Kotone and Blade Tornado are about to exchange moves when suddenly.




The PA system, starts blaring in the combat room.

Not soon after, *ringgg**ringgg**ringgg* Fumio and the other three's phones also start playing an alarm. The four of them find the ringing familiar, wear interested faces.

The alarm is a part of Japan's Emergency Alert System that alarms the citizens for any crises like storms, earthquakes, flooding, and even supervillains.

"DAMN…" Kotone stomps hard on the ground out of annoyance while Blade Tornado gets goosebumps looking at the footprint that was formed by Kotone's stomp.

The group of four immediately pull out their phones to turn them off, but as they read the alert, they stop from turning the alarms off.


Estimated Threat Level – Town.

Areas Affected – Inagi, Komae, Chofu, Mitaka.


"Damn. It's nearby." Blade Tornado raises his brows in interest.

"Are we going to help?" Kotone asks Fumio.

"No." Fumio shakes his head, disappointing Kotone.

"If you won't help, then I will." Kotone says in a tone of finality.

"How about you two, gentlemen?" She asks Blade Tornado and Fire Colossus.

"We're unregistered superiori, so no." Fire Colossus is indifferent.

"What he said." Blade Tornado shakes his head.

"So are we, Kotaru. And besides… Master Phantom… You don't want to risk it." Fumio reminds Kotone about their promise to Red.

"Tsk." Kotone clicks her tongue, remembering her promise to Red, fearing the consequences of breaking it.

"But that don't mean we can't watch. It's been a while since a B-Class villain made trouble. I have to see this." Blade Tornado goes to pick up his jean jacket, and puts it on.

"I'll go watch too." Fumio says, and with that, him, Fire Colossus, and Kotone follow Blade Tornado out.

As the group exit the building, "Okay. The villain is halfway through Inagi, making their way to Chofu." Fire Colossus says, his eyes are glued to his phone, reading some live update app.

Suddenly, "Cool. See you, boys." Fumio bids them goodbye as he sprints away, using spiritual energy.

Kotone follows Fumio's lead, but at a much slower speed.

"What the fuck… w-was that…" Blade Tornado cannot believe the speed the two cultivators are running and soon, the two are out of his and Fire Colossus' sights.

"Shit. Just how strong are their bodies?" Fire Colossus gets goosebumps, at the same time feeling lucky that he did not have to fight the two at their real strength

A few hundred meters away, Fumio and Kotone are now traveling through building rooftops.

"Hmmm. Where could the villain be." Fumio pulls out his phone to look at the live updates.

"Hey. Look at that." Kotone says.

Fumio looks at where Kotone is pointing to find a city block-sized, thick white fog rolling in the distance, covering some buildings.

"Let's go." Kotone leads the way this time.

As soon as they enter the fog, they feel the commotion.

*Crash* *Screams* Broken windows, stampeding pedestrians, and car crashes caused by the thick fog, all sorts of sounds reverberate from time to time.

Despite the commotion, the place is not as chaotic as they expected.

Most of the pedestrians have vacated the streets and entered the nearest building they can for shelter.

Kotone and Fumio then slow down and they descend to the streets, afraid that they will bump into something in the air and fall to their deaths if they stay traveling on the building rooftops.

"Get out of the way!" Fumio and Kotone immediately hop to the side, hearing the voice and they see a white-garbed superhero fly past them, its figure soon veiled in the covers of the fog ahead.

"Oh. She looks familiar." Kotone recognizes the superhero's figure as they decide to follow the superhero.

"Yeah. Some famous wind type superhero. Kaze-something. Forgot her name, but she got some commercials." Fumio says.

As the two continue on their pursuit, *whooosshh* they hear strong whistling of the wind, followed by the fog moving to every direction.

Soon, as if willed by someone, the fog is lifted high up in the air, providing a clearer view of the streets.

The two watches in interest as the rest of the fog is being blown away by the wind superhero, with the wind superhero theatrically waving her arms around.

With everything clearer, Kotone and Fumio now realize that the superhero is actually chasing a man who is running fast on foot.

"Why isn't she stopping the villain?" Kotone asks.

"Waiting for back-up maybe? The villain is running using his body. This superhero looks like she got a non-superiori physique." Fumio explains. 

"Meaning she can't fight head-on, just support." Kotone nods.

"VILLAIN STOP!" The two of them see two other superheroes join in the chase.

One is a man dressed in an office suit, flying on top of a huge pot that looks to be made of clay. The other is a man wearing a blue tracksuit, looking like a Physical Education teacher, and seems like a pure physically enhanced superioris.

The villain meanwhile, as if not hearing the heroes, continues to run.

Then, he points his palm behind him and produces thick steam, obstructing the view of his pursuers.

Such attempt for diversion however is useless as *whoooshhh* the wind superhero blows the steam away again before it turns into fog.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" The villain then throws a ball of water behind him, accurately hitting the tracksuit-wearing superhero. The superhero is slow to react and he is hit in the face with the ball of water.

"AHHH!!" He slows down as he holds his face, obviously in pain.

"Boiling water." Fumio realizes, witnessing it happen.

"Damn." Kotone gets goosebumps, imagining the pain the tracksuit superhero is feeling.

The clay pot superhero, seeing the villain resorted to violence, summons ten clay pots and throws them all to the villain's direction.

*thunk* one of the pots hits the villain on the back and shatters, but it was not enough to stop the villain.

