Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 107 - Question

Si Ning waited patiently as he absentmindedly started tapping the table while waiting for Song Feng to finish his medical inspection because Song Feng was now holding his hand gently and started turning it over and over which made Si Ning wondered what he was trying to see. After all, it almost seemed like his hand was being caressed that Si Ning had to stretch his neck trying to see if he would be able to see what Song Feng was searching for.

"Who drugged you?" Song Feng asked almost like a whisper without looking at Si Ning.

"Uh?" Si Ning decided to play cluelessly as he looked away drawing back wondering why Song Feng was still holding his hand that he tried to slip his hand out of his hold only for Song Feng to hold it firmly.

"I was called at midnight and I followed the palace guards to a house which was right in the city and I saw his Majesty sitting beside you while you were neatly dressed and seemed to just taken a bath and was sleeping peacefully on the bed, his Majesty told me to look after you and he left so I was wondering why you have an aphrodisiac drug in your system even though you don't seem like you were attacked." Song Feng said clearly as a means for Si Ning to understand his last question.

Si Ning never thought of where Xiu Zhicheng took him to that night because his head was fuzzy then but by the calming scent of jasmine that was like the scent of Liu Zhicheng's apartment shows that they didn't come to the Si residence nor the XiXi tavern and they were also not in the palace because of how fast they got to the location. Si Ning had no idea where the place was or how he got home but he knew it was either Xiu Zhicheng that brought him home or sent him home and according to Song Feng, it seemed like he wasn't taken by Xiu Zhicheng that night after all his seduction approach and that annoyed him for some reasons he doesn't know because he had been sexually frustrated thinking of having a vigorous sexual activity with Xiu Zhicheng only for him to be shun which made him think if perhaps he wasn't appealing enough to Xiu Zhichneg. After all, as the Emperor, Si Ning was sure there would be a lot of beauties offered to him.

Thinking about Xiu Zhicheng having a lot of beauties at his beck and call annoyed Si Ning that he cliched his hand on the table into fist till his knuckles turned white.

"Perhaps is this your way to get his Majesty to be with you?" Si Ning turns to look at Song Feng because he seemed like he heard hostility in his statement and he shook the thought of Xiu Zhicheng having a massive harem off because that thought would only make him boil in anger, without replying to Song Feng he closed his eyes trying to think of where the house Xiu Zhicheng took him to might be located when he felt a slight pressure on his hand and he opened his eyes to see Song Feng wearing a worried expression.

"The drug is due to my carelessness and it was his Majesty that helped me." Si Ning explained, the least he could do was to clear Xiu Zhicheng's name before Song Feng label the Emperor as an attacker or pervert in his head.

The rest was left for Song Feng's imagination and it was up to him to think whether he purposely took the drug to seduce Xiu Zhicheng or accidentally took it because he wasn't about to tell Song Feng he was drugged by Qiu Bai since he wants to keep the situation tight as possible, being attacked with an aphrodisiac was embarrassing enough.Song Feng stared at him for a long life like he was trying to see the truth or false in his words before saying.

"You are fine now, the drug had worn out of your system and after taking this." He released Si Ning's hand raised a bottle of dark pill he placed earlier on the table.

"Before you sleep then you will be fine in no time and remember that it can only be taken after dinner." He instructed as he started packing up his box almost like he was in a hurry.

"Hmmm" Si Ning nodded, he could also tell the drug had worn off because he wasn't horny anymore.

"Take this to relieve the headache, two in the morning and two at night." Song Feng told him bringing out another bottle of tiny white pills. "Any complain or do you feel any discomfort?" He asked and watch as Si Ning shook his head.

"No." Si Ning replied a little glad he wasn't given some potion nor some concoction.

"Also make sure you rest well." Song Feng instructed. "You will be taking light food for the main time till you can regain your balance and I will inform his Majesty about your progress, you do not need to attend the court meeting for the main time nor do you need to stress yourself."

"Hmmm," Si Ning nodded. He already knew Xiu Zhicheng would want an update on him because he was the future Empress to be and also a General of Xiu.

It was such a short professional talk that when Song Feng was about to leave, Si Ning wanted to stop him but he had no idea what to talk about so he kicked against the idea knowing that it was best if they keep some distance between them until Song Feng was ready for them to talk without some awkwardness between them.

Everything might have gone smoothly with their talk yet Si Ning could see that Song Feng wants to keep some certain distance between them and he would not force it for them to be close because from the start Song Feng had always been treating him and nothing more.

"I will come again tomorrow." Song Feng told him before stepping back with his box and bowed.

"Thank you." Si Ning uttered looking away because he doesn't want to watch how Song Feng bow to him.

Si Ning had to turn when Song Feng didn't leave and he was able to catch the pained expression plastered on Song Feng's face which made him confused and worried. He had no idea what to do maybe he should stop and ask what happened or let Song Feng leave and before he could decide, Song Feng turned, walking towards the door when he suddenly stopped few feet to the door like he was contemplating on something making Si Ning wondered if he perhaps forgot to give him a drug because Song Feng stayed rigid making no move to take another step forward. Si Ning was about to ask what was wrong when he noticed Song Feng clenched his fist before turning back and in few strides, he was at the table and like a mist, he sat closer to Si Ning. It was a sudden movement that Si Ning's eyes widened but before he could ask if there was any problem, Song Feng took his hands with shaky hands then placed them on his cheek.

"Si Ning." Song Feng said softly.


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