"*huuuuu*" Yoshiko sighs deeply as opens her eyes.

She cannot focus on cultivating.

She thought expanding her energy reserves could help her take her mind off of her conversation with Roku, but she was wrong.

She felt a tug to one of her meridians  just now, a sign of a backlash. She knows she will only injure herself if she forces herself to cultivate at her mental state.

Growing up after the tragedy of her family, there was a time when she obsessed with finding answers and has read all things demon-related she can put her hands on. But after learning that demonic abilities are just as diverse as human superiori abilities, and that their way of eating souls are just as diverse as their abilities, she felt that any further efforts she would put in to searching for the demon who destroyed her family, are useless. She did not expect tonight however to have a conversation that would pull out that obsession back and flip it on its head.

Even though she cannot entirely believe Roku's claim, she knows that the demon's claims have their own merit which she should seriously consider. She realized after her conversation with Roku tonight that she has been potentially misled by her own preconceptions, lack of information, and influence by people of authority who were as ignorant as she was.

She then looks up and, "ssss…" inhales deeply to comfort her restless heart.

The moon suddenly reminds her of Kotone and Fumio.

Recently, with her own eyes, found out that her two senior disciples only cultivate during the night until the early hours of the morning under the moonlight.

This hour of the night also reminds her of what happened a week ago, when two people accidentally entered the gardens.

The scene which displayed the ease of which Kotone dealt with Amon's attacks, and Fumio just clawing the huge flame wasp to nothingness, is still fresh in her memory, and kept on replaying in her mind whenever she sees the two.

What stuck in her mind the most from that night however, was Fumio's words.

'… what if one day, something bad happens? And at a time when Boss is not around? Something that will force them to protect themselves before they're ready? I would rather be the one to deal with that so that they won't be forced to grow strong fast by going through the hell that Kotone and I went through.'

She saw a glimpse of how powerful Fumio is, but he still has those worries.

If someone as powerful as Fumio has those worries, then she cannot relax either and wants to catch up to him.

Fumio's words further reminded her of her night of initiation. Even though it was all an act by Fumio and Kotone, the feeling of powerlessness while the children were being 'abducted' is real and kept bothering her since and has brought upon great anxiety.

That anxiety made itself most apparent when she heard Goichi's pain while confronting Amon. She knows that Goichi is a demon who is equivalent in strength to a C-Class Superioris. And for someone of that level to be helpless against a trespasser brought upon a sense of helplessness to herself.

"Superiori. Demons. Angels."

The number of potential threats that are a danger to herself and to the children makes her heart feel restless.

A few moments later, she finds herself walking to the center of the garden where Red's house is. She also sees Kotone sitting cross-legged on the rooftop.

After a slight hesitation, she decides to "Kotone…" call out.

Kotone looks unresponsive, but she decides to wait.

A few seconds later, "Sssss…" she sees Kotone let out a long breath and she feels the air around her move slightly.

Just the power of Kotone's breath alone intimidates her and she can only hope that she did not interrupt Kotone at a bad time.


To her relief, Kotone seems to be in an accommodating mood.

"May I have a word?" She asks.

Kotone immediately notices how troubled Yoshiko looks.

"Of course."


"So… Angel." Kotone ponders.

Yoshiko had just shared her life story to her.

"What do you think?" Yoshiko asks.

"I'm not sure, but it feels like Kichirou-san's demons won't lie to us. Especially about something this serious. I think it's best if you talk to Kichirou-san." Kotone suggests, hoping that Red's knowledge covers angels.

"Is it okay to disturb him?" Yoshiko asks.

"Why wouldn't it be okay?" Kotone asks, confused at Yoshiko's reaction.

"It's just… He seems to have bigger things to do and deal with." Yoshiko shakes her head.

"Anyways. I think I'll bring it up to him more organically." She adds.

"Are you sure?" Kotone asks.

"Yes." Yoshiko nods.

"No. I'll take you to him." Kotone says before jumping off the roof. She is worried about Yoshiko, seeing her look this troubled for the first time ever.

"…" Yoshiko is surprised, and subconsciously follows Kotone.

A minute later, the two ladies arrive at the entrance of Red's cave.

Yoshiko immediately notices the unusually round and flat boulder in front of her. Before she can wonder why they are among the thick bushes, she then sees Kotone pull out an object the size and shape of a huge coin before staring at it for a few seconds.

The next moment, she gets startled as *rumble* *rumble* the round and flat boulder in front of them starts rolling to the side.

It is easy for her to realize that the boulder was hiding a dark cave behind it.

"Let's go in." Kotone beckons to her and leads the way in.

Before she can infuse spiritual energy to her eyes to give herself a bit of night vision, the surrounding suddenly brightens up. She looks to where the light source is coming, and she is surprised to see a ball of flame floating on Kotone's palm.

"You will learn how to do this at some point." Her question is answered by Kotone before she can even ask it.

After being led throughout the long and winding path, she finally sees the end of it where she finds a large chamber the size of a basketball court.

