Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 110 - Seduce

Si Ning's eyes widen but he was too weak to be shocked, he only quickly turned his back to Yanlin, facing the wardrobe and he sighed wearing a tired expression. First, it was Song Feng confessing to him and now a girl that had an impure thought about him. He wanted to tell her to get out but it seemed stressful that he had to rub his eyebrows to relieve his stress only for Yanlin to come and sandwiched herself between Si Ning and the wardrobe like she wanted Si Ning to look at her properly and putting Si Ning in an awkward position that he had to look away because he felt he had committed a crime just by glancing at her unknowingly.

It wasn't that he had never seen a girl naked but it was always the mature ones that he won't feel guilty no matter how long he stares.

"You should leave." Si Ning said firmly feeling fatigued that he wasn't able to talk out loud and sharply as he expected.

Yanlin fell slowly to kneel then wrapped her hands around Si Ning's leg to make him stay put when she noticed he was about to walk away. A vein almost popped on Si Ning's head because it must be a joke for Yanlin to think he would become horny just by seeing her naked when first he wasn't a pedophile and to be honest with himself he would never be attracted to her kind of body. After all, he loves beauties having some curves but this time around he preferred a firm body to touch and the thought of Xiu Zhicheng came to his mind making his cheeks flushed in the process.

"Take me, Young Master, I will warm your bed and satisfy your needs," Yanlin said as her hands tightened around Si Ning's legs

Si Ning wanted to shake her off and he would have easily freed his leg from her if he wasn't too weak. He doesn't have the energy to shout and yell so he decided to talk gently for the young girl to understand her purpose in the house and what was right or wrong but then he felt her sandwiched his leg between her breasts but because she wasn't matured much in that area didn't disturb Si Ning much even though he would love for her to let go.

"You are too young for things like that and I can't with a child also do you forget who I am?" Si Ning said, he wanted her to know he would never be attracted to her and also make her wear her cloth if he wants Xiao Pei to carry her out in case she proves stubborn.

"Young Master is the head of the house, I like you Young Master and I dream of you every night. I will not ask for anything more than if you come home from the palace let me serve you in the bath and the bed." Yanlin said softly. "I am not a child and I am old enough to serve you also I discovered I am very fertile and I can give you an heir, I do not want to climb up in society neither do I want to acquire the Si family treasure, all I want is to love and serve you."

It was funny how Si Ning wished it was Xiu Zhicheng that was talking about serving him instead, it was so disturbing he kept wanting to do sexual things with Xiu Zhicheng because of how beautiful and firm his body was and it was a body he wants to tangle in the sheets with.

How wonderful would it be for a strong man like Xiu Zhicheng to serve him and wash him up before taking him and... His thought was cut short when Yanlin stood up and embraced him that was when Si Ning realized he had been blushing and Yanlin might have assumed he was interested in her.

"If you don't want me to call my guards in to throw you out, let go of me now." Si Ning said in a deep commanding voice, the one he uses when he wants Ah Dai to listen to him. When he felt her hands loosen made him take a step back without looking at her before walking to the bed waiting for her to leave so he could dress up, instead of leaving Yanlin proceeds to crawl on the floor like a cat marking their territory till she reached his side, keeping some distance between them like she was afraid to touch him.

"Young Master, Do you not want me?" Yanlin asked in a pitiful quiet trembling voice her hands starting to quiver.

Si Ning sighed. It was finally time for him to be blunt. "Yes, I prefer male." He replied sharply.

If he was going to trample on her feelings then he rather does it till the end and makes sure she never had any dirty thought about him ever again because he was far from her reach. He reached for his cup to take a sip of water waiting for Yanlin to stand up and leave but Yanlin only knelt there with her head bowed.

"You can pretend I am a male as long as I don't turn my face to you."

Si Ning almost choked on his water that he slammed the cup on the table. "How old are you!" He asked as he turned in anger to her.

"Sixteen, old enough to satisfy Young Master, old enough to marry," Yanlin replied. "No matter how you use me I will accept it."

"What insolence, how dare you, did you forget the front of who you are?."

"Forgive me, Young Master." Yanlin cried "I will be satisfied as long as I serve Young Master once."

Si Ning was flabbergasted, he thought Ah Dai was the most unreasonable person he had ever met but there was one now kneeling in front of him that made him applied pressure on the cup he was holding. First, he was angry that he didn't send her out the moment she touched him, second, he even tried to be reasonable with her, third, he was annoyed that she was behaving like a slut to him when he just woke up.

"I have never done it with a man, you will be my first so Young Master please take me," Yanlin begged this time around, tears trailing down her face as she removed her hairpin with a determined look to seduce Si Ning.

Si Ning closed his eyes and took a deep breath then opened it. "Yanlin, as the Master of the Si household as from today henceforth I do not want to see you within a meter from me..."

"Young Master...." Yanlin's voice broke reaching to touch Si Ning only for him to turn and glared at her making her quickly retract her hand due to how angry Si Ning looked.

"If Si Nan wants to visit me do not accompany her so let this be the last time I see your face..." Si Ning continued.

"Young Master...." Yanlin cried, wearing a pained and hurt expression.

"Now get out!" Si Ning yelled as he threw the cup he was holding away at the door. The cup shattered with the impact making Yanlin jolted as Xiao Pei and Jiang Ye rushed in but after seeing a naked Yanlin they quickly turned. It was such a shame that throwing a cup at his door and the wall was almost turning into a habit.

Yanlin cried as she picked her clothes with shaky hands and wore her robe quickly, looking lifeless like she had just received a big scar before running out of the room.

"Xiao Pei, Jiang Ye I do not want to see her a meter from me." Si Ning instructed.

"Yes General." Xiao Pei uttered after some time wearing an impassive look while Jiang Ye next to him mouth was hanging open in shock.

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