Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 99 The Pride Of Tianyuan Chamber Of Commerce

Zhao Chengzhi rescued Zhong Tao and Gu Feng from the spider web.

"Thank you senior for your rescue." Gu Feng and Zhong Tao bowed and said respectfully.

Those who can appear in this area must be the seniors of the Foundation Establishment period, and they also rescued the two of them, so they are very grateful and dare not neglect.

"'re welcome, besides, I wasn't the one who killed the bloodthirsty man-faced spider." Zhao Chengzhi laughed.

At this moment, Zhong Tao caught a glimpse of Wang Jingxuan standing in the distance, and was startled by Deva, but thought that the other party was a senior from the Foundation Establishment period, so he suppressed the restlessness in his heart and turned his gaze elsewhere.

Seeing this, Gu Feng turned Zhong Tao with his elbow without leaving any trace, and his eyes signaled him not to be stupid, otherwise he would not know how he died.

At this time, Yang Yunfei, Zhao Chengzhi, and Qi Yutang came over, and Zhong Tao rushed forward and bowed: "Haha...Thank you! The seniors rescued me, especially this senior. That Sword Ray is really incomparable. Awesome!"

Yang Yunfei and the others looked at Zhong Tao with weird eyes and could say the new word "beautiful". They all speculated that these two people should have something to do with Lu Chen.

"What's wrong, senior?" Zhong Tao saw the weird expressions of several seniors, and thought he had said something wrong, so he asked cautiously.

"Hehe... Let me ask you, do you know Lu Chen?" Yang Yunfei asked.

"Lu Chen? Does the senior have a friend named Lu Chen? We just happen to have a brother named Lu Chen, but he is a maintenance man during the Qi refining period, so he should be different from the person the senior mentioned." Zhong Tao said in a dazed manner.

"Hehe... I can't be mistaken! Are you Xuantian Sect's disciples?" Zhao Chengzhi asked.

" did the senior know that we are Xuantian Sect's disciples." Zhong Tao was even more confused when he heard this.

"Hehe...Because we also have a brother named Lu Chen, who should be the same person as the Lu Chen you mentioned." Zhao Chengzhi remembered that Lu Chen once said that he had stayed in Xuantian Sect, and then left Xuantian Sect for some reasons .

"Fuck! No way! Isn't he a disciple of the Qi refining period? How could he meet several seniors?" Zhong Tao exclaimed subconsciously.

His "fuck me" made Yang Yunfei and the others laugh out loud, and he was sure that the two had something to do with Lu Chen.

"Haha... This is a long story, we will talk about it later, by the way, how did you appear in the coverage area of ​​the cultivator signal during the Foundation Establishment period." Zhao Chengzhi continued


Since Lu Chen took out more than 1.5 million medium-grade Spirit Stones to pay off Zhao Chengzhi's debts, Yang Yunfei and others were deeply impressed by Lu Chen's character, and vowed to pull Lu Chen to be their brother, and Lu Chen naturally also readily accepted.

Although Zhong Tao didn't know why, he still gave a general account of what happened to the two of them, and then they introduced each other to be considered acquainted.

During the period, Gu Feng and Zhong Tao heard that Lu Chen had broken through to the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment middle stage, and they both felt a sense of frustration.

I remember that when we first met, everyone was still a small person in the qi refining period. I didn't expect to see each other in just over two years.

Lu Chen unexpectedly broke through to the Foundation Establishment middle stage and became the existence they looked up to, while the two of them were still working hard during the Qi refining period, on the surface they were still chatting and laughing with Yang Yunfei and others, but they felt lost in their hearts. Biqu library

In this way, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng were added to the team led by Yang Yunfei, and everyone began to rush back at a leisurely pace, so as to search for resources without delaying the schedule.

In Zhongba City, Western Tibet, the Endless Forest Trial sponsored by the Seven Sects is coming to an end, and the number of cultivators traveling to and from Zhongba City has increased exceptionally recently.