"VILLAIN! GET BACK HERE!" The tracksuit superhero is back in the chase after recovering.

Fumio and Kotone's faces become weird, seeing the tracksuit superhero rubbing what looks like a huge boomerang made of ice on his face while running.

Not long after, the tracksuit superhero throws the boomerang to the villain's direction, and follows it through with two more.

*whack* One of the boomerangs lands on the villain and this time, the villain is rocked, and almost stopping in his steps.

"SURRENDER OR GET HURT!" The tracksuit superhero closes the distance between him and the villain.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, AND NO ONE ELSE HAS TO GET HURT!" The villain replies as he summons balls of water around him, threatening to splash it to the pedestrians that remained on the sidewalks.

This causes the pedestrians to all flee to the buildings.

The commotion distracts the three superheroes and *Fsssss* the villain produces steam and fog once again, hiding his figure from them.

The wind superhero, having repeatedly dealt with such attempt by the villain in two cities now, easily blows the steam away.

To the superheroes' surprise, the villain, while not escaping their sights, is already almost a hundred meters from them.

"Something's weird." Fumio suddenly says as them and the superheroes chase after the villain again.

"What is?" Kotone asks.

"The villain is too careful. He has not really hurt anyone yet, or taken someone as hostage." Fumio says.

"Huh…" Kotone ponders.

"And… don't you feel that?" Fumio asks with a serious and confused expression on his face.

"Feel what?" Kotone asks.

"Might be nothing. Let's watch for now." Fumio shakes his head.

"KIDS, RETREAT." Another superhero joins in by landing from a building rooftop to the street, and with her arrival, is a commanding order.

"O-Obsidian Huntress…" The superheroes immediately recognize the forty something year-old hero and they acknowledge her arrival in respect.

The kyudo-outfit wearing superhero nods at them in response.

"You. Wind Girl, come with me." She then commands and sprints to the villain's direction.

Fumio and Kotone also ditch the two male superheroes behind and they follow Obsidian Hunter and the wind superhero.

"Obsidian Huntress? Top Tier B-Class hero, right?" Kotone asks.

"Yeah." Fumio confirms.

Obsidian Hunter after all, is quite known.

"SHIT!" Minoru, the villain, curses in frustration recognizing the newcomer chasing after him.

He then starts running in a zigzag manner as he tries to think of a way to get away. He is not given a chance however as *whistle* he hears something dark zoom past his ear, followed by a stinging pain on his shoulder.

He looks at his shoulder and finds it wounded. He is sure that he was just grazed by an obsidian arrow from Obsidian Hunter.

He then looks back and he finds that Obsidian Hunter is already in a bow drawing stance.

Before he can run away, a black slender bow appears on Obsidian Hunter's grasps, and four more around her, all cocking three arrows each, all pointed to him.

"FUCK…" He panics and finally to resorts to something he found that is beneath him.

"Don't!" He immediately finds a cover behind a random female pedestrian.

He is pleased to see Obsidian Hunter put away her bows except for the one that is in her grasps.

"VILLAIN. LET THE CIVILIAN GO." Obsidian Hunter orders.

"No. I'll let go of her if you all stop chasing." Minoru refuses firmly.

"Why don't you just surrender? You didn't hurt anyone yet. All you'll get is a slap on the wris. Maybe a couple nights in Superioris Jail." Obsidian Hunter starts to negotiate.

"You don't understand, Obsidian Hunter. Just turn around and leave. Then we all go home happy." Minoru greets his teeth.

"Take the shot!" Some pedestrians start urging Obisidian Hunter, giving her the urge to yell back. While she is a very good archer, her skills not even as good as non-superiori Olympic archers, so she has no confidence if she can shoot Minoru without hurting the hostage. 

Suddenly, her eyes glint, and gets hopeful.

"No, villain. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. If you hurt the lady, you'll spend the rest of your life in prison!"

Minoru on the other hand, gets frustrated.

Gritting his teeth, he puts his hand on the hostage's mouth and starts dragging her with him to get more distance from Obsidian Hunter.

He is confused however as while Obsidian Hunter is not willing to leave, she seems to be more relaxed than he thought a superhero would be in a hostage situation.

Suddenly, he feels something wrap around his neck and tightens, choking him.

"It's over for you, villain." He hears a voice behind him and from the corner of his vision he sees someone he recognizes.

"Chofu's Guardian." He utters in defeat before his world goes dark. 


"I guess that's it, huh?" Kotone asks as she and Fumio watch the superheroes leave, and Chofu's Guardian carrying the unconscious villain away with what looks like a stone rope.

"Yeah…" Fumio simply nods.

"What?" Kotone asks, noticing that Fumio seems to be distracted by something.

"I thought it was nothing but… Let's wait for a moment until the guardian leaves." Fumio says.

"Okay." Kotone is curious of what Fumio is up to.

After making sure that the things are slowly returning to normal, Fumio leads the way to where the villain fainted, and starts looking around.

"Oh… Yeah. I feel something." Kotone now has an idea of what has been bothering Fumio.

"Good. I thought it's just me." Fumio nods.

A few seconds later.

"There it is." Fumio excitedly picks up something from under a car.

"A... piece of wood? Really? ?" Kotone frowns, looking at the piece of wood the size of a toddler's pinkie that is making danced by Fumio between his fingers. She knows however that the piece of wood is not as simple as it looks.

"I don't know.." Fumio is just as clueless.

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