The chamber however looks empty because aside from a bed and a few furniture, there is nothing else.

At the center of the chamber, she finds Red stooped over at a stone desk, busily tinkering with something in his hand. She does not want to bother the busy man, but Kotone proceeds to lead her to him.

As soon as she and Kotone arrive in front of Red, Red looks up at them and "Kotone, leave us.", orders.

"Yes." Kotone leaving her and Red alone makes her nervous.

"Sit." Red orders her as he puts away everything on his table.

Seeing that she will get all of Red's attention, she gets even more nervous as she sits down.

"…" She wants to say something, but the unfamiliar location, the intimidation, and being unprepared to talk to Red, stops her.

"Continuing to cultivate at your state is too dangerous."

While she is a bit uncomfortable at being seen through, she is thankful that Red immediately noticed.

"Yes, sensei."

"What troubles you?"

"I…" She hesitates.

She fears that her troubled mind is a sign of weakness and might disappoint Red.

"The last time I saw you was only a week ago. What happened since?" Red asks.

While he does not want to invade his disciple's privacy, he is concerned of Yoshiko's mental state, so he uses his spirit sense on her mind.

It does not take long before he gets a picture of everything. Angels, a childhood trauma, agitation, anxiety, and an intense sense of urgency. While he gets interested with Yoshiko's memory of the angel, Yoshiko's state of mind is the most pressing matter. While he can suppress these emotions using his tea or some potion he can concoct, it is not the best solution.

He also realizes that he has been negligent to Yoshiko as a teacher. Even though it has only been almost a month since Yoshiko established her inner world and that his negligence did not affect her cultivation as she is only starting out, it affected his relationship with her.

His image on Yoshiko's mind has transformed from a humble and generous mystery billionaire (in yen), into an unapproachable and distant figure.

"I…" Yoshiko's hesitance in sharing her story, and the caution in her words to him is the evidence of that.

"Angels, huh." Red starts.

"H-how…" Yoshiko's brows jump.

"Kotone told me before entered." Red explains.

Yoshiko easily connects that the coin shaped object held by Kotone earlier is another magical tool, just like the storage ring that Red gave her.

"I'll give you copies of all the literature and journals I have about angels. Ones that are not available to the general public." Red promises.

"I - I thank you in advance, sensei." Yoshiko bows in gratitude.

"No problem." Red nods, seeing that Yoshiko's eagerness suppresses her traumas for now.

"Even though I've been less present recently, I'm still keeping tabs on my students. Especially you." He moves on.

"From Nishiki and Goichi's reports, you seem to be living your life as if you're running out of time ever since those two trespassers." He asks, based on what he saw in Yoshiko's torrent of surface thoughts.

"That…" While initially taken aback that she was being observed, and very closely at that, she is moved.

"Yes." She admits.

"May I know why?" Red asks.

"I know I might sound power hungry, sensei, but I feel like I'm not powerful enough."

"Was it because of what I said the last time we talked? …" Red asks.

"A little?" Yoshiko turns her face away.

"Go on." Red compels her with a spirit sense attack.

Even though he can read Yoshiko's concerns easily, her voicing them out will is better for her.

"I… I thought being as powerful as a C-Class superiori, at least a low-tier one, is enough to protect myself and the children… But why does it feel like nothing has changed?" Yoshiko starts spilling her concerns.

A few minutes later.

Yoshiko is now more comfortable talking to Red, just like how she felt when she was just the school teacher and caretaker of the children.

"…so. I heard a rumor among the demons that Fumio has already reached A-Class in strength. Is that true?" She asks.

"That indeed is the case. Same goes for Kotone." Red admits.

"…" Yoshiko is stunned.

"S-so… You're S-Class." She confirms her suspicions.

"Yes. But that's not relevant to why you're here." Red moves along.

"Y-yes." Yoshiko gets over it.

"Well. Fumio and Kotone told me about training in hellish conditions for the eight days that they were gone. Was them becoming A-Class due to that?" She asks.

"Yes." Red nods. He already knows what Yoshiko is verbally dancing around of.

"You want to go through that training?" He asks.

"Yes. " Yoshiko nods.

"But I know that I didn't do anything to even deserve that opportunity. Is there a way I can prove my worth?" She asks.

"What if I say that you're worthy?" Red asks.

"Then, I'm willing to go through it." Yoshiko says in conviction.

"Did the two tell you in detail how much pain they went through?" Red asks.

"They didn't. But for strong people like them to almost cry just recalling their training? I can't even imagine." 

"And do you think you can endure the same training?"

"I may not be as strong as them, but from what I've heard, as long as I have willpower, I can do it." Yoshiko is sure of herself.

Red smirks at Yoshiko's blind courage.

He gets the idea of giving her the same intensity of training as the one he gave Fumio and Kotone while claiming that it is mild, and Yoshiko will not know any better.

"If your will is stronger than Kotone and Fumio's, then I guess you deserve to have the chance to become as strong as them."

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