Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 203 - Ehhhhhhhhhh?

A Crazy one

A Crazy one

A Crazy one

Si Ning found himself chanting those words as he hurried outside like a burning man not even giving one look at Liu MingXia maid who kowtowed apologizing in a rush, he almost flew inside the carriage because he was scared Liu MingXia might be behind him and call him. A woman that behaves like what the Queen Dowager would call 'uncultured', a woman whose behavior reminds him so much of Si Nan could tell him she wants to go too.

Si Ning was right because the moment he entered the carriage and turned to the door, he saw Liu MingXia run out waving at him to indicate that he should stop, her maid was blocking her while Ah Dai fell on the floor right in front of her, cookies flying everywhere while Yang Sheng was still holding the tea kettle looking dumbfounded.

"Go go go." Si Ning knocked on the carriage door twice when Xiao Pei closed it, he gave Ah Dai one last look knowing Ah Dai was trying his best to obstruct her way.

Ah Dai your sacrifice won't go in vain.

"Set off now!" Xiao Pei ordered.

The riders seemed they had been waiting for Xiao Pei's command as they took the horses' reigns, the guards kicked their horses in motion that Si Ning jolted forward but when they were out of the palace gate and he was sure he wasn't being followed did he finally relax.

"Xiao Pei!" Si Ning called out as he slid his window open.

Xiao Pei moved his horse to the side of Si Ning's window. "General?" He controlled his horse for him to be riding beside the carriage next to the window blocking Si Ning's view.

"Come in here." Si Ning said before sliding the carriage window shut.

The carriage stopped almost immediately and soon the carriage door opened and Xiao Pei came in to sit opposite Si Ning before they started moving again.

"General do not worry there is lemonade cake in that jar with cherries on top." Xiao Pei told Si Ning.

Si Ning narrowed his eyes, Xiao Pei and Ah Dai kept feeding him sweet things, he never gained weight but that doesn't mean he should eat them so much, also he doesn't like them too sweet but first why was Xiao Pei talking about food? "Tell me all you know about Concubine Liu?" He had no idea how far the Sun family house might be but before they get to their destination, he wants to know all about the overfriendly Concubine.

Xiao Pei nodded. "Concubine Liu once visited Xiu once then after a month she came back to marry his Majesty, she told everyone she was going to be your sworn sister but after she married his Majesty, she became a gossip topic with rumors flying everywhere that General sent her out or General didn't welcome her and she is in a loveless marriage because according to rumors his Majesty didn't consummate their marriage." He paused. "I found out everything about her but she is a Princess that lives her life like life is simple, she also hasn't given up on being General's sister which leads to her passing by the Jasmine palace every day but she never once come in and from what I found out she is harmless." He said smoothly without a pause.

Si Ning nodded, he had nothing to worry about but one thing. "Did his Majesty consummate the marriage?" If anyone doesn't know, Xiao Pei ought to know.

"Nobody knows, it is only between his Majesty and Concubine Liu." Xiao Pei said firmly.

"Hmmm." Si Ning was so curious he added it mentally to ask Xiu Zhicheng about it later, the Emperor wasn't the distant man he always raised his head to look up to at the court meeting but the man who was willing to give him all the love he deserves. "So Concubine Liu is harmless and may not be after me in terms of maybe something like revenge?" He still had to be sure if she was truly harmless.

"I Xiao Pei can assure General that Concubine Liu is harmless, always on her own creating her joy without meddling much in the palace affairs." Xiao Pei reassured him.

Since Si Ning had nothing more to say, he nodded knowing he had nothing to worry about his newfound unrelated sister. He opened the window but Xiao Pei quickly closed it with an apologetic look as he bowed. Si Ning understood that for Xiao Pei to quickly prepare a carriage means he didn't do any elaborate preparation for people to know it was the Empress in the carriage, with little security, might give his enemies to dare to attack him or them attracting unnecessary attention. 

After a while the carriage finally stopped, Xiao Pei quickly jumped out to hold the door open for Si Ning to step out. Si Ning took his time to step out, loving the feel of fresh city air on his face, he missed going outside walking at night in the city. He found himself facing a gate where two guards stood at the side, it was then that he noticed he was only accompanied by two guards apart from the carriage riders, none of them was even in the palace guards attire, Si Ning had no idea what Xiao Pei thought he meant when he said he should prepare a carriage. He wasn't a person interested in being stealth, he loves to show off but for the Shi sibling's sake maybe it was best for people to not know he was in the city.

Si Ning straightened up and started walking towards the gate, he was about to cross the threshold when the guards crossed over their spears to obstruct his path. 

"State your business with the Sun family." One of the guards said firmly.




Si Ning almost fainted that there exist some people in Xiu who don't know him, the great General Si Ning, the Empress of Xiu, not knowing him should be a grade-A crime.

"What!" Even Xiao Pei was shocked. "His Majesty will like to see the head of the Sun household." He said firmly as he stepped forward to block Si Ning's view.

Si Ning doesn't like Xiao Pei jumping in but it was better to let Xiao Pei handle it so he didn't say a word. The guard that asked him about his business was staring too much at him which was a crime to stare too much at an Imperial family especially the married ones or those in much a higher position with power like him which was the reason Xiao Pei blocked their views.

"I recognize his Majesty, the son of heaven, the Emperor of Xiu, and that man behind you is not him." The older one of the guards said. "Who are you!" He pointed at Si Ning.

"What!" Xiao Pei pulled out his sword immediately to cut off the guard's hand which the guard was able to dodge yet the finger he pointed tip got scrapped. "How dare you ask who General Si Ning is!" He yelled, as veins that were ready to pop appeared at the side of his head.

Si Ning was stunned, he should be the one angry yet it was Xiao Pei. He couldn't say a word as Xiao Pei raised his sword again but the two guards' eyes widened as they finally noticed that the man before them was putting on a robe with the dragon emblem, they kowtowed, hitting their head hard thrice on the ground.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty!!!....."

Their loud voice already called attention to their surroundings, an older man with two Servants was running from inside to see what was happening, passerby too stopped to check what might be happening which made Si Ning ignore the guards and quickly entered the yard just to escape the looks of passerby or them finding out who he was

The older man stopped with the two Servants when they saw Si Ning.

"Your Majesty!" The older man fell on his knees and kowtowed followed by the Servants.

"Raise your head, I am here to see your Master." Si Ning said in a rush, he always loves attention but for some reason, he doesn't like how he was drawing attention to himself because the guards around and Servants working stopped what they were doing at once to kowtow.. He saw Shi Junhao and Shi ZhuXue among them.

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