"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ouch… Boss. Why can't you just heal me like before?" Fumio complains as he is assisted to the bath area of the shop by Red.

His legs have turned to jelly and the muscles in it ache severely with the smallest of muscle contractions.

"It'll make your efforts useless, buddy. Now… get in there." Red says as he settles Fumio in the wooden tub that is not for customers but for his own use for herbal baths.

He then turns on the water and while waiting for it to fill the tub, "I'll go prepare some stuff. Turn off the faucet when it reaches your chest.", he orders Fumio before leaving the bath area.

"Haaaahhh…" Fumio meanwhile is processes what has occurred during the day.

"Boss said I'll have to do this every day… Every day… until I complete one breathing cycle in all 16 positions… damn" He sighs as he leans his back on ledge of the tub.

"I'll do it for now. Worry about it in the future." He closes his eyes to relax.

The 16 positions that Red introduced to him, is a basic exercise to both open up a cultivator's meridians, which serve as the circulatory system for spiritual energy. The first position which are the splits that Fumio is working on, once Fumio achieves a complete breathing cycle on it, will open up 8 out of the 360 meridians. The next positions will open up more.

Two minutes later, Red is back in the bath area, and is now pouring a yellow solution from a clear flask to the water in Fumio's tub.

"Now. This solution will help increase the natural healing of your muscles." He explains.

"Ahhhh… Wow…" Fumio feels as if ants are massaging each fiber of his muscles. "Wait a minute boss… Is this like your massage solutions? Do I have to pay for them?" He suddenly realizes.

"Well, they are like the massage solutions, but more valuable." Red then raises his hand to stop Fumio from protesting. "And every solution you'll use on your training will be on me." He finishes.

"… Boss. You're rich, so I know you these very expensive medicines are probably just change to you. But… why?" Fumio asks, finding the valuable medicine too burdensome for him to accept for free.

"Call it an investment." Red says.

While he has taken a liking to the kid, he also wants to make use of Fumio as a guinea pig to see if he can raise powerful cultivators in this world.

"Why do I feel like I'm signing a contract with a demon?" Fumio says.

While he is joking, he is starting to feel cautious.

"In a way, you are." Red says as he sits on the immaculately clean tiled floor.

"…!?" Fumio wants to run away, but his legs are not exactly in the condition to help him.

"Heh…" Red is amused at Fumio's reactions.

"Anyways. It's been four months since you started working for me, and I'm sure you're filled with a LOT of questions." Red says, replacing Fumio's fear with curiosity.

"What do you think of my powers? You must have theories." He asks.

"Uhhh…" Fumio tries to stop his excitement at the opportunity of getting answers, and he takes a deep breath.

"Well, boss. I don't really know. You're probably an A-class physical type superioris, basing on what I've seen last night and in your fights. But the first time we met, you kind of said that you're an F class superioris that can grow plants, which I now know is bullshit.

"Still. Being a superioris doesn't explain the illusion disguises, the healing, the plants, the weird automated cleaning and music of your shop, and, OH the music and how you can give me control over it. Unless of course, you're using the magic of the knights and the priests. But then again, their magic is just against demons and angels, if what I learned from school is true. So… uh.. What you exactly are boss.. I don't know."

He spills his theories in just a few breaths.

"Well. That's because I'm not a superioris." Red says.

"Uhhh…" Fumio does not know what to say to Red's confession, but his mind starts running.

"What else can you be?! If you're not a superioris and still have those powers…Then that only leaves…" His eyes widen.

"A-are you a demon? Are you an a-a-a-a-angel?" He manages to ask through his fears of Red returning.

"Hah! Well. I'm interested in meeting an angel or a demon someday." Red is amused of Fumio's guess.

"Then what are you?" Fumio tilts his head, clearly not believing Red.

"I am human. And I am not a superioris." Red says as he flares his spiritual sense to calm Fumio down.

"Let's just say I am from a long line of people who have the same abilities as I do. But because we are very rare, or died out before we became strong, we are not in history." Red quickly comes up with a lie.

Fumio, finding the lie compelling and somehow convincing, perks up.

"When you say people… How many of you are there?" He asks.

"In Japan? Maybe just me after my master died. In the world? I don't know, but if there are, then they're probably one in a billion. Ever since I was a child, I've never really met anyone else like me. Not even when I traveled abroad." Red says.

His theory of non-existent cultivators in this world is supported when he did travel the entire Japan and the neighboring countries in occasion during the past few months, and found no cultivators.

"I see… Well. I'm sorry about your master." Fumio says.

"Meh. He died happy." Red shrugs.

The only master he can only consider he had in his previous life was a certain elder of some cultivation sect who he bartered with for access to that sect's library. That deal between the elder and Red also led to the two becoming friends. Sadly, that friendship did not last forever as that elder failed his journey to immortality.

"Anyways… When I was doing 'surgery' on you yesterday, I noticed that you have the potential to practice our arts." Red says.

"Oh… so… you want me to be your disciple or something?!" Fumio is smart enough to figure out his situation now and he is more than elated.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You barely did anything. Maybe I'll be able to find a younger more talented student, they'll become stronger than you faster, and they'll be best suited as my disciple." Red shrugs.

"Whoa~ you're looking down on me boss? Whoahh…" Fumio is offended.

