"…" Red and Kaoru stare at each other, waiting for one of them to speak first.

"You're fearless to be alone with a stranger." Red gets the first word in.

"Red. You were that oji san." Kaoru says in certainty.

"I'm obviously an onii san." Red says.

"Fine… onii san. How did you change your face?" Kaoru stays on her subject.

"Young lady. There might be a misunderstanding here. I've never seen you before." Red says.

"Nii san! What did you do to me?!" Kaoru bursts out, shaking the air.

"Hmm.. I don't know what you mean." Red continues to deny.

"Liar! I remember your hands. Your height. Your hair. Your voice! It was you!" Kaoru insists.

'Tsk…' Red clicks his tongue.

"Kaoru, right? This is not how you make friends." Red says.

*slam* *slam*

Suddenly, the chairs, tables, and even Red's chair start levitating and then surrounds Red before being set down.

"Young lady. You know that using your powers against a non-superioris is a crime, right?" Red asks, starting to get bothered by the girl's actions.

"I didn't hurt you." Kaoru says.

"Then what's the meaning of this?" Red asks.

"I'm going to rush out of the room and tell the nurses there's a fugitive in the hospital. You also seem to be an unregistered superioris which explains why you're in disguise." Kaoru says.

Kaoru's threat works on Red and he sighs.

" Fine." He finally gives up and he casts an illusion to his face, making it appear the same as the one Kaoru saw the previous night.

"It was you…" Kaoru smiles in recognition, finally calming down.

"Please return the things where they used to and we talk." Red says as he jumps over the disarray of furniture to make himself coffee.

After rearranging the furniture, Kaoru and Red are now seated at the table beside the window with beverages in front of them.

"So… which one's your real face?" Kaoru asks.

This question makes an idea pop in Red's head and he smirks.

"This one." Red says as he casts an illusion to what his body would look like as an old man in his 70s.

"You… You're not even an oji san (uncle) … but ojii san (grandpa)!" Kaoru recoils in shock.

"...." Red does not answer and simply sips on his coffee.

"Tell me honestly. Were you the one who removed my tumor?" Kaoru asks, recovering from her shock.

"What if I was?" Red asks in dismissal.

"I'm just thankful. Very thankful." Kaoru says.

"Hmm." Red nods.

"… It makes me feel bad that it's not a big deal to you." Kaoru says.

"It is. I just gave away a few years of my life to you. You were right to say I'm an oji san. The me you saw last night would be me in my real age. This is how old my body is." Red says.

"…" Kaoru is speechless and her eyes redden before looking down at her cup in guilt.

"But why did you save me? You must have gotten a lot older…" Kaoru asks.

"You just reminded me of my daughter." Red says.

"I'm sorry." Kaoru says and she looks back up at Red.

"Can I give them back? Your years?" Kaoru asks.

"You can't." Red says.

"… Then… is there a way I can pay you back? My family is powerful!" Kaoru says.

"Hmm... More powerful than the Sunada family?" Red asks.

"…" Kaoru looks at him in suspicion, but brushes it aside for her benefactor.

"Yes! The Sunada is just powerful in this city, but our family is active all throughout the eastern part of the Kanto region." Kaoru says.

Red nods at this.

"Well. I need two things from you." Red says, getting Kaoru's entire attention.

"First. I need your silence. As you have seen, one of my superioris ability is to heal people's diseases, no matter how severe, in exchange for my own years of life." Red says.

"It's a powerful ability. I get it now, why you're in disguise." Kaoru nods.

"Yes. Thankfully I can also manipulate how I look like. But it is not enough to protect the people I love. I even had to abandon my daughter for her own safety." Red says.

"… I promise I won't tell anyone!" Kaoru promises out of guilt.

"Thank you." Red nods, seeing Kaoru most likely to keep her promise.

"The other thing you wanted?" Kaoru asks.

"Yes. Second thing. I've exposed more than I want by involving myself with you." Red starts to guilt her again and it is working.

"I'm also pretty sure you told your mother about what happened las night, right?" Red asks.

"Yes." Kaoru looks down again in embarrassment.

"Hm. After I've recovered, I need to move and disappear again. For me to do that, I need a new clean identity as soon as possible." Red says.

"Can't you just change your face?" Kaoru asks.

"I can. But I want to settle down for a long time." Red says.

"Hmmm... Now that I can use my abilities without risks, my family will value me again! I might be able to help you with that!" Kaoru says.

"Then I thank you in advance." Red nods.

"… But… I'll be sad when you're gone. Can I hire you instead? I can protect you by my side." Kaoru says.

"Young miss. I just want to live a peaceful life. Staying by your side gives me unnecessary worry. I don't want to grow old faster in worry." Red says.

" … Fine." Kaoru sighs and gives up recruiting Red.

"Then. What type of identity are you looking for exactly?" Kaoru asks.

"Hmmm. I'll make it simple. A Japanese national, age 45, unknown lineage because I'm an orphan." Red says.

"Hm. Black hair, black irises, but your features are not exactly Japanese. Oh... that's right. You can change what you look like..." Kaoru nods.

"Yes. Can you also get me a fake massage therapist license? I really had that one in one of my past identities. I need it to make a living." Red says.

"Okay!" Kaoru nods, glad to help.


"Red. How are you?" The middle of the afternoon arrives and Junichi drops by for a visit.

"Good. Maybe it's the room you got for me, but I'm feeling almost perfect. You could have just got me a simple private room, not a hotel room within a hospital." Red says.

"Heh.. it's nothing for me…" Junichi says, not knowing what to say.

Red, reading Junichi's face and body language however, knows immediately what Junichi wants to ask.

"I still haven't regained any of my memories." He says.

