Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 193 - Union

It would be odd for the people present on rows at the side while a red rug was laid on the middle to create a part for Si Ning to the small altar where the ceremony would take place not to at least turn to just glance at the sedan chair which series of servants were walking behind, two Commanders of the Si army at the front and the guard Xiao Pei at the side with series of guards, it was a grand rhythmic escort so some of the Ministers and the guest turned just to glance, some guests from outside Xiu, some the head of some tribes, some the governor of some province in Xiu that didn't know General Si Ning well was so curious that they turned their head but the moment they saw the Empress to be stepped out, they found themselves in a trance.

Si Ning stepped out to see the colourful ribbon decoration all over the open space, it was bright so everybody present could see him clearly and what he expected was different from what he received, he was expecting everybody present to bow to him like how the people outside his residence did when he stepped out from the Jasmine palace but they all stared at him with wild eyes, some mouth was even open which made him confused if it was now okay for people to stare at the Emperor's man without blinking. Since he was once a celebrity, he wasn't disturbed by it once, he quite felt good about himself, the heavenly mild scent of some perfume he had no idea when Ah Dai sprayed on him wrapped around him making him feel extra confident and happy.

What Si Ning doesn't understand was that his appearance was beautifully regal, soft and attractive that carried the air of an Empress, his shoulders perfect straight and high, his outer dragon ceremonial robe dragged behind him as he started walking slowly to the Emperor and the mild scent surrounding kept drifting faintly to the people in a trance watching him that made some inhale while others were afraid to inhale because if they do, they doubt they would be standing without falling to their knees to worship the deity before them.

Xiu Zhicheng was waiting for Si Ning at the foot of the red rug, he was dressed in red and black dragon robes with embroidery of golden pattern over it, his hair neatly done into a half ponytail, a dark cape with dark wool on the shoulders extended to the neck to make his shoulders high and his attire made his chest to look wider with few golden accessories on his robe, he looked so handsome, his sharp Pheonix eyes on the beautiful man walking towards him.

The moment Si Ning was closer to Xiu Zhicheng he doesn't know why he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine because Xiu Zhicheng wasn't frowning nor did he narrow his eyes to show he was displeased but Si Ning had a feeling the Emperor was irritated and doesn't seem to be in a good mood, the aura leaking from him made Si Ning stopped wondering if something was wrong with his attire or if he was late, his makeup was nothing extraordinary so he doesn't think it was his makeup because he checked the mirror multiple times and also sat erect on the Sedan chair, the curtains of the Sedan chair was pulled up for him when he entered and got out so he didn't think his makeup got smeared even though the powder Ah Dai applied was light. Having the sense of danger made him hesitate to take a step and just then Xiu Zhicheng started walking towards him in large stride, his face was impassive and a loud cough could be heard and the moment Xiu Zhicheng reach and extended his hand which made Si Ning who was confused to also extend his hand and Xiu Zhicheng took his hand. The people present bowed deeply as if the cough awaken them to the present.

"Long live King Consort!" They said in unison loudly.

"Si Ning come."

Si Ning forced a smile as he felt like he was walking on an eggshell as everything around him disappeared, all he could see was Xiu Zhicheng who was holding his hand a little too tight as they walked slowly on the red carpet path but Si Ning dare not to tell Xiu Zhucheng that his hand was hurting, he would have loved Xiu Zhicheng to stay with the Priest at the altar instead of waiting for him, at least his hand would have been spared of the forced grip.

When they reach the Priest at the ceremonial altar, Xiu Zhicheng still didn't let go of Si Ning's hand until the Head Priest eyes dropped to the hands while he cleared his throat which Xiu Zhicheng finally let go with a sign of reluctancy which Si Ning was the only one who detected it. He was so confused about Xiu Zhicheng's behavior, he doesn't know if the Queen Dowager discussion with Xiu Zhicheng was part of the reason he was in a bad mood.

"Now we will start the ceremony for the union of the son of heaven, the great dragon Emperor of Xiu and the General of Xiu." The Head Priest announced.


Si Ning couldn't help but frown slightly, he doesn't know if the Priest doesn't like him because he didn't add great to his title nor did he call him his recent King Consort title. He felt a slight warm hand hold him and he turned to see Xiu Zhicheng looking at him, Si Ning's heart skipped a beat and just then he realized he was getting married to Xiu Zhicheng and his frown was replaced by a deep blush which made him look slightly away and he withdraws his hand which Xiu Zhicheng let go. Si Ning felt it then that Xiu Zhicheng's mood was now better.

"...First bow to the heaven and earth!"

Si Ning and Xiu Zhicheng proceed to kneel and take a bow slowly.

"Second bow to the Parents!"

Si Ning and Xiu Zhicheng repeated their bow.

"And the last bow to each other!"

Si Ning and Xiu Zhicheng bowed.

"And finally let the greatest union of Xiu take a sip of this drink to seal their union!"

One of the Priests standing quickly came forward to pour them a drink which Si Ning and Xiu Zhicheng slowly took their cup and took a sip.

"Long live the Emperor and Empress of Xiu!" The Priest shouted when the couple stood up.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Empress!"

The witnesses yelled before they started clapping. It was then that Si Ning turned to the crowd, he had been wondering if his mother was there when he was bowing and he looked through the crowd and saw Si Nan who was dressed beautifully waving at him, right next to him was his mother who gave him a slight nod and a smile while Jiang Ye stood next to her. Seeing them made Si Ning smile slightly, he wasn't sure about the wedding a month ago but now he was sure that he was happy. He also caught sight of Ah Dai who was wiping his tears, Su Heng, Ji Ran, and Chen An next to him, they all wore a smile, he also caught sight of Xiu TianZhao who winked at him, Jiang ChenMu who nodded as a greeting, Song Feng whose face was impassive and he looked away when Si Ning eyes met his.. He also saw Queen Dowager who wore a bored look, her attire extravagant, next to her was Ran Chunhua and two unknown women Si Ning could identify as Xiu Zhichenng Concubines so he looked away when he felt a warm sensation over him making his stomach butterflies come to life when Xiu Zhicheng took his hand, Si Ning turned to him and was a bit shocked to see that Xiu Zhicheng wore a gentle smile making him get the impression that Xiu Zhicheng might kiss him so he quickly turned away.

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