


Through the sounds of his spears propelling, Hiroki still hears the bone-chilling sound of Mr. Fool's six spinning ice disks flying around, ready to shoot towards him at any moment with Mr. Fool's command.

He is now starting to suspect that Mr. Fool knows how to play mind games. If it were any other superioris he is fighting, that superioris would have tried attacking already. But Mr. Fool, whether intentionally or not, is using intimidation by not attacking him, but simply playing around, making him more tensed and anxious.

Suddenly, "Nope…", Mr. Fool transforms back to his original appearance, and the ice disks also fade back into nothingness.

"What the f…" Hiroki is dumbfounded.

He also feels unpleasant.

The tension that has built up in his mind, the adrenaline that has accumulated in his blood, were not released as he expected. And Mr. Fool not promising that release angers him.

"YOU!" Hiroki summons back around a hundred spears, not staffs, but deadlier spears, to existence and throws them to Mr. Fool.

"HEEE~ HEEE~ HAHAHAHA!" Mr. Fool however does not care if the attack is deadlier or not. It is still the same attack pattern to him, and dodges the spears easily.


Hiroki does not know if Mr. Fool is taunting him, but he gets affected by Mr. Fool's urging, and he throws more and more spears.

Soon however, he cannot believe what he is seeing. He thought at the beginning of the fight that Mr. Fool cannot defend any smoother, but Mr. Fool is doing just that, dodging and parrying spears smoother than the staffs.

"I'M GETTING BORED…" Hiroki hears Mr. Fool say with a disappointed voice, and it frustrates him further.

His frustration however is not helping as Mr. Fool is getting closer to him again. He can only thank that he has his spinning spears as his shield.

Unexpectedly, to his surprise, Mr. Fool is not thwarted, but simply dashes forward after dodging a bunch of spears, and throws a straight punch at one of his spinning spears.

*THUNK* The spear that was punched is actually swatted towards him, to his shock. And that shock makes him freeze, allowing himself to be *THWACK* hit by his own spear.

Luckily for him, his spear did not hit him squarely.

But more unluckily, Mr. Fool found his spear shield weakness. A weakness he and other superiori with similar abilities to his only theorized, but no one actually dared to exploit. His spinning spears is just like a propeller or an electric fan that rotates; and everything that rotates has its center as the weakness.

And Mr. Fool exploited that exact weakness.

He wishes that it was bad luck on his part, or reward of foolishness on Mr. Fool's part that his weakness was exposed, but, "SMASH! HEEE~ EHEHEHE!" Mr. Fool once again goes on and successfully punches his other spears.

Unlike earlier, Hiroki gets hit this time more squarely with his spears. He no longer wants to block as he knows that his rotating spear will no longer shield him, so he flies higher, hoping that Mr. Fool's abilities have altitude limits.


To disappointment, he is still being chased by Mr. Fool no matter how high he goes.

Slowly, Hiroki is starting to feel tired. So, he dives back down, not wanting to plummet to his death if somehow Mr. Fool can do something that can disable his abilities, like a knockout punch or simply himself getting tired.

He also knows that he has already lost. 

A few seconds later.

"Mr. Fool, a moment please." Hiroki can only ask for a break after they are both back on the ground.

Mr. Fool also stopped attacking.

"I admit defeat. I no longer wish to fight." Hiroki says.

"BUT… THAT'S NOT FUN!" Mr. Fool whines.

"I know. And I'm sorry. I thought I can have more fun with you." Hiroki apologizes as he looks up at the drones flying in the sky and shakes his head at them.

"Oh… But we should finish the fight! No one's asleep yet!" Mr. Fool raises his hand as if remembering something.

"How about this? Mr. Fool. Let's stop fighting. If we just stay here, then stronger people will come here and you can have fun with them." Hiroki says as he raises his palm on the air folds his thumb in the middle of it, and closes his hand; a gesture he deliberately sent to the drones.

He can only hope that his signal for help will force those watching who are stronger than him, to take his place in isolating Mr. Fool.

"But… Spearman. What time is it?" Mr. Fool asks instead of agreeing to Hiroki's request.

"Almost two in the afternoon." Hiroki replies, confused at the question.

"Oh… Then… I don't have long…" Mr. Fool's body language and facial expressions show a disappointed face.

"What do you mean, Mr. Fool?" Hiroki asks.

"My mom said that too much fun is bad. So, I should only have fun until two!" Mr. Fool says.

"Well. Can you stay any longer? Your mom can just pick you up, right?" Hiroki's eyes brighten in curiosity at Mr. Fool's family. .

"No! If I don't follow the rules, I can't go out again!" Mr. Fool complains.

"So, let's finish the fight! Mom said, if you don't follow the rules, then you're bad. So, we should follow the rules of our fight! If you don't, I'll still make you sleep. I'm just following our rule." He continues to rambles.

Hiroki can only look at Mr. Fool, speechless.

"If you're not going to fight, I am!"

Mr. Fool then charges forward, waking Hiroki up from his state.

Not long after, Hiroki can be speechless all he wants in his sleep. 


The three young superheroes who were watching the fight, are now currently tending to the unconscious Hiroki.

"Isn't that…" suddenly, one of the three who has the sharpest vision spots a figure of a man, holding on to a shiny metallic polearm, is fast approaching their direction from the sky.

