"So I've heard. That's why I came here. Too bad I got here late." Fumio says as he walks to the table to join Red and the customers.

"???" Arina and Miss Konno exchange amused glances.

"You wouldn't have seen her anyways. But??? Is she that famous? I've never heard of her before today." Red says, gesturing Arina and Miss Konno to play along.

"Yeah??? Oh. Wait.. Boss. Is it okay for me to join you and the customers?" Fumio stops himself from sitting down. He would have been fine joining if it is only Red.

"Yeah. You work for me but not for the shop. Go ahead. Take a seat." Red says.

"Okay." Fumio sits beside Red.

"Hello again! Excuse me." Fumio is about to apologize for the intrusion, but he quickly recognizes one of the two ladies.

"Wait.. you-" He is too surprised to even finish his sentence.

"Alright. Shut it. Take a breath." Red says.

Fumio does so, but his eyes are still on Arina's face.

"And don't stare. For goodness' sake. Have a drink." Red says as he pours tea on Fumio's cup.

"Anyways??? What were you about to ask me?" Red continues the chat, ignoring Fumio's stunned state.

"Mr. Iwai. We want to hire you to be the personal massage therapist of me and Musume46." Arina says.

"Right??? Well. I have to refuse." Red shrugs.

"Y-ou won't even reconsider? We'll pay you generously." Miss Konno is surprised, not used to being outright refused especially with Arina with her.

"How much are you offering?" Fumio recovers his bearing by the money talk.

Konno looks at Fumio with eyebrows raised before remembering that Fumio works for Red.

"Two million yen a month." Konno smugly offers.

"Ah... No thanks. Once this clinic becomes popular, he'll be earning two or three times than your offer. Right? Boss?" Fumio says, trying to help Red get a better offer.

"Yeah? But how many are willing to pay 40,000 yen for a massage?" Konno says.

"I don't know, but I'm betting they include people like you. Have you tried his massage? It's worth the price, isn't it? ???" Fumio says, confident after having tried Red's massage.

He himself is willing to pay for a massage from Red but his grip on his finances is stronger than that desire.

"??? no???" Miss Konno denies, but she does not look convincing.

"Well, how much do you want? My group and I can afford to give you up to four million yen a month. Look we really need it. On our off days, we practice dancing all day. When we're active, we hop around many venues around the country; sometimes multiple stages a day. Our bodies ache every day." Arina says.

"???" Miss Konno nods, witnessing how hard the girls of Musume46 work.

"???" Fumio is also starting to understand how much Red is needed.

"It's not about the money. It's about my dream of building the best massage parlor." Red says.

"???" Fumio, after working for Red for months, immediately smells bullshit from Red's words. He however ignores the bullshit for now because he is more excited about Musume46.

"Boss??? It's Musume46??? Muscle Master can wait." Having the desire to see more of the girl idols, He tries to convince Red to work for Arina and her company.

*flick* Red flicks Fumio's forehead.

"You runt. A few days ago, you were all proud and tearful that you built this place. Saying you feel like a father when we finally opened it. Now you're selling me out?" Red says and gives a second flick at the same spot.

"Ah! Ouch~ ??? You're right boss. You're right! I wasn't thinking straight???" Fumio holds his hurting forehead.

"Huh??? Girls are dangerous." He says, realizing he was swayed from remembering how hard he worked to help build the clinic.

"???" Red and Fumio's exchange indirectly pulls out guilt and empathy from Miss Konno and Arina.

The two ladies now feel awkward, realizing they must have acted presumptuous, getting in the way of someone's dream.

"Why not meet in the middle? Judging from your muscles, Arina-san, you indeed need regular massages. That means, your members need them too." Red says, getting the group's attention.

"How many members are in your group?" He asks.

"Sixteen." Arina says.

"How many of them are minors?" Red asks.

"???" The two ladies exchange an awkward look.

"th- three." Miss Konno says awkwardly.

"Hnh. Well, I'm just starting out and I need regular customers. How about we do this?... You can call anytime and reserve a whole day for your group right here in my clinic. I will also give you a 33% discount if we follow that arrangement. If that doesn't match your schedules, you can also reserve half a day for half your members." Red says.

