"As you all know, the next two fighters are the top fighters of the Named Warriors' row. The winner of their match will have the opportunity, THE HONOR to challenge our Seated Champions for their seats!"


"Let's welcome our fighters. IN THE RED CAGE. A C-class hybrid superioris. 24 wins by knock outs, 3 wins by fatalities, 0 draws, and 7 losses by knockout??? THE BLADE TORNADO!"

As soon as the announcer introduces, The red wooden gate on the right side of the ring falls to the ground with a huge *THUNK* before 'The Blade Tornado' enters the ring by walking on the fallen gate.

*CHEER* The crowd stand up in excitement as 190cm tall and muscular Blade Tornado confidently walks to the center of the ring.

Fumio's blood boils in excitement as the man, wearing leather pants, leather boots, and a steel ancient roman helmet, exudes the epitome of masculinity. The creaking sound of the Red gate, being pulled back up by chains adds to The Blade Tornado's aura and Fumio cannot help but utter "Badass???".

"Blade Tornado. How do you feel tonight?" The announcer starts a pre-fight interview as he passes Blade Tornado a microphone, catching Fumio off-guard.

'probably because it's illegal, interviews cannot be done outside this building.' Fumio guesses.

"I'm ready to draw some blood." Blade Tornado simply answers, making the crowd applause and cheer once again in excitement.

Fumio, looking at the huge LCD screen above the ring, displaying the live feed of Blade Tornado's face, suddenly gets a bit irritated looking at the fighter's smug and confident smile.

"Haha! 'Drawing some blood' Very fitting based on what we've seen in you your previous fights. Well, our first-time attendees might be curious why you're called 'Blade Tornado. Why don't you show them a peek of what you'll do tonight?" The announcer asks.

Blade Tornado then flexes his muscles before sharp blades immediately pop out of his forehead, knuckles, elbows, shoulders, shoulder blades, knees, and boots. The next moment, he starts shadowboxing, throwing punches and kicks in blurs.

*whoosh* *whoosh* The microphone on Blade Tornado's hand even picks up the air resistance being broken by his limbs.

'Muay Thai and blades from his joints. He seems to also be a C-class strength type superioris considering how fast he is moving ??? Killer combination.' Fumio's breathing increases in appreciation at Blade Tornado's display.

It is not only him, but the audience cheer too, in appreciation.

After Blade Tornado's display, and the crowd calming down, the announcer takes back the spotlight.

"Beautiful warm-up, Blade Tornado. Let's meet your opponent tonight?" The announcer asks Blade Tornado.

"*Nod*" The Blade Tornado retrieves his blades, stands in attention and looks at the direction of the Blue Cage. Out of all the fighters in his rank, his opponent is one of the few that he respects.

"IN THE BLUE CAGE. A C-class superioris. Having 9 wins by way of knockout, 10 wins by way of opponent surrender, 3 draws by mutual knockout, and 0 losses. Let's welcome... OLD PHANTOM!" The announcer introduces.

Fumio, hearing the fighter's alias, perks up. 'The Old Phantom', the alias that Red is using as a combatant.

The blue wooden gate at the right side of the ring and it falls down with a huge thud. Red then enters the ring by walking on the fallen gate. Unlike the aura of Blade Tornado, Red's serene and cold aura is a huge contrast.

His eerie all-white porcelain mask and his body language showing no signs of showmanship, the audience's excitement is immediately cooled down.

"*clap??? clap??? clap???*" This result to Red receiving an awkward round of applause.

Red, then gracefully and slowly walks to the center of the ring. His deliberate steps making him look as if he is gliding across the ground.

"Old Phantom. Hello." The announcer already used to Red's boring aura after introducing him for many times now, greets just like usual as Red joins him and Blade Tornado at the center of the ring.

Red simply nods in response.

"Old Phantom. How do you feel tonight?" The announcer asks before passing the microphone to Red.

"Sleepy???" Red responds, the boredom in his aged voice is very palpable.

Everyone through the LCD screen, sees Blade Tornado's face twitch at Red's words.

Fumio meanwhile, is both worried and excited. He has an idea of Red's physical feats, but he has no idea if Red can throw a punch.

Red also having his eyes covered furthers Fumio's worries.

"Well??? Can you show the audience how you sober up?" The announcer asks.

Red then raises his left arm on his side, with his hand open before a beautiful ornamental wooden cane appears on his hand.

"???" This stuns the announcer and Blade Tornado as they are seeing Red use a weapon for the first time, and also what they assume as Red's first use of a wood-nature ability.

Red simply does a few spins and thrusts with his cane before resting it vertically on his side. The cane oddly looks fitting for Red and his covered eyes.

"..clap.. clap.." The audience give a polite applause at the unimpressive and boring display.