Soon, the man joins the three young superheroes, and, "Murakami-sama.", they greet him with respect. After all, the man's status is only slightly inferior to the leaders of their own respective clans.

Murakami Yashin, a 40 something year-old A-Class superioris, Hiroki's childhood friend, and the heir of the Murakami Clan, just arrived to the scene.

"What happened? I rushed over when I saw his sign on TV." Yashin asks as half of his attention is checking on Hiroki, and half of it is watching out for someone's presence.

"The clown knocked out Hiroki-san, sir." The medic of the three superheroes reports.

"It's not even a minute since he sent a sign." Yashin is dumbfounded.

"Mr. Fool is much stronger than we thought. It only took one punch from him to take Hiroki-san down. Thankfully, it doesn't look serious." The medic superhero reports.

This makes Yashin sigh in relief.

Even though Yashin has only seen a small part of Hiroki's fight on TV, he knows that he could not have done much better than Hiroki did in fighting the clown.

He finds it unfortunate that he was not informed of the situation earlier, or he and Hiroki could have tried to capture the clown together.

"So, where's the clown… this… Mr. Fool now?" He asks the three young superheroes.

"Mr. Fool…" The sharp-eyed one points to the direction of the National Diet Building, "… said that he's gonna have fun back there before going home."

"Murakami-sama, I think his idea of fun, is fighting." The fire user in the team reports.

"Or anything trouble, really. Like making hundreds of people faint." He adds as he shrugs.

Yashin immediately notice the three's attitudes, despite the reports he has heard of the chaos and chatter Mr. Fool's caused in only the past ten minutes.

"You all don't look worried." He cannot help but ask.

The three superheroes exchange looks before all shrugging helplessly.

After what the three have seen and observed from Mr. Fool, they realized that the jester is not as harmful as they thought. They only worry that the jester will be instead lured easily by some terrorist groups like how some children are easily lured into a white van by free candy and ice cream. 

"According to what the reporters said, and what we've seen, we are not worried. He might be dangerous, but he doesn't seem evil. Even Hiroki-san who resorted to deadly methods earlier, only got off lightly." The sharp-eyed one reports.

"Still. Why of all places, in Chiyoda?" Yashin grumbles.

"Uhhh… Murakami-sama. Are you not going after Mr. Fool?" The fire user superhero asks.

"Why would I?" To their shock, Yashin simply shrugs.

"B-Because someone is making trouble in your city?" The medic superhero frowns.

"He will be handled by my clan leader."

"Murakami-dono?" The three young superheroes get excited.

"Yeah. He must have seen by now how strong Mr. Fool is. Even I would not have better than Hiroki. It's stupid for me to go after him." Yashin explains.

The three young superheroes, despite being taken aback by the ease at which Yashin admitted his inferiority in strength, understand Yashin's reasoning. 



Just like Yashin said, Mr. Fool is now facing the Murakami Clan leader, in the air above the National Diet Building.

The two sharing the same place seems like a scene not even seen on TV. The two's proximity to each other is a rare sight because people their appearance simply seem to rarely interact in society.

Murakami Atsushi, 72 years-old, and a high-tier A-Class Superioris, is the current clan leader of Murakami Clan, and the guardian of Chiyoda City.

Despite his relatively old age, he would look like Yashin, his son's older brother, when they are put together side by side.

One thing that can betray his age however will be his speech manner and the way he carries himself.

One thing that makes him recognizable that he is Murakami Atsushi, is if he has his power activated, like now. He is currently floating to match Mr. Fool's altitude in the air by holding on to what looks like a naginata made of metal. And that metal is glowing orange from extreme heat.

To the part of the population who belong to superiori clans, but do not recognize Atsushi, they will respect him nonetheless and will know of his status as a clan leader if he is wearing his clan leader samurai armor, which he currently is.

"You are the one who they call Mr. Fool." Atsushi responds with Mr. Fool's comment with his own.

"YES! YES! THAT'S ME! NICE TO MEET YOU!" Mr. Fool does a theatric bow like how stage actors introduce themselves during a curtain call.

"…" Atsushi simply looks at Mr. Fool with a scrutinizing gaze.

He could have attacked immediately if not for what he has heard of the man in front of him.

His clansmen are currently speaking to him through an earpiece, reporting to him the things they have compiled about the jester in front of him. The more he hears however, the more he is confused of the situation.

"May I ask. What brought you back here, Mr. Fool?" He asks.

"BECAUSE… THERE ARE BAD MEN INSIDE." Mr. Fool points to the National Diet Building, his amplified voice clear to Atsushi's ears, and to the microphones on the drones' cameras.

"This is not the prison. There are good people inside." Atsushi explains.

"I'VE SEEN PRISON. THIS PLACE REEKS OF WORSE THAN PRISON… I SMELL THEM. I SMELL BAD MEN INSIDE." Mr. Fool pinches his nose, as if disgusted by something.

Atsushi's face almost twitches.

"What do you do to bad men?" He asks, trying not to look bothered. He can only hope that his clansmen and all parties concerned had forbidden reporters from recording the audio of whatever is happening.


"And how will you do that?" Atsushi asks, not sure if Mr.. Fool is speaking about actual smell, or is using smell as a metaphor.

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