"???" Arina gets excited at the idea.

"That works!" Miss Konno finishes the calculations in her head immediately.

"Good. Those who are minors need an adult in the room to overlook their therapy." Red adds.

"That is obvious." Miss Konno nods.

"Good." Red nods at the agreement made.

"You don't have to agree yet. Just give it a few days. Try to feel how long the effect of my therapy last. That way, you can be certain of my clinic." He adds.

"We will???" Arina and Miss Konno nod, impressed at Red's attitude.

"Boss. You really don't need another employee around here?" Fumio asks suddenly.

*Flick* Red flicks him in the forehead again.

"Get your head out of your ass." Red reprimands.

"*tsk*" Fumio rolls his eyes at Red while rubbing his forehead.

"How is this possible?" Miss Konno cannot help but say.

"I know, right?" Arina agrees.

"Hm?" Red asks in clarification.

"This??? interaction." Miss Konno says.

"AH!" Fumio gets what the two ladies are talking about.

"Haha. Yeah. My boss is really laid back. As long as I'm doing my job right, he's satisfied. None of that corporate bullshit. I even call him nii-san sometimes." He explains.

"Oohh.." The two ladies find Red and Fumio's relationship refreshing to see. They are even a bit envious.

"Alright. Ladies. While it's been a pleasure speaking with you two, I need to get back to work." Red says, not wanting another subject for conversation to start.

"Uhn??? Yes. We've taken plenty of your time." Miss Konno realizes that while Red has no customers yet, it is intrusive of them to stay longer.

"We'll definitely come back again. Aside from your skills, something about this place is just??? peaceful." Arina says.

"Oh. By the way. Can we use a credit card? We don't have cash on us." Miss Konno says.

"Don't worry about it, Miss Konno. As my first customers, it's a treat from me." Red says.

"??? First-???" The two ladies are stunned.

"I won't question you anymore." Miss Konno sighs.

"Are you sure? It's 80,000 yen." Arina on the other hand, is feeling bad to have received a great treatment for free.

"Yes. Just consider making my clinic the exclusive massage place for Musume46. I will be waiting." Red says.

With that Red and Fumio are left alone.

"Ahh??? Arina-chan???" Fumio runs to the window of the reception area and looks out the window. He sighs as he longingly watches Arina walk away from the building.

"Fumio." Red calls out to him.

"Ah??? Yes. Sorry boss. What is it?" Fumio faces Red, his attention back.

"The report?" Red asks.

"Oh??? Right. I found a lead, boss." Fumio says as he pulls out a notebook from his pocket.

"Here??? Ogawa Yuji. Class C Thinker and I have no idea his exact ability. The police are suspicious that he is associated with the three you're looking for." Fumio begins his report.

"How so?" Red asks.

"While he has no criminal records, he was seen with at least one of the three criminals in different occasions. He is currently living in Setagaya and is working at a clothing company in Shibuya." Fumio says.

"Hmm???" Red mulls over the information.

"*beep* There you go. That's what the guy looks like and the addresses of his home and office. The home address might be outdated, but his work is still the same." Fumio says after sending more information of Ogawa Yuji to Red's phone.

"Did the police try scoping him out?" Red asks.

"I don't know. And uhh.. this was an old lead. That's why one of the officers I nagged to annoyance gave the information to me." Fumio explains.

"Old lead??? how old is it?" Red asks, not too hopeful with the information.

"Uhhh??? he said it was a useful up until last year. Boss??? if you're not satisfied, I can go ask again and report to you what I can gather by tonight." Fumio says, anxious at Red's unimpressed face.

"Alright. You do that, but report what you gather later and tomorrow, tomorrow night." Red says.

"Will do boss. Oh. I'll put away these." Fumio says and starts cleaning up the table.

"Uhn. Once you're done, close the clinic for me. I'm heading out." Red says and he walks out of the clinic.

"???" Fumio is extremely curious at what Red is about to do, but chooses to stay silent seeing the stone-cold expression on Red's face.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, boss!" Fumio says, hoping that Red hears him from outside.


