"The real Red?" Red nods at the question, understanding that Kaoru already figured out the hole in his lies.

/Who are you really? You took the identity of Junichi's butler and childhood friend. If you're not him, then where is the real Red?/ Kaoru asks again.

"He died." Red answers plainly.

/He died?.../ Kaoru's voice trembles.

"Yes. I exchanged myself with him among the rubbles." Red says.

/That's... repulsive. / Kaoru says, Red hearing disgust in her voice.

"He was already dead before the walls he crashed into, buried his body. I can't save him." Red explains.

/Oh??? But Junichi???/ Kaoru struggles to argue.

"Do you know that young man?" Red asks.

/We're acquainted./ Kaoru says.

"What do you think will happen to Junichi if he found out that his best friend died for him?" Red asks.

/I don't know??? But what you did??? / Kaoru is conflicted.

"Wouldn't it be better for Junichi to grow estranged with Red than to lose him? Wouldn't it be better for Junichi to see Red every once in a while, than not seeing him forever?" Red says.

/This??? I-I understand./ Kaoru finally accepts Red's logic, but she does not feel good about it.

"Now. About that man you-"

/Before that. If your name isn't Red, then what is?/ Kaoru interrupts.

"Well, you can just call me Kichirou. Or Mr. Iwai." Red says.

/That's the name of the homeless guy who died! The guy's identity who you asked for!/ Kaoru says rather loudly in annoyance.

"Kaoru. Speaking of my real name alone is dangerous to you and the people around you. I don't want even the slightest chance of the wrong people figuring out that you and I are acquainted." Red says.

/Are you really that wanted?/ Kaoru asks.

"You already know the answer to that. But just to give you an idea. I can save two more S-class superioris who are at death's door, with my remaining life. Does that help you grasp it?" Red lies.

/I-I??? understand./ Red's lie gives Kaoru a huge pressure.

"Good. But even speaking with me is risky. I would like it if we don't talk anymore. For you and I's sakes." Red concludes.

/But??? I still have to repay you! There must be something I can do for you to live as peaceful as you want./ Kaoru argues.

"You never owed me, Kaoru. So. Please. Try not to look into me again as that itself will connect you with me. If you do otherwise, I will instead be the one to disappear from your life. It will be inconvenient for me, but to ensure both our safety, I will do it. Do you understand?" Red asks.

/I understand./ Kaoru says.

"Then goodbye, Kaoru." Red says.

He is about to drop the call when, /WAIT!/ Kaoru stops him.

/If that's what you really want! But I can't just let you be after you gave me a new life! So please. Accept what I gave you. And do not give it back as this will be the last time I'll talk to you./ Kaoru says.

"Accept what?" Red asks in curiosity.

*bzzz* His phone suddenly buzzes, receiving a multimedia text message.

Red opens the message and his eyes widen at the attached photo.

/That is the transaction statement of the deposit I made to the bank account of your Iwai Kichirou identity./ Kaoru explains.

"That much is obvious. But why? And 400 million yen too? Have you lost your mind?" Red says.

/That is everything I've saved up for years from pocket money. That is not just money, but a symbol of my sincerity and gratitude. Accept it, use it to live the life you want???/

"..." While Red wants to refuse, he knows that taking Kaoru's money will make her feel better.

/Alright. I won't bother you anymore, oji-chan. Goodbye./ Kaoru drops the call.

"???" Red is still stunned at what happened.

Soon, he recovers and "*sigh* This child???" he smiles at not getting the last word in.

He then starts to lounge at the terrace and read some more general knowledge on his newly purchased phone while waiting for the moon.

*slide* *shut*

Suddenly, in the terrace next to his, a man who looks to be in his early 20s, wearing a pair of cheap black suit, haggardly steps out.

"?" Red silently stares at the young man and observes.

He would have ignored his neighbor had he not noticed something strange in the man.

His observations are rewarded as the young man listlessly walks to the ledge of the terrace and leans over it with a deep sigh.

"???" Red shakes his head. He has seen the young man's expression in the past among many cultivators who have given up cultivating and have lost their will to live.

'I decided to live as a mortal. Might as well interact more with mortals.' Red then casts an illusion to himself, to appear as his other identity, Kichirou, before "Hey kid!" greeting the young man.

The young man, as if a deer caught in the headlights, turns his head to Red's direction.

"*aherm* O-oh. Hello mister. I didn't see you there." The young man says, trying to compose himself.

"I'm your new neighbor, if that isn't obvious enough." Red says.

"Yeah???" The young man is not in the mood to talk.

"So??? tell me why you want to jump?" Red asks.

"W-what are you talking about?" The young man steps back from the ledge.

"It also seems like you're starting to gather the courage." Red insists.

"Mister. Does it matter to you what I do?" The young man asks as he leans his back against the ledge.

"It doesn't if I didn't see the signs. But I somehow did, so if you jumped right now, you'll give me nightmares for years to come." Red says.

"???" The young man stays silent for a second before "???hehe..." chuckling mirthlessly.

"Can I ask??? Are you a superioris?" The young man asks.

"You can say that I am???" Red says.

" 'You can say that you are'. Are you a class F?" The young man asks.

"uhuh???" Red nods, not sure where the conversation is going.

"Well at least you've got something useful. I don't." The young man says.

"I'm barely a superioris. I made it 45 years old just fine." Red says.

"45??? married?" The young man asks.

