Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 177 - Stomachache

Si Ning felt like he had been enduring his stomach pain for a day when it was just almost an hour. Ah Dai kept shedding tears at his side before running out to get something to relieve his Master's pain, Xiao Pei trying to make him feel better by massaging his legs while Yang Sheng was at the side with a bowl of water to wipe his sweat.

When Ah Dai came back in, he was a bit confused when he saw Si Ning rolled up into a ball on the floor, his hands wrapped around his knees, his head bowed that didn't reveal a tiny bit of his face but with the way he was shaking, Ah Dai could tell he was in deep pain.

"Young Master!" Ah Dai shrieked in panic and at that moment his hand shook and the bowl he was holding slipped and shattered on the floor, the concoction he made spilling everywhere but all he was concerned about was Si Ning so he reached out his hands to pull Si Ning up not trying to think of why Xiao Pei and Yang Sheng was standing at the side and not helping their Master.

"No, leave me." Si Ning grunted, the last thing he wanted was someone to change his position, he had tried everything and the position he was currently in was the one that gave him a bit of relief.

"Young Master? Please don't die, Young Master..." Ah Dai cried, his hands shaky as he hesitated to touch Si Ning.

"Ah Dai it hurt." Si Ning couldn't help but to voice out, he was done acting tough as a General, he was dying and all he wanted was to relieve his stomach.

"Yes Ah Dai will get another bowl, yes bowl, please Young Master be strong and wait for me." Ah Dai said as he ran out.

"Pardon this servant for his intrusion, this servant heard a loud sound just..." A servant came in and immediately he saw the mess on the floor he bent and started to pick the shattered pieces of the bowl.

Yang Sheng knocked twice on the door and two servants came in but he didn't say a word for them to know they were called to help the servant cleaning so they also knelt on the floor to start cleaning up while trying not to at their Master.

"King Consort, we have to call the Imperial Doctor." Yang Sheng said briskly moving closer, his eyes pleading as he bent forward trying to see if he would be able to see Si Ning's face.

"No." Si Ning refused making sure his voice was loud enough and stern to make them clearly understand he just gave an order.

It wasn't that Si Ning was playing stubborn but the moment the Imperial Doctor comes and check him then he was likely to ask what Si Ning ate. At that time Si Ning's late-night snack would be revealed because to hide from a Doctor was like hiding in a clear pool of water. He knew his stomach pain was caused by overeating, he wasn't unconsciously so he doesn't think he had food poisoning and all that he ate wasn't from the palace so the Imperial Doctor was likely to find out the origin of the meals he consumed which means he was likely to find out that he ventured outside and report to Xiu Zhicheng. As the Emperor he might take matters into his hands trying to find out the details of his Consort stomachache ache, Si Nan or Jiang Ye didn't come to the palace so he couldn't lie he ate food from home and the guards at the gate would clearly say they didn't see him leave the palace and that was certainly a problem Si Ning wanted to avoid which means he had to wait it out for his stomach to settle.

"Xiao Pei, come.. here." Si Ning managed to say. "Go and check.. ah...." He held his stomach while a servant quickly started to dab his face with a wet cloth.


Si Ning used his index finger to gesture for Xiao Pei to come closer. "Check on Xiu Junjie, check if he is fine, make sure... no one... see you." He whispered into Xiao Pei's ear.

"Yes General I will be right back." Xiao Pei replied as he rushed out knowing how dire the situation was.

It was troubling to be rolling around while thinking if the Crown Prince was also suffering, Si Ning hoped Xiu Junjie was okay and wasn't having a stomach upset because if Xiu Junjie also have a stomachache then Si Ning should prepare for being thrown in the prison.

"Leave me!" Si Ning yelled when Yang Sheng started to massage his legs just like Xiao Pei was doing. It was uncomfortable when Xiao Pei was doing it and he was glad to send him away.

"Forgive me, King Consort." Yang Sheng quickly came over to collect the cloth the servant was using to dab Si Ning's forehead.

"Young Master, I am here." Ah Dai rushed in with a bowl. "I made this ginger concoction, it will help settle your stomach." He said as he tried to steady his shaky hands, this time he had no gloves on so the bowl won't slip.

Si Ning doesn't care, all he cared about was to feel better so he raised his head and drank the content, it was bitter but his brain couldn't register the bitterness. He endured the stomach pain hoping it was going to get better but it didn't. "Yeeeeeee... ehhh...." he grunted in pain after some time.

"I think we have no choice now but to call the Imperial Doctor." Yang Sheng said.

"No no no..." Si Ning waved his hand before rolling to lay on his back.

"King Consort if anything happens to you his Majesty will have our heads." Yang Sheng explained while the servant next to him and the two cleanings nodded. "All King Consort servants are all waiting outside, most are in tears because King Consort refused medical attention."

"Young Master please you are in pain." Ah Dai begged, his eyes red, his face bathed with tears that snort was coming out from his nose.

Si Ning doesn't need Ah Dai to tell him he was in pain because all he could register was the pain assaulting his stomach. "No..." he managed to say as he turned and grunted, drawing his knees back up to roll into a ball as he tried to cope with the stomach pain.

Xiao Pei came in ."General, the Crown Prince is currently sleeping, no sign of discomfort, I checked and made sure." He reported. "I also made sure no one saw me."

Si Ning was relieved that Xiu Junjie was sleeping soundly yet he couldn't help but notice the holes in the palace security again with how Xiao Pei was able to sneak into the Crown Prince without alerting a guard, the Crown Prince should have a guard but Si Ning had never seen him with one. Si Ning doesn't have the energy to worry about that at the moment.

"Call the Doctor." He finally said the one sentence he would say when he thought all hope was lost and currently his stomach was telling him he needed professional medical attention after that he would worry about the consequences later.

It was as if they all expected it because the moment he told them to call the Doctor, everyone in the room rushed out only for Yang Sheng to rush back in because it would be a problem to leave Si Ning all alone.

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