Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 18 - Date Or What

Si Ning only stopped eating after his stomach started to feel uncomfortable and he had eaten almost a quarter of the different dishes and finished the jar of wine. He never thought there would be a day he would enjoy such wonderful and satisfying meal, the dishes could be compared to a five star hotel dishes. Si Ning took a mental note to ask Xiu TianZhao about the cook. If he was able to make this cook teach Ah Dai and Xiao Pei then he would be able to enjoy eating delicious food for the rest of his life. Si Ning had to sit for a while before standing up to check his surroundings. Looking back at the dishes on the table, he was a little dissapointed he had no container to keep the rest.

With the lamps hanging on the walkway Si Ning walked slowly till he came upon a small bridge, he was quite feeling like a rich Young Master and the imperial residence reminded him of the luxurious leisure place he was only able to visit once. The constuctions was gorgeous and he followed a path that was lit with lamps and he was a bit shocked to find a cold spring at an obscure location.

The settings of the lamps made Si Ning felt like he was on a date, it was a shame he had no one to accompany him. He didn't think much of it and only undressed and placed his cloths next to some neatly folded robes on a rock, stepping on the white stones separated the stream from the ornamental grasses. Si Ning was quite shocked the water wasn't as cold as he expected, he scooped some water and splashed it on the face as he felt something was wrong with the night settings. The dinner was definately set for two and the brightly lit lamps on the walkway then on the floor leading to the stream. He quickly washed up and even wore one of the white robes. He noticed the quality of the robes was top notch and it was only two pieces set on the stone.

Two pieces. Two pieces. Two pieces.

The words rang in his brain. Does that mean Xiu TianZhao was supposed to eat with him or does he have a wife? A wife! The thought of having a wife almost made Si Ning cringe. He never disliked the idea of getting married but he wasn't ready and if it turned out he had a wife then he would have no choice but to accept it.

Liu Zhicheng exist in this world and the possibility of Liu Ting being in this world made Si Ning smile brightly yet he was a bit worried of finding Liu Ting and discovering she was already married. Si Ning was an optimist which was why he kept gambling without falling into depression each time he lost. Being an optimist he knew if Liu Ting was meant for him then he would surely find her. Si Ning wanted to find Liu Ting in this world but he knew finding her would put a damp on his plan to enjoy and have a fun time with a lot of beauties, he really wanted to find Liu Ting and at the same time he doesn't want to find her.

Si Ning knew he doesn't know much about himself and he doesn't want to ask. He was now feeling so uncomfortable since his thought was driving him crazy, he had to quickly put on his boots, packed his purple robes and almost sprinted to the quarters yet he paused at the doorway, a little afraid of what he would find. Perhaps his wife? After taking few deep breath, he pulled the door opened. The room was spacious and was dimly lit with candles. Si Ning sighted the bed first and he approached it slowly, he pulled the drapes expecting to see a person on the large bed but it was empty. He sighed, relieved to see he was all alone.

Si Ning bent and touched the brocade bedding and a pillow, it was so soft he quickly pulled off his boots to lie down on the bed. Inhaling the sweet scent of jasmine. Now that he thought of it, the room smell strangely of jasmine. Si Ning wasn't someone that love anything to do with plants since he knew he would never be able to take care of them but the scent was quite refreshing and it reminded him of a place, of a home, he racked his brain yet he wasn't able to remember.

The treatment was more than what Si Ning expected, he had never eaten such delicious meal in his life and the robes he wore was so comfortable.

A dinner for two. A luxirious quarters. Was Xiu TianZhao trying to woo him?

Si Ning thought was all jumbled. He was restless and decided to investigate. A cabinet was beside the headboard and Si Ning opened the drawer next to the bed. He took the chamberstick with a lit candle on it to check the drawers content. He found a small golden basket of flower petals and a beautifully shaped golden box on it, The box was heavy and Si Ning suspected it was made with pure gold just like his hair pin. He took and opened it to find three bottles, one was a sapphire octagon beautifully shaped bottle while the others were a vial shaped golden bottles. He opened the blue one and scooped out a small amount of the content to check the texture.

Ointment? Si Ning knew he would be a fool to pretend he doesn't know he was holding a bottle of lube. Seeing this Si Ning blushed and almost dropped the chamberstick he was holding.

Everything clicked, the dinner, the robes, the lamps, yet Xiu TianZhao didn't appear even once.

What was Xiu TianZhao planning? Si Ning decided to pretend he didn't see a thing and go to bed. He doesn't think he would be attacked and seeing how Xiu TianZhao was. He doesn't think Xiu TianZhao was someone that would force his way with him. His thought drifted to Liu Zhicheng wondering if he was gone, he was truly happy when he saw him and Si Ning couldn't wait to confirm if Liu Zhicheng was a secret guard then he would tell Xiu TianZhao he would like Liu Zhicheng to work personally for him as his guard, then he would be able to bully Liu Zhicheng as much as he likes.

Thinking about Liu Zhicheng. His employer was a great person and for the years he was under Elite entertainment he doesn't think Liu Zhicheng made much profit from him. Si Ning was actually quite envious of Liu Zhicheng that took over his father's company when he graduated from the university. He sees Liu Zhicheng as someone who had it easy and despite his good looks, he only had to manage the artists in his company.

"Yes I know, I am a shitty person and I am trying to change." Si Ning mumbled to himself as he pulled a pillow to his chest.

Before long he drifted into sleep.

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