"No." Red says. "You at least have a power, no matter how small it is. But you're still here, 45, single without kids. How do you think I'll fare as a non-superioris? I wouldn't be surprise if I end up homeless and out of my mind." The young man says.

"???" Red is stunned.

The young man indirectly described the original Kichirou. 45, non-superioris, never married, and died homeless.

"I know where I'm gonna end up, and I don't like it." The young man concludes.

"How about your family? Parents? Sibling?" Red asks.

"I do??? But I know what you want to say. I'm the only non-superioris in my family. They wouldn't care if I die. I saw it in their eyes. Their eyes tell me I'm useless every day. That's why I moved out." The young man says.

"Must have been your imagination, kid. If you're useless, then 50 percent of the world who are like you are also useless." Red says.

"You don't know my family as well as I do... Anyways. In the end, you superiori, even the F class, are valued, but people like us are very disposable so nobody will care if I die." The young man argues.

Red has no answer for the young man's frustrations. He himself, when he became a young immortal, became indifferent to the sufferings of mortals.

"Well??? superioris or not, you can do a lot of things. This head nurse in the hospital I was admitted to is not a superioris. She's my age too." Red can only console.

"Puhah??? there's no way she had no connections to that hospital. Well, unless she's a genius." The young man scoffs in pessimism. Red almost bursts out laughing that his consolation did not work.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But she's very well liked and respected from what I've seen. Being a superioris is not her identity. Is being a non-superioris what makes you you?" Red asks.

"???" The young man looks down sullenly.

"I too resented how things worked. I resented being born with a weak ability. I could have used that time resenting things, to grab opportunities and make something of what I have. I've wasted my time and it was too late when I realized that. But you, kid, it's not too late for you." Red says.

"I know I'm at fault too, and wasted time. But I worked hard! Why am I not seeing the fruits of it?" The young man says.

"Maybe you planted the wrong tree. Or planted the right tree in the wrong places. Look. All I'm saying is that you're still very young and age is your value. It's only been a few years since you became an adult. What if you miss out something good? Hm? What if the day after you take your life, an opportunity of a lifetime could appear?" Red says.

"If that's true??? then???" The young man is still resentful, and Red knows.

"Sure. If that's true, then there will be no poor people in the world. I know there's a very small chance of such miracle to occur. But if you're dead. Then there's no chance at all." Red says.

"Huh??? how are you so positive?" The young man turns around the questioning.

"Well? Just lucky to be alive, have a roof over my head, and food to fill my stomach every day." Red shrugs.

"???" The young man has no answer for that.

"Speaking of roof above the head??? You look like you're hopeless but you can afford your apartment. I was rather taken aback paying the deposit of my place." Red says to the young man.

"Oh. I have two room ma- wait??? You're living on your own? OH Hoh??? you seem to be more loaded than I thought." The young man says.

"What? I've lived longer than you. Of course I have made more money." Red says.

"Heh??? you were speaking as if you wasted your youth. It seems like you're doing fine." The young man scoffs.

"Hey. Is that what's important right now? You said you have two roommates. If you jumped, what do you think they'll feel?" Red says.

"Fine! Fine! You ruined my mood to jump. F*ckin old people." The young man says in fake annoyance, but Red can tell that the young man is consoled.

"Just out of curiosity??? What do you do for a living?" Red asks.

"Err???" The young man struggles to answer.

"Come on. It's a basic question." Red says.

"I have three part-time jobs." The young man says.

"Huh??? Well. It seems like you're at least competent. Holding three part-time jobs doesn't seem easy nowadays." Red says.

"It's good that you know???" The young man nods.

"But landing a regular job isn't easy, huh? Went for an interview today?" Red asks, referring to how the young man is dressed.

"Doesn't seem to be your business, sir?" The young man says in annoyance, his soft spot hit.

"Oh??? I'm sorry. But, hey. We've talked for quite some time. And it looked like we had a pleasant enough talk that we forgot to introduce ourselves?" Red says, disarming the young man's annoyance.

"I'm Iwai Kichirou by the way, pleased to meet you." Red introduces himself.

"???Oh??? I'm Kubota Fumio. Pleased to meet you Kichirou-san." Fumio says.

"Uhn??? Well. Fumio-kun??? Why don't you work for me?" Red says.

This takes Fumio's curiosity before immediately getting skeptical.

"You? Hire me? HAHAHA" He says out of surprise.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mock you." He adds, realizing his tone.

"???" He then sees that Red's face does not have a joking expression.

"You're serious???" He says, stunned.

"???" Red simply nods.

"What kind of work?" Fumio asks, deciding to entertain Red.

"Some kind of a personal assistant. You just do what I ask you to do." Red says.

"???" Fumio looks at Red in disgust.

"hey. What's with the face? They'll be reasonable tasks." Red says.

"Like what tasks?" Fumio asks.

"Well. Looking up stuff and people. Scoping out places. I might also ask you to buy stuff I need. In general, you'll be doing a lot of leg work." Red explains vaguely.

"Looking up people.. scoping out??? buy stuff. A personal assistant indeed." Fumio nods.

"How about pay?" He asks.

"You'll be starting at 350,000 monthly. Eight to ten hours a day." Red offers.

"Three hundred fif---" Fumio is speechless at the generous amount.

"Uhn. But you'll be on call 24 hours except on the weekends." Red says.

"..." This makes Fumio hesitate.

"Hey. I'll give you an advance too." Red adds.

Fumio is now over the moon.

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