Among them are members of large and small chambers of commerce in Beichen Continent and members of major aristocratic families in Zhongzhou.

The Endless Forest Trial has always had such a rule, except that the members of the Seven Sects will give all the resources they get to the Sect, the other Rogue Cultivators and the seven Sects of the resources in the hands of the children of the family have not got involved.

Therefore, every time the end of the endless forest trial is approaching, all the large and small chambers of commerce and aristocratic families in Zhongzhou will send special personnel to purchase these materials, especially the top-ranked chambers of commerce in Beichen Prefecture.

At the exit of the Teleportation Hall in Zhongba City, thirty fusion stage cultivators were divided into two teams, standing on both sides of the entrance with their heads held high.

Uniform strong outfits and uniform movements, it seems that they are well-trained, giving people an invisible sense of oppression, making the cultivators who come and go detour one after another.

But the leader of the team is a fatty middle-aged cultivator, if Lu Chen is here, he will definitely recognize him.

The Fatty cultivator is exactly Zheng Guanxi who lent usury to Zhao Chengzhi, the head of Tianyuan Pavilion, the No.

It is equivalent to the general manager of Tianyuan Pavilion's branch in Zhongba City.

Today, Zheng Guanxi received a mission from the headquarters, saying that he was coming to the Teleportation Hall to welcome a big man. It is said that the person who came was Hu Shilong, the only son of the president of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

After receiving the task, Zheng Guanxi immediately shouted excitedly

Come, everyone knows that Tianyuan Pavilion is affiliated with Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

If the prince Hu Shilong is well served, maybe the prince is happy and promotes himself a little, then he will fly to the sky.

Zheng Guanxi had done enough homework before coming, and stared at the teleportation array with anticipation, his eyes suddenly lit up.

A golden brilliance flashed across the teleportation array, and when the brilliance dissipated, a slender figure appeared in the center of the teleportation array.

The visitor was wearing a black robe, a sapphire ribbon, and an exquisite Magic Treasures jade crown. His face was sharp, mature and handsome, with black eyebrows like swords, a cynical smile and eyes of contempt.

"Young master! I am Zheng Guanxi, the head of the branch hall of Tianyuan Pavilion. I welcome you to Zhongba City. I have already prepared thin wine for the gods, to cleanse the dust for you." Zheng Guanxi bowed 90 degrees and said respectfully.

The person who came was Hu Shilong, the only son of Hu Guangyi, the president of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. He looked like he was 25 years old, but he was a late stage Cultivation Base, seventh-level pure wind Spiritual Roots. At this age, there is such a Cultivation Base, which can be called a human being. Zhongjiaolong is rare.

The fact is indeed the case, Hu Guangyi has been a well-known figure in Beichen Zhou all his life, but he has no children, but he has given birth to many daughters, and none of his descendants has given birth to a boy.

Hu Guangyi was pissed off by this shit, and blamed the heavens for playing tricks on his old Hu family, so giving birth to a male to the old Hu family to carry on the family line became his Hearts Demon.

Hu Guangyi saw that his sons and grandchildren had given birth to daughters for hundreds of years, so he, who had long been an ancestor, decided to do it himself.

Not to mention, the old guy immediately shocked the world as soon as he got out, and he really gave birth to a son.

This made Hu Guangyi very happy, and he said that the old Hu family finally had a successor, so he named this precious son Hu Shilong.

It means that the Hu family finally produced a real dragon in his life, and the old guy was extremely happy when his wish was fulfilled, so he broke through to the Expanding Aperture late stage.

When the double happiness came, Hu Guangyi threw a big banquet and invited old friends from all walks of life to come to congratulate him. This incident once caused a sensation in the entire Zhongzhou upper-level cultivators, who all praised Hu Guangyi for giving birth to a good son.

So Hu Shilong became famous as soon as he was born, and became the pride of Hu Guangyi, the old Hu family, and the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

"Well! Get up!" Hu Shilong said lightly, and then walked out of the teleportation hall.

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