Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 190: Shirley's fan

Harvey successfully squeezed through the crowd of onlookers and saw a well-dressed middle-aged man with a bloated figure in the center of the crowd pointing at a young girl and swearing at a young girl. There was a sketch on the muddy floor, and the white paper was mixed with paint. Submerged in dirty water, no concrete appearance can be seen.

The man dressed as a businessman slammed the painting on the ground with a cane and cursed: "What kind of **** is this painting? What is the difference between this kind of painting and the graffiti of the children on the side of the road? You are an apprentice to paint, what art does a woman know?"

The painting was smashed by a cane, and the girl who saw this scene shivered with anger. She wore a dirty long skirt and wrapped a headscarf. She looked pretty and refined. The freckles on her small face added a bit of youthful vitality to her, she insisted. Neck retorted: "But I just draw it according to your request..."

The businessman shouted even more angrily, "Damn it! Which aspect of this painting is worthy of my wife?"

The girl clenched her fists, suppressing her anger: "Woman~It's because I'm a woman~~"

"Niya!" An elegant man with long hair walked out of the studio to stop the girl from continuing.

The handsome and elegant man bowed and apologized to the businessman: “Mr. Fergus, I’m very sorry, my student is indeed not good at skills, so let’s come here again in a week. This time I will draw it myself. To express my apologies, the price is of course completely free."

The businessman's expression changed a lot, and he nodded: "Oh~! Mr. Warren, you are polite, you will certainly be fine if you paint by yourself."

The onlookers laughed and laughed loudly: "Haha, Fergus, so a woman can't be on the stage. You even accepted her as an apprentice because of you."

It seems that the riots here are not once or twice. Another painter ridiculed: "What qualifications does a woman have to be a painter? Give up your naive ideas as soon as possible."

"That's right, just go back obediently and wait for you to get married. Come out and join in the fun. If you want to become a professional painter, you might as well think that you will marry a nobleman. But I think it's hard for you to have a weird temper."

"You guys!" The girl was anxious, no longer caring about her face, raising the wooden drawing board on the side of the road with her hands and rushing towards the crowd. When she waved, the crowd of onlookers backed away. Harvey stood there and stared at the scene. Throughout the journey to the present, Harvey has basically come into contact with the gentle and pleasant Western-style classical ladies. This is the first time Harvey has seen such a woman out of this era.

The crowd dispersed, and Harvey, who was standing in the first column, hadn’t moved yet. The drawing board raised by the girl naturally rushed towards Harvey. The girl originally intended to drive away the crowd. She didn’t expect that someone would not dodge like a wood, although she was angry and still controlled it. Staying in your own sense, plan to stop.

The silver light passed in midair, and the painted board in the girl's hand turned into a pile of broken wood and fell.

No one knows what happened, and it was just that the drawing board was loosely structured and fell apart by violent use, and the crowd laughed once again.

The girl was embarrassed to bow to Harvey, cleaned up the drawing board on the ground and left quickly.

After the storm passed, Art Avenue restored its calm appearance. Harvey entered the studio that caused the turmoil and saw various paintings of painters hanging in it. There were oil paintings and sketches. The sketches made Harvey's eyes bright, and they were all quite satisfactory. The portraits of people show that the basic skills are very solid.

Harvey asked the male painter known as Fergus: "Are these all your works?"

Fergus smiled and replied, "Yes, sir."

"Very good, so how much money can you make a month?"

Fergus was taken aback for a moment. He looked up and down Harvey and hesitated to answer: "About three Barrons."

Three gold balun coins, this is not a small amount of money, enough to live a rich life for a family of three.

"I want to hire you to paint in my studio, and I can pay you six balun gold coins every month."

Six? The paintbrush in Fergus's hand almost fell to the ground without surprise, his face solemnly thought for a while and shook his head: "Sir, I'm afraid I can't help you. I have received enough work this month, if I can. I recommend my student better, she has painting skills that are not inferior to me."

"Is that the lady who held the drawing board just now?"

"Uh..." Fergus looked embarrassed and somehow responded.

"Sir!" A high female voice came from the side. The girl just walked out of the inner room, her eyes fixed on Harvey, her voice clear: "You also think women can't be painters? They can despise my work itself. , But I can’t insult my work just because of my feminine identity.”

Harvey shrugged: "I never meant it, because the studio leader I'm talking about is a female painter."

The girl's eyes burst with amazing brilliance, and she sat down with hope: "Oh! Please be sure to introduce her to me. You know that there are too few female painters here. I'm going to slap those who speak bad words in the face!"

Harvey can't help but nodded: "Before this, can you show me your work?"

"no problem."

The girl turned back and went back to the inner room. After a while, she brought back several bound sketches and showed them to Harvey. When she saw her paintings, Harvey was taken aback. Fergus said that the girl’s sketching skills were not weaker than him. It was a fact. However, these paintings obviously have a style that is completely inconsistent with the sketches of this era. Rather, the content and details of the sketches are similar to those of Shirley's novel illustrations.

"Did you recognize it?" The girl who noticed Harvey's expression changed proudly and explained: "These works were created by me imitating the illustration style of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo", and the illustration of the novel is Shirley Ai Ms. Derian’s works, but Ms. Shirley’s works are too few. Those who are full of money only know how to appreciate them. They only buy paintings to show off their wealth and superficial artistic vision."

There are even Shirley fans?

Harvey's mood is a bit complicated. He is a little happy but doesn't agree with the girl's statement. He has not been recognized and accepted by the public. At least for this era, it is indeed a bad work. After thinking about it, he nodded to the girl: "Yes, it is indeed like Ferge. Mr. Si said that the painting skills are outstanding, and I am willing to offer you five balun gold coins a month to hire you to my studio. What do you think?"

Five balun gold coins! ?

The girl stretched out her hands stiffly, her fingers stretched out one by one, and she asked with a stiff expression: "How many balun pounds are five balun gold coins?"

"About five hundred and fifty." Fergus added.

The girl screamed first, holding Harvey's right hand in both hands and excitedly said, "It's a deal, I'm very happy to work for you, sir."

Harvey nodded first and then said to Fergus: "How do you like it? Mr. Fergus, my studio still lacks an excellent painter like you."

The handsome man shook his head and still declined: "I'm very sorry, I personally prefer free creation."

Harvey did not force it, and wrote down the address of the mansion so that the girl would leave here tomorrow to continue looking for the next painter.


The girl who was excited for a long time thought about it with a happy face. After a long time, she suddenly realized something and then screamed, and asked her teacher Fergus: "Teacher! There are really people who say every Friday The price of a gold balun hires me? I'm still just your apprentice, it's impossible to think about it!"

"That's not the gentleman just now."

The girl was worried: "I mean he shouldn't be a liar who kidnapped women! Although that outfit is pretty good, I didn't see him with a servant around him, and he could really pay five balun gold coins."

"Don't worry, if he can't pay, no one in Elroy can pay."

"What do you Teacher, do you know him?"

"One sentence he said convinced me of his identity."


"The studio he opened is dominated by a female painter."

The girl named Niya was very angry and shook her pink fist: "Indeed, there are almost no female painters in Elroy, can't women become painters? Ms. Shirley also became Mr. Adrian's A dedicated novelist! Humph!"

"Niya, I didn't mean that, can't you recognize it."


"Look at the address information that the gentleman left you just now, and think about everything he said."

After a while, Fergus’s studio screamed even more loudly, which alarmed most of the painters on the street. He almost thought that Fergus had hanged Niya up and beat him because of what happened just now, otherwise he would be famous for his temper. How could the irritable Niya scream like a howling wolf.

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