"Take it however you want, but work hard. You're the only candidate I've found for now as ones like us are rare. Might as well see what you can do while I find others." Red says.

"Good! This is good!" Fumio slaps the water. Red shields himself from the splash, curious of Fumio's reaction.

"Find another student boss. Let's see if they're better than me!" Fumio challenges.

"OHO~~… Alright. Be prepared." Red says with a smirk. "Anyways. You can get out of the bath once the medicine in the water is consumed." He instructs as he stands up.

"How do I know that?" Fumio asks.

"When the water feels like… water. Anyways. When you're done, lock the doors and go home." Red says as he heads for the door.

"How about you boss? Going to that fighting ring again?" Fumio asks.

"Hmmm. I don't know. I'm gonna just walk around, maybe I'll meet a potential disciple in the streets. If I don't find one, I'll go to the arena." Red says.

"Damn…" Fumio gets nervous hearing about any potential rival. "Well, boss, don't work hard looking for my rival just yet. Give me a head start. Instead. Go to the arena. Because if your act yesterday worked, there will definitely folks that are gonna challenge you for your champion seat." He can only try to distract Red.


A hostess bar somewhere, Toshima City.

"Uhh… Kotone-chan ~ Why don't we move elsewhere? I know a really good hotel nearby." A 40 something year-old customer proposes to the 20 something year-old hostess as he slams down his shot glass on the table.

"!" Kotone is almost startled. She was already nervous from the start of the night because she and the customer is alone in a private room.

"Dear customer. You know we can't do that. Instead! Why don't you stay and order this wine? 12 years old Tuscany. You won't find this anywhere!" She swallows her nervousness as she recommends another drink to her customer.

"If I get this, will you go home with me tonight? I mean, I'll be too drunk to drive home." The customer insists on his proposal.

"T-that…" Kotone does not even know what to say at the obviously sober man.

"Alright, THAT'S IT." The customer suddenly says with a growl, and along with the outburst, a strong gust of wind explodes away from him at the center and blows away the glass and bottles on the table.

"Kotone-chan… I've been here for a few nights already. Just for you. I've spent a lot just to drink with you. Can't you feel my sincerity? You don't even know my name, do you?" The customer asks.

"O-of course I know your name Isamu-san!" Kotone, seeing Isamu's anger start to boil, immediately tries to appease. "B-but… spending the night with you is a bit…" She cannot continue to reason.

"What? What's wrong with me? Do you think I'm disgusting?" Isamu scoffs.

"No! No, of course not. You're fine just the way you are." While Kotone thought Isamu was just fine, his actions just now make him trash in her eyes.

"Heh. Empty words. So? If it's not me, is it you?" Isamu suddenly pins Kotone down on the sofa, trapping her shoulders in his hands. "You think you're so good? You bitch? You should feel honored for an unevolved lamb like you."

"W-wh… What are you doing?! Stop it!" Kotone tries to push Isamu away.

That did not work however so "I said stop it!" she knees Isamu blindly.

Her knee just happened to land on the man's testicles, and "AH!" Isamu screams in pain.

Kotone takes this chance to get away from Isamu.

Before she can completely open the door to run out, "YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Isamu shouts resulting to a strong gust of wind, stronger than the one he displayed before and the table and the karaoke machine are knocked down. The door Kotone was about to open, is sealed shut again also.

Kotone at this point, is trembling and has weakened in fear and shock. Fighting that fear, she still attempts to open the door.

"You… dare… hit me there?" She then hears Isamu and she looks behind her to see him approach slowly, making her attempt even more futile.

Fortunately for her, "What's going on here?" her and Isamu hear the loud and intimidating voice of the bouncer from outside in the corridor, and Isamu freezes on his steps.

"H-help!" Kotone gets her bearings back to open the door.




A minute later, Kotone, Isamu, the bouncer, and the hostess bar's manager are now in the bar's storage room.

"You dare accuse me?" Isamu is livid. "All I did was push her away. And she hit me in the nuts?"

"M-manager! That's not what happened!" Kotone immediately defends herself.

"You! Hit! Me! In! The! Balls! What if I can't have children anymore?" Isamu argues. "You know what? I'm going to sue this establishment." He threatens.

"Dear customer. As the manager, I apologize on behalf of my employee. Please excuse her as this is only her second week. The drinks you have consumed tonight will be on the house." The hostess bar's manager, bows in apology to Isamu.

"*scoff*" Isamu is dissatisfied at how calm the manager is dealing with his complaint. "Why are you apologizing when your employee does not seem to even have the intention to?" He says.

"I-I…" Kotone however simply cannot bring herself to apologize.

"Look here, Miss Manager. Do you think I can't afford to pay? I was going to become a regular here due to the recommendation of my friend. I guess that won't happen anymore. I'm going to tell everyone about what happened here tonight." Isamu threatens again.

"D-dear customer. Isn't that a bit…" The manager this time, reacts stronger to the threat.

She heard from the owner of the bar that Isamu is a man with many connections so he asked her to treat Isamu more special than other customers.

"Dear customer. An action of one employee does not reflect our entire establishment. Don't worry. I'll make sure this won't happen again. I'll teach her well." The manager says as she eyes Kotone to stay quiet.

"No. That won't do. I want her fired.." Isamu can barely stop himself grinning.

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