Blade Tornado however, knows better. Even though he is not a fan of Red's clean fighting style, he respects Red's skills. Now that Red is using the superioris ability which he assumes that Red hid as an ace, to fight him, he is excited and somehow pleased that Red is putting an extra effort for the fight.

"Thank you, Old Phantom??? Well then. Do each of you have words for each other before you duke it out? Blade Tornado?" The announcer asks.

"Keep your head attached to your body old man, or I'll bring your head home and your mask dyed red." Blade Tornado says in a sinister grin making the crowd wild once again.

He then tosses the microphone to Red, and Red catches it smoothly.

"Try touching me first, kid. " Red responds.

*ooohhh* The contrast of Red's words and his demeanor pulls out a great reaction.

Fumio meanwhile gets sick to his stomach in realization. 'This is an underground ring that allows killing. This is??? fucked up.' A stream of cold sweat rolls down his forehead. In addition to his disgust of the arena, gastric juices also climb up his gullet thinking of the huge bet he placed on Red earlier, per Red's orders.

"Please go back to your gates." The announcer gestures the two fighters.

"There is only one rule in this match." The announcer's voice then changes into a more serious tone.

"No killing after your opponent yields, or falls unconscious. Aside from that, it is up to you two to spare your opponent or not." The announcer's words send a twisted excitement up the audience's spines. Even the first-time attendees of the event have already gotten used to the blood and death they have witnessed in the earlier matches.

"Blade Tornado, Old Phantom. Give us a show." With that, the announcer jumps from the ring back to his booth ten or so feet above the ring.

The next moment, Blade Tornado dashes to the center of the ring once again. Red on the other hand, as if taking a stroll, takes his time to the center of the ring with slow and deliberate steps.

*Murmur???* To the audience's surprise, Blade Tornado, contrary to their expectations, is not attacking immediately, but simply waits for Red.

The audience however does not have to wait long.

As soon as Red is in Blade Tornado's range, Blade Tornado immediately throws a very quick right straight towards Red's face. But as if predicting Blade Tornado's attack, Red simply turns his face, narrowly dodging Blade Tornado's attack.

Blade Tornado meanwhile, already knows Red's evasive skills, so he starts up with his sixteen-attack combo.

Left straight, right middle kick, left hook, right low kick.

Four attacks in however, Blade Tornado realizes Red's ease in evading them and is surprised. But being an experienced fighter, he does not let the surprise get to him and he continues.

Right jab, setting up for a left straight, his attack fails to land once again.

Before he can continue, he sees Red simply steps further in his range and after a blur, he feels a dull whack on his helmet, and he stumbles backwards a few steps; his vision receding allows him to see Red's outstretched palm.

He realizes that Red just broke his combo with a palm strike on his forehead. That realization makes him simply stare at Red in befuddlement.

*WHOOOAAHHHH* The crowd meanwhile goes wild at the exchange.

Fumio also gets on his feet in excitement. 'Beautiful! Simply beautiful!' In his perspective, Red simply looked like he was lazily dancing in place and somehow dodged all of Blade Tornado's storm of limbs.

Red then feigns a yawn as he covers his mouth with his hand. "uuhhhhhaa???" his bored voice taunting Blade Tornado further.

Blade Tornado decides on switching tactics as he rushes to Red once again. Unlike before when he maintained some distance from Red, he gets very close in clinching range and initiates his attacks with his right elbow hook.

As he expected, Red dodges the elbow by throwing his head back.

He then follows the elbow with a knee to Red's gut, sure that it will land.

Unlike his expectations however, Red simply parries his knee and disappears outside his vision to his left with a spinning maneuver.

As he turns around to defend whatever is coming, he receives another palm on the forehead, more powerful than last time. He then retreats a few steps once again to prevent himself from falling ass flat on the ground.

*CHEER* The audience once again cheer before they can even sit back down on their seats.

Looking at Red still standing casually as if nothing happened, Blade Tornado grits his teeth in frustration. He thought that he is not like Red's previous opponents, and that he at least can give Red a fight without resorting to his blades.

He now realizes that Red is more formidable than he thought.

The next moment, the audience starts chanting. "Blades??? Blades???" Nobody knows who started it first, but the chant gets louder into unison.

Blade Tornado, hearing the chants, gets offended. He ignores the chants and switches to another tactic, hoping to save his pride.

He noticed that Red never initiates an attack, not once in Red's previous fights that he saw. With this information, he rushes forward once again. Unlike last time when he attacked with his limbs, he crouches down this time, for a tackle.

He regrets this immediately.

Red slips away from his vision once again and he feels a downwards pushing force from his back and the next moment, his face plants to the ground, followed by his body, the momentum of the fall dragging his face five feet further against the clay surface of the ground.

Had he not been wearing his helmet, he is sure that his face will be bleeding by now, abrased from the friction.

*HAHAHAHA* He then hears the crowd laugh as if they are in a comedy show.

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