"Nothing? After going through your phone and your clothes I sent over?" Junichi asks.

"Uhn. I even tried eating different dishes of different cuisines, smelling different scents, but still nothing." Red says.

"*sigh* that must have been the price to pay for that miracle." Junichi mumbles.

"Miracle?" Red asks.

"Yes. Miracle. I saw how hard you crashed into that building. Not even an F class physical type superioris could have survived that. But you did. Without injury." Junichi explains.

"Is it that easy to explain?" Red chuckles.

"Of course not. But the world is mysterious. Anything is possible." Junich shrugs.

"Heh. Yeah." Red nods.

"How about you? Are you well?" He asks, seeing that Junichi is a bit sluggish.

"Yeah. My father got me new responsibilities after completing the mission. He also got me a new secretary. A superioris one at that. But she can't do her duties as well as you did." Junichi says.

"Heh. At least I know now that I was a competent butler and assistant to you." Red nods.

"You were. That's why in addition to your memories coming back, I'm hoping you come back to work too." Junichi chuckles.

"Hm. I saw my bank account today online. I can't believe I saved up almost a hundred million yen. Was I worth that much?" Red asks.

"Hehe. That's your savings after fourteen years with me. But you couldn't have saved up that much had you not been a miser. You also had no life outside the job." Junichi explains.

"I see… Well. Junichi. It's been three days since I woke up. Not even a single flash of memory came back, and I'm slowly becoming discouraged. What if I never get to in the future? What if I don't regain my skills as a butler?" Red grabs this chance to cut his relation to Junichi.

"I'd be beyond disappointed if that happens. But you are always welcome to work for me, relearn your lost skills. The instincts must still be there." Junichi says.

Red smirks at how much Junichi cares for him, or the old Red.

"While I'd love that. I don't want to go back to your mansion." Red says.

"Red…" Junichi is stunned.

"Well. For now, at least." Red adds, making Junichi hopeful.

"But. Like you said… I had no life outside the job. Wouldn't this be the perfect time to build one? I have plenty of savings to do so." Red says.

"Heheh…" Junichi chuckles out of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Red asks.

"Nothing. It's just. I always felt that you always held back with me. I guess this is the real you talking." Junichi smiles bitterly.

Red gives back a consoling smile.

"Very well. From now on, you are dismissed as my butler. I will pay you the rest of your salary for the year." Junichi says with a sigh.

"That easy, huh?" Red chuckles.

"Uhn. Adding up all the days you could have taken your vacation over the years, why not? And, who knows? Maybe you'll get sick of doing nothing and you'll come back to me." Junichi says.

"I guess that makes sense." Red nods.

"But you have to promise me one thing." Junichi adds.

"What is it?"

"You have to drop by from time to time. Even though you were my butler, I considered you one of my few trusted friends." Junichi says.

"That's easy." Red nods.

"And. If ever you get back your memories, come back to work. Please, don't hold anything back by then. Be yourself when with me." Junichi says.

"Of course. Even though I can't remember it, I owe you a lot too. I'll come back as competent as before." Red says, feigning a promise.

"Then that's good." Junichi nods.

"Ah... Junichi? You don't have to visit anymore. If you want to check in, just call. You look like you need some rest." Red says.

"Heh. Now that's the past you talking. Still worried about me when you're the one who' sick." Junichi says.


Three days later

"Good morning Red oji-chan!" Kaoru marches in Red's room and immediately joins Red by the table beside the window where Red often is at this time of the day.

Red, used to Kaoru's barging in in the past three days, boringly looks up from his phone to acknowledge her arrival. Today's visit from Kaoru however, is a bit different.

"Ooohhh. Now, you really look like a young miss from a rich family." Red says, impressed at how cute Kaoru is in her red-themed kimono made of very high-quality silk, and the intricate hairstyle that goes along with it.

"Thank you!" Kaoru does a theatrical gesture with her sleeves.

"Pretty! So. You're leaving today?" Red asks.

"Yes! All the additional tests are done! I'm all good! Thanks to you again!" Kaoru says.

."Very good." Red nods.

"How about you? When are you leaving the hospital?" Kaoru asks.

"Some time this week." Red says.

"Nice! Oh… If only we can go home together. I'd love you to visit my home." Kaoru is disappointed.

"I'll pay you a visit someday." Red says.

"I'd like that! Anyways. Here are the things you asked for." Kaoru lays a manila envelope on the table.

Red opens the envelope to see different documents in it and a flash drive.

"Thank you, Kaoru. I don't even know how you managed to get these." Red says as he takes the documents out.

"My secretary made a few calls. He is really good at these things!" Kaoru says.

"These look real." Red nods after quickly reading.

"They belonged to a homeless person who was caught in a fight between superiori. His body was identified but he had no family to claim him." Kaoru holds her arms at how cold her words were.

"Hmm. I'm a bit taller but…" Red then casts an illusion to himself, copying the appearance of the person in the documents.

"Hmmm. Even though your abilities have no attack power, they're pretty useful and scary." Kaoru is still surprised at Red's 'ability'.

"I wonder what your Superioris Class is." She adds.

"Probably A." Red shrugs and he uncasts the illusion.

"It's rude of me to say this, but you should probably go. Your parents must be looking for you right now." Red says, detecting familiar silhouettes with his spiritual sense, closing in.

"Yeah. I wish we can hang out more, but there are a lot of things waiting for me at home now that I'm well." Kaoru sighs.

"uhn. Come closer for a moment." Red says, and Kaoru leans over the table.

Red then touches Kaoru's head for effect while he scans Kaoru's brain with his spiritual sense. A few seconds later, Red retrieves his hand and nods.

"All good?" Kaoru asks.

"All good.." Red smiles and pats Kaoru's head.

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