Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 198: The British Empire and the Kingdom of Barron

Harvey has received a modern education and has a longer-term perspective than this era. It is easy to see through the undercurrents of the literary world of the Kingdom of Barron, so he agrees with the ideas of Count Henrietta.

The change of literature is not driven by others, but a spontaneous change from the inside to the outside of the environment.

The reason is very simple. Literature is one of the most common and commonly used entertainment methods for human beings. It is not the little joke writer at the top of the pyramid that determines the development of literature, but ordinary people everywhere. Nowadays, people’s material lives are becoming more abundant and they are beginning to be more spiritual. Entertainment has a higher pursuit, more ordinary people are exposed to words, and the mysterious and noble veil of literature is stripped off.

Literature is just a small wave in the tide of the times, just like the rise of the merchant class, the industrialization of factories, and the transformation of the entire civilization due to changes in productivity. It took hundreds of thousands of years for humans to evolve intelligent creatures from beasts, and tens of thousands of years for the formation of primitive society, and then entered the agricultural civilization era that lasted for thousands of years. Now half of the foot has entered the industrial era representing modern civilization. Each time the evolution of social forms takes less and less time, the process will inevitably be fiercely turbulent.

The study was quiet. After listening to Count Henrietta’s explanation, Harvey hugged his hands and muttered for a long time: "Count, I agree with your point of view, but I don’t think my work alone can meet your expectations. When I constructed the novel "Dark Civilization", I didn't think about this happening at all. This novel is just my entertainment."

The novel prototype of "Dark Age" is "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy". Although it is one of the pioneers of fantasy themes, it is certainly not enough to become the backbone of the transformation of the literary world. What's more, in a world where magic already exists, "Dark Age" "It's more like a story of heroic poetry that pleases commoners.

"Scott gave "Dark Age" a very high evaluation, and I myself look forward to the content of the second volume."

Harvey knocked on the desktop and smiled calmly: "Count, you have misunderstood what I mean. I mean, "Dark Age" is not enough to be the full force that revolutionizes the current literary world."

The earl stood up and looked at the dark garden outside the window. He carefully considered the meaning of Harvey’s words and replied: "It is more than enough to deal with my competitor. As long as I can become the chairman of the literary association, it will change the kingdom’s literary world. The status quo is only a matter of time."

"This is natural, but I like to do things in one step. Why not take this opportunity to completely change the atmosphere of the literary world."

The earl turned his head and looked suspicious: "I'm a little confused, what do you mean?"

"Count, can you provide me with manuscript paper and ink? The amount is large enough to fill this table."

"Of course, I will let people do it."

The earl picked up the rattle on the desk and rang it a few times. The crisp ringtone was spread outside through the soundproof door. After the old butler came in, he bent over and obeyed the earl's instructions before leaving. After half an hour, a large number of servants entered the study room one after another. Ten bottles of ink and white manuscript paper large enough to make a big bed were brought in and piled up the earl's spacious desk.

"Harvey, what do you want to do with so much manuscript paper and ink?"

"What else can I do besides writing novels."

The count was startled: "Now? Here?"

"Yes it is."


"Count, can you please leave the study temporarily, I need to stay here quietly for the whole night, and don't want to be disturbed by anyone."

"Um." Count Henrietta was puzzled. Before he exited the study, he saw a large amount of white manuscript paper spread on the table, covered by a layer of green light, floating automatically, divided into dozens of pieces and erected in front of Harvey. At the same time, The cap of the ink bottle is automatically twisted open, and the ink is poured into the white paper into a neat font.

This is how the caster writes! ?

Count Henrietta was stunned when he saw this scene, carefully closed the door and retreated, suddenly remembering that Harvey was publishing novels at an abnormally fast speed.

He faintly guessed Harvey's plan, and he couldn't believe it. Since "Dark Age" was not enough to transform the literary world, from Harvey's words, he created works with this power on the spot! A novel that can transform the literary world of the Kingdom of Barron?

Count Henrietta's body shuddered suddenly. He felt the excitement when he saw the phantom of "Count of Monte Cristo" in the cinema for the first time. The scorching blood spread from the heart to the limbs, making his head more sober.

The count didn’t know whether it was a smile or a sigh: “It seems that it’s hard to sleep tonight.”


Not enough, not enough. In the British Victorian era, there were so many amazing and talented writers that promoted the change of the literary world at that time. The works of the three Bronte sisters "Jane Eyre", "Wuthering Heights", and "Agnes "Grey", Charles Dickens's "Orphan in the Mist", "Great Expectations", William Meckbis Thackeray's "Vanity Fair", Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and more!

Harvey has seen these, not in the form of novels. The Victorian era was the peak of English literature. All of the above works were adapted into documentary films and TV series by BBC TV. Harvey loved the Victorian era very much on earth. Style films and documentaries, I have specifically looked for these works representing the pinnacle of Victorian literature to watch.

As for the novel, Harvey has also recently needed to make up because of his creation.

The look and feel of novels is much worse than that of movies or documentaries. There is no other reason, but the limitations of the times. What can break through the limitations of the times are the monumental works in the literary world. These works have not reached the level of entering the hall, but they are excellent. The point is that it was written in that era, reflects the author's cognition and criticism of that era, and is full of the breath of that era.

The British Victorian era is very similar to the Barron Kingdom now. Changing the names of the characters in the works and translating them into this world is no sense of contradiction.

In fact, Harvey intends to do so.

To move the treasures of British Victorian literature into this world, of course, it is not published in the name of Harvey Adrian, and not to mention others believe it or not, all published in his name loses the meaning of these works, the author It is also part of the work itself.

Just as "Jane Eyre" is made by the British female writer Charlotte Bronte, it will be more meaningful, and only by her hand will this work be "Jane Eyre".

Harvey has read these novels before, and it is easy to copy them. He has to carefully consider the translation of the novels and revise the unreasonable aspects in the novels. The number of copies that can be translated in one night is as many as possible. Harvey is engrossed, with his current A-level writing skills and a literary vision that transcends the limitations of the times, after translating these works, the grade has improved a lot.

Every novel contains the author's identity and background set by Harvey based on the original author. Whether these authors really exist is not important. A novel will not be born out of thin air. Since it is born, it must have its meaning.

Count Henrietta can handle it well and transform these Victorian literary treasures into the backbone of the kingdom's literary world. If Count Henrietta doesn't know how to dig out the value of these, it will be a gangster.

When translating, Harvey left a back door in the works with a joking mentality. Each novel has a related clue, and all the clues can be combined to get a message: "The author of the novel: Harvey Adrian ."

This practice is actually quite popular in the art world. For example, many painters will also paint themselves in their works. In the famous painting "The Coronation of Napoleon I", the painter David plays the role of the painter in the painting, "The Family of Charles IV" In ", the painter Goya also painted himself in the painting because of the number of people. As for how to find this problem, you must know that the painter also has the idea of ​​"famous" and generally likes to paint a self-portrait.

In addition to the role of easter eggs, this backdoor may also come in handy in the future.

Harvey doesn't worry that no one will find this easter egg. There are magical methods like magic in this world. Prophecy magic can help the caster easily find hidden information and analyze the clues obtained.

As for questioning whether Harvey is the author of these works, there is the identity of the caster, everything is not a problem, there has also been a high-ranking spellcaster who likes literature in history using [shorthand] to create tens of thousands of words overnight. Examples of novels.

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