Matsubara City, 8PM

*beep* *beep* *beep* *clack* *shut* Yuji enters his apartment with heavy steps after a long day. He immediately heads to the kitchen fridge, grabs a cold beer, and goes back to the living room to lounge on his sofa.

["**** *** steps up to the plate, batting 3rd."???]

While watching baseball on his TV, he feels a sudden chill climb up his spine. He then springs up and looks around, only to find nothing.

"Hello Yuji." He suddenly hears from behind him, but before he can turn around, his vision suddenly darkens and he loses consciousness.

An unknown time later, Yuji wakes up. The first thing he sees in front of him is the wooden floor, and a pair of feet donning a pair of fancy leather shoes. He then looks up to see a buff man in his 70s, having a flowing shoulder-length salt and pepper hair , fashioning a set of slick red suit, standing in front of him.

While the man is simply staring at him, Yuji feels an unexplainable power emanating from the man.

"*Mmffff*" Before he can ask anything, he realizes that he is gagged and tied to a chair in his bedroom. He then tries to struggle free, only to no avail.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." Yuji's attention is taken by the man's words.

"Unless??? you don't cooperate." The man says, intimidating Yuji.

"Now???" The man pulls out a tablet PC from the inner pocket of his jacket, does a few taps, and shows the screen to Yuji.

"???" Yuji tries to stay silent, seeing the photos displayed on the phone.

"You recognize them." Yuji hears the man say, feeling that it is a statement, not a question.

"???" Yuji can only look down.

"Who are they to you?" The man asks.

"*mmffff*" Yuji denies, shaking his head. The man only stares at him in the eyes, and like a mouse wrapped around a snake, Yuji feels like he is paralyzed.

"???" He can only wait to whether to be eaten or spared.

A few moments later, to Yuji's confusion, the man starts undoing the ropes tying him down and the cloth gagging his mouth.

The old man, is Red in disguise through an illusion. After having glimpses of Yuji's strongest surface memories, his initial intention towards the three who had a hand in the death of the original Red, has changed.

"You can relax, Yuji. Like I said. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm only after information." Red says to Yuji.

"W-what do you want?" Yuji asks, still afraid of Red.

"The Green Hand. You're one of its fingers." Red says, basing on what he saw in Yuji's memories.

"???" Yuji becomes apprehensive, hearing Red's words.

"Isao Miyashiro. Koga Dai. Hayashi Ayako. They work under you, right?" Red asks. This triggers a strong and frantic memory on Yuji's head and Red immediately starts watching it.


"You three. Your mission this time is to intercept a package at this storage facility."

"Sir. Another pick-up and go?"

"No. Do not treat this as a simple courier job with a few encounters. According to our scout, the storage facility is keeping a tight time frame. I will send you the details of it later. Anyways, you will have to follow the time line to the second, 'pick-up' the package, and go."

"Will we have to fight?"

"You'd rather not. While the guards are all Class E levels, they outnumber you. They will also be more organized. After all???"

"After all?"

"The package will be picked up by men from the Sunada family."


"Are you a psychic superioris?" Yuji asks, noticing the certainty in Red's tone.

"No. You're just not as good a liar than you think. And I did my research." Red says as he rubs his temples, his spiritual sense is getting tired.

"Where are the three?" He asks.

"???" Yuji refuses to answer, but his body language is obvious enough for Red to read.

"You do know that one of them killed a non-superioris, right?" Red asks.

"WHAT?!" Yuji's eyes widen at the information. Red, for one last time for the day, reads the memory he triggered in Yuji.


"Ayako-san. This failure is excusable due to unpredictable factors. You don't have to take it too hard."

"I-it's??? Yes, sir."


Red sees the extreme guilt in Ayako's face in Yuji's memory.

"Miss Hayashi didn't tell you? She accidentally killed a meddling non-superioris with her arrow." Red says.

"No??? No." Yuji covers his face with his hands in shock.

*ding* *dong* Yuji's doorbell rings suddenly.

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