Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 163 - Fever?

Si Ning narrowed his eyes, he doesn't know why Ah Dai and Yang Sheng were making a fuss when he just woke up from a nightmare yet Xiao Pei had to call the Imperial Doctor to check on him.

And what was the fever he was talking about?

Looking at the Imperial Doctor, Si Ning never thought he would be much younger than he thought, he had been expecting to see an old man who had a long white beard and mustache but Si Ning could bet Song Ouyang was much older than the man sitting in front of him.

Si Ning only watched as the Imperial Doctor took his hand to his pulse after placing a white handkerchief on his wrist and this made Si Ning remember Song Feng but it seemed like it was true that Song Feng would never be his Doctor again.

When the Imperial Doctor came in, soon after Xiao Pei left, he gave some instructions to Ah Dai and since then Ah Dai had gone out leaving only Yang Sheng and the Imperial Doctor with Si Ning. If Si Ning says he was comfortable then he would be lying because it was his first time seeing the Imperial Doctor but the way the Imperial Doctor carried himself made Si Ning be a little bit at ease because he wasn't flashing some acupuncture needles like when Si Ning first met the Doctor Song Feng.

From what Si Ning could remember after his struggles in the court meeting and he finally got to his room in the Jasmine palace, all he could think of at that time was to go to bed and that must have been what he did because he could only remember carrying his feet which were heavy and heading straight to his room so he must have slept off then when he woke up, he was a bit tired but he felt well-rested but was still shaken up by his nightmare which prevented him from not stopping Xiao Pei when he announced he was going to send for the Imperial Doctor which leaves Si Ning no choice than to comply to the Imperial Doctor checking him because if he sends him back when he arrived then the Imperial Doctor might go to report to Xiu Zhicheng that the King Consort didn't allow him to do his work after his personal guard Xiao Pei sent for him and that was one situation Si Ning would want to avoid.

Xiu Zhicheng?

Something was missing but Si Ning doesn't know what but he doesn't know why he even thought of the Imperial Doctor reporting to Xiu Zhicheng when Xiu Zhicheng seemed to be so busy and doesn't have the luxury to visit him nor did he bother to even send for his Empress to be to accompany him even if it was just for them to have tea or stroll for a while.

"General Si Ning make sure you take this pill in the morning and night after you eat." The Imperial Doctor told him as Yang Sheng collected the bottle of pills from him.

"Let me see." Si Ning said, his eyes not leaving the bottle of pills once, he was sure he would be able to see any slight or shift in Yang Sheng's movement. He had been in the palace for three nights and Xiao Pei didn't alert him of any suspicious movement in his palace but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be careful, he doesn't trust Yang Sheng yet so he couldn't trust him with something he was going to take.

After staring at the bottle of pills, Si Ning only blinked after Yang Sheng transferred the bottle to him. After turning the bottle in his hands to see the dark round pills which reminded him of Song Feng pills. Song Feng learned his medicinal practice from the Imperial Doctor so Si Ning couldn't help but think it might be the same type of pills which only one would knock him out. He placed it at the back of his mind never to take it.

"General Si Ning you should take some terrapin soup and also light porridge is accepted." The Imperial Doctor told him as he packed up his case. "Now I will take my leave, General Si Ning. I have to go and report to his Majesty."


"Wait you don't have to report to his Majesty." Si Ning said briskly. He was a bit shocked that he wasn't talking slowly which was good and before the Imperial Doctor came, Yang Sheng wiped his body, Ah Dai changed his cloth and also gently brushed his hair which means he was looking neat and wasn't sweaty anymore but he doesn't think his face was right because last time he checked he had dark circles under his eyes so he doesn't think Xiu Zhicheng would need information about him being unwell.

If Xiu Zhicheng gets the information about the Imperial Doctor seeing him and if he wasn't looking at his best then Si Ning was going to regret it forever because appearance was something that mattered to him and worst that could happen was Xiu Zhicheng disregarding him and not come to see him then he was going to die of shame if anyone finds out and spread it and he was also going to feel unimportant to Xiu Zhicheng and to the palace.

The Imperial Doctor seemed confused. "But I will have to make the report because His Majesty was so worried about General Si Ning that His Majesty had to stay here in your palace throughout the night."

Si Ning's mouth fell. "Eh?"

The Imperial Doctor bowed and said. "If you will excuse me, General Si Ning, I will be taking my leave and come back tomorrow to check on you." He left the room swiftly with Yang Sheng.

Si Ning was dumbfounded, it was still unbelievable that Xiu Zhicheng came to see him, he turned to Ah Dai who came in with porridge in a small white ceramic bowl, "Ah Dai His Majesty came?" He asked as soon as Ah Dai placed the bowl on the table.

"Yes Young Master, His Majesty stayed for one night to care for you when Young Master had a fever." Ah Dai explained.

It was shocking to Si Ning that Xiu Zhicheng came to not only see him but stayed with him all night, thinking about it, it wasn't the first time Xiu Zhicheng would act like that, Si Ning could still remember Xiu Zhicheng slipping into his bed when he wasn't feeling well a few times and he doesn't know if he should be happy that the Emperor finally came to see his Consort or to be sad he wasn't well enough to see him but something was still confusing him when Ah Dai said he was cared for throughout the night but from what he could see it was still night.

"How long was I asleep?" Si Ning asked.

"All through yesterday afternoon, evening, night, this morning, afternoon, evening, and Young Master just woke up now at night." Ah Dai said. "His Majesty came yesterday night when His Majesty heard that Young Master had a fever and won't open his eyes and his Majesty left this morning." He quickly fell on his knees. "Forgive me Young Master because I was careless..."

Si Ning couldn't comprehend what Ah Dai was saying as his eyes widened almost popping out of its sockets.


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