen, Lu Tianhao had a ghostly smile on his face, and disappeared from the ring in the next second, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Lu Chen.

"Hehe... finally couldn't help but make a move?" Lu Chen smiled. The Spirit Power fluctuations generated by Lu Tianhao's Movement Technique made Lu Chen finally understand the opponent's strength. The opponent is just the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage.

I saw Lu Tianhao dodge and appear behind Lu Chen, with a Magical Item dagger in his hand. Under the infusion of true essence, the dagger glowed with blue brilliance, and stabbed fiercely at Lu Chen.

Now that the opponent's identity had been determined, Lu Chen did not hesitate to strike. He directly held the stabbing dagger with his left hand, and directly punched the opponent's face with his right fist.

The strength of the Body Refining Spiritual Realm is comparable to the Dzogchen of the Foundation Establishment period. This fist hit the opponent's face with strong vigor.

Lu Tianhao who was hit was instantly blown up and turned into nothingness.

This all happens within a few breaths, so fast.

"Is this also the effect of formation? Fortunately, I have reached the spiritual realm through body training, otherwise I'm afraid I'd be cold if I lost my true energy." Lu Chen let go of his fist and murmured.

At this time, two Daoist figures appeared on the ring, namely Gu Feng and Zhong Tao.

After experiencing Lu Tianhao's experience, Lu Chen knew that this should also be an opponent created by the formation based on his own heart.

Lu Chen guessed that he was undergoing some kind of test, so Lu Chen chose to take the initiative.

The strength that Gu Feng and Zhong Tao displayed was Foundation Establishment middle stage, and after a lot of trouble, they successfully beat them into nothingness.

Then three figures appeared on the ring, namely: Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang, each of whom is the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage.

Lu Chen smiled, and rushed directly to the three of them. The arena was suddenly full of swords and swords, and three different colors of true essence came from different

Direction to attack Lu Chen.

With one against three, Lu Chen became more and more courageous as he fought. He became more familiar with the strength of the body-refining spiritual realm, and he became more comfortable with the fighting methods of the body-refining cultivator.

After the last opponent Zhao Chengzhi was beaten into nothingness, the surrounding scene changed again.

Lu Chen appeared in a dojo. There were more than a hundred young cultivators sitting in the dojo. An old man was sitting in the Lotus Position in front of the dojo.

The appearance of Lu Chen did not seem to attract everyone's attention.

What the old man said was about the basic theoretical knowledge of formation and the cognition of formation flags.

The way of formation, the world is boundless, the universe is ever-changing...

Formation masters are divided into: spiritual formation masters, divine formation masters, each level of formation masters is divided into nine levels from first rank to ninth rank.

The formations are generally divided into: Spiritual Formation and Divine Formation. Each formation is divided into first-level to ninth-level in terms of power.

Formation can be further divided into functions: defense formation, attack formation, auxiliary formation...

In terms of effects, there are: phantom array, killing array, monitoring array, teleportation array...

Lu Chen was confused and felt like learning geometry. He remembered that when he was in junior high school, there was a saying: "Geometry, geometry, corners and corners, teachers are difficult to teach, students are difficult to learn."

After the old man finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and more than a hundred disciples left quickly, leaving only Lu Chen and the old man at the scene.

At this time, the old man's eyes suddenly opened again, and he looked at Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen looked left and right, and after confirming that the old man was really looking at him, he secretly became on guard.

"Hehe...have you ever understood the way of formation?" the old man smiled, as if there was no hostility.

"Uh...slightly understand! Slightly understand! That is to say, the eight apertures have been cleared and the seven apertures have been cleared, and there is still one thing that is not understood." Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, feeling that the old man was not hostile, so he felt relieved and made a little joke.

The old man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he smiled and said, "Hehe...Little friend is a man of temperament."

"Hehe... senior! Where is this? How can I get out?" Lu Chen asked.

The old man stroked his beard lightly and smiled: "Don't panic, little friend, since meeting is fate, I will let you go after I finish talking..."

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