Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 21 - Home

Si Ning pulled the reins of his horse to avoid riding side by side with Chen An, instead he made sure to look like he was riding beside Chen An yet it was Chen An that was subconsciously leading the way .

It would have been awkward for Si Ning to lead the way since he had no idea of his family residence location. He pretended to ride normally along side Chen An but each time Chen An tried to match the pace of his horse to match with him, Si Ning would also do the same to avoid falling in line with Chen An. He wasn't able to trick Xiao Pei or Ah Dai to lead the way since they both waited till he started riding ahead with Chen An before following.

"Are you not going home?" Si Ning had been wondering why Chen An was still with them since he was sure they do not live together.

"My apologises General since Ji Ran and Su Heng is not here but I will try my best to escort you home safely." Chen An replied firmly.

To be honest, Si Ning doesn't understand Chen An sometimes but he decided to shrug the unrelated reply to his question off since he was more occupied thinking about the different scenarios he would likely meet at home.

After nodding to the men that stopped to greet him expecially the men Si Ning found appealing and smiling to the beautiful women on the way that pointed at him one way or the other with their paper handfans or umbrellas to make it obvious they want Si Ning to notice them, they finally stopped at a gate. Si Ning already assumed they have gotten to their destination when Ah Dai jumped down from his horse and ran ahead to probably inform the Si's household of his return.

Si Ning stepped inside the courtyard to see some servants leaving whatever they were doing to run and form two rows, while some ran out from different directions to join them, their head bowed leaving a path for him and his companions.

"Congratutions on your triumphant return." They all chorused.

Si Ning was getting the hang of being a young master and he showed it by walking slowly taking a step after another like he was just strolling gracefully when deep down he was anxious wondering if he had many sibling, perhaps a wife and children and the thought of having more than one wife made him almost misstep. He stopped in his track and his eyes widen when he saw his mother appeared at a corner with his sister, two maidservants walking behind them. His mother wore a beautiful red and green robes while his sister wore an elegant flashy yellow robes.

Si Nan's hair flowed down her back with series of headpin to adorn her hair looking like a younger copy their mother Gu Mengshu who had only one hair pin securing her pony tail, even though she dressed her hair plainly, the hair still gave her small oval face a youthful look, she wore an indifferent expression while Si Nan looked excited.

Seeing them again made Si Ning stopped as the feeling of guilt overwhelmed him yet he was relieved no other family he had imagined appear. Chen An and Xiao Pei behind him already bowed their heads to pay their respects to his mother while Ah Dai knelt on the ground. Si Ning only stood there like a statue watching as his sister bowed in greeting while his mother only stared at him.

"Welcome back young master." The maidservant that looked older said as she quickly gave the other maid a nudge.

"Welcome back young master." The younger maid that looked beautiful and delicate said and they both bowed to pay their respects to Si Ning.

"Welcome home little Ning, now come." Ge Mengshu said and started to walk away.

All Si Ning had to do was to follow his mother obediently without saying a word and when he was about to pass by the two maidservants, his eyes darted to the younger maid to see her cheeks and ears were slightly red. Si Ning was a bit surprised that none of his escort offered to follow him, only Si Nan and the two maidservants followed them.

The older maidservant opened a door for them and closed it as soon as they stepped in. Series of food aroma assaulted Si Ning's nose but before he could see the food on the table. Si Nan turned sharply blocking his view.

"Elder brother." Si Nan pulled Si Ning into a hug.

Si Ning wasn't expecting the sudden hug and he almost lost his footing but he was able to hug his sister to avoid falling as he staggered to regain his balance, his sister bursted into tears and Si Ning wanted to cry too but he doesn't want to appear weak.

"Si Nan..." His mother said with a hint of warning.

"It is okay Si Nan, I am here." Si Ning said since Si Nan's arm was getting tighter around his neck.

"I thought you will not come back, I am so happy you are back because I kept thinking that what if you didn't come back, what will I do...uo uo oooo...." Si Nan cried. "If it is too much for you all you have to do is to reject the Emperor's proposal." She whispered.

"Okay.." Si Ning knew if he ever dares to reject the Emperor's order then he would be in a difficult situation trying to keep his head on his neck but to put his sister's mind at rest, he had to agree.

"Let your brother eat first, Go and prepare the bath." Ge Mengshu said firmly.

"Okay mother." Si Nan released her brother from her tight hug and brought out a handkerchief to wipe her face.

Si Ning watched as Si Nan left and he turned to his mother and noticed that she had lost a lot of weight and her eyes were swollen with dark circles under her eyes. He doesn't know what to say but he could only watch as his mother picked some vegetables and placed it in the bowl of beef soup.

Si Ning sat at the table taking a pair of chopstick and ate a piece of meat along with the vegetables in the bowl and the taste was just like how he remembered the beef soup his mother do prepare for him whenever he was angry when he was still a teenager. This time he couldn't stop his tears from flowing.

"Little Ning.." Ge Mengshu called lovingly as she extended her hand to hold Si Ning.

"I am sorry." Si Ning knew his mother wouldn't understand why he was apologizing but he knew he had to say it.

"I was so afraid when I wasn't able to receive any letter from Ah Dai for days and I thought, I thought.... I know a lot do happen at war but.. eat eat.." She said placing another piece of vegetable in the soup. "I will not interfere in your affairs, you can marry anyone you like as long as the feeling is mutual but if it will ever result to putting you in danger then I will do everything I can to help you." She pulled his hand and placed a small kiss on it.

Si Ning had no idea of what his mother was talking about but feeling the warmth of his mother's hand made him so happy. "Thank you mother."

"Now eat then you can go and visit your father."

The chopsticks fell from Si Ning's hand as his eyes widen in shock. His father, alive in this world and not dead.


That was it, his food could go cold for all he cares since all he wanted now was to see him.

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