Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 34 - Without Rest

The one thing Si Ning was sure about was in this era he would not be having a lot of rest and the worst part was having no time to go through his daily beauty routine. He couldn't help but feel like he would age faster with how things were going for him and he knew this would not be the last time visitors would drop unexpectedly to see him. He doesn't know why a Prince of Xilie would come to look for him, making him wonder if they were friends. To find out the purpose of his visit, Si Ning doesn't have a choice but to fish out an outer robe from the pile on the floor and quickly dressed up. His hair flowing long and loose behind him.

"General let me brush your hair." Ah Dai said quickly when Si Ning was about to slide the door open.

"I do not want to delay Prince Qiu Bai anymore than necessary." Si Ning told him. It was Qiu Bai that barged into his home uninvited then he shouldn't be shocked to see his appearance. Si Ning had always been confident of his looks and his silky hair was always sleek and doesn't need for a comb to run through it every time.

Si Ning stepped out of the room leaving Ah Dai to clean the mess he made in his room and Xiao Pei who stood at the door saluted him. Si Ning took a long look at him making Xiao Pei lowered his eyes to avoid his hot gaze. Si Ning knew his type, he was the type that was hard to read and do shady things behind their Master mostly to protect their Master, Si Ning knew Xiao Pei was around for other purposes than to be his servant since he wasn't so sure who Xiao Pei Master was between him and Xiu TianZhao. To be safe Si Ning had no choice than to suspect everyone around him.

Walking out Si Ning had to quickly make a decision about who he wanted to see first between Song Feng and Qiu Bai but on second thought maybe he should see Shao Lang and tell him to come back then he would be able to take his time discussing with Qiu Bai without thinking that he had Shao Lang waiting for him. Then on another thought, for all Si Ning cares, he could let Shao Lang wait but he was quite hoping to see him grovel to his feet begging him for forgiveness.

"General." A deep voice rang out.

Si Ning turned to see a man dressed in armor approached him and knelt swiftly on the ground before pulling their helmet off. It was one of his men, the one who was always with Wei. Si Ning raised a questioning brow.

"General, it is me, Jiang Ye." He introduced while he lowered his head. "I want to serve you as your personal guard and I want General to accept my request." He requested firmly.

Before Si Ning could say a word, Xiao Pei proceeds to take a step forward, taking a protective stance, and even extended a hand to block Si Ning, the other hand on the hilt of his sword.

"What insolence, what do you think I am here for Lieutenant Jiang?" Xiao Pei raised his voice glaring at Jiang Ye like he just crossed a line. "You come from a noble family or is this your way to accumulate more wealth?"

"I do not request a payment for the services I am going to render." Jiang Ye replied firmly. His head hanging low.

If it was Wei, Si Ning would have sent him away because he had labeled him as a suspicious person. Si Ning really wanted to leave his habit of judging people since it had failed miserably when he relied on it the most. Wei had approached him most times at the camp and he noticed his Commanders were not used to Wei being around them and that lead to Si Ning labeling him as a suspicious person but seeing his friend requesting to be his personal guard was even more suspicious and the most suspicious one was Xiao Pei that acted like his position was permanent and acted hostile towards Jiang Ye.

Si Ning narrowed his eyes at suspicious person number one and number two. "Xiao Pei and Jiang Ye, I want you to go and buy me the finest, thinnest, lightness, shiny, and most beautiful freshest mango then buy the thickest honey, smoothest flour, and deliver them tonight, meet Ah Dai for its expenses." All he said was a bunch of nonsense but it was the only way he could think of to send them away before he start to overthink about their deal. He also for some reason didn't want Xiao Pei to accompany him to see Qiu Bai.

"General? the season of..." Xiao Pei trailed off, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Perhaps you have a complain, Xiao Pei?" Si Ning raised an eyebrow taking a stance to back up his ridiculous request as he tucked his hair behind his ears giving him a youthful refreshing appearance.

"I will bring the items, tonight General." Jiang Ye agreed brightly, stood up, and saluted him before heading out of the courtyard.

"Yes General." Xiao Pei said clearly displeased with Jiang Ye's appearance as he quickly chased after him probably to question him.

Si Ning raised his head in the direction of the courtyard to only see Yanlin walking towards his direction. Without thinking he turned and started walking towards the dining hall. First, he had to see Song Feng and eat to relishes his energy and gain nutrients if not he might end up spouting nonsense to Qiu Bai because he was now a bit hungry.

"Si Ning I thought you will never come out to see me." Song Feng said as soon as he saw Si Ning appere. "I was just preparing to go and meet you." He gestured to the bowls he had arranged on the tray.

Si Ning almost rolled his eyes as he took his seat at the table. "Should I eat or take the medicine first?" He asked wondering why Song Feng was calling him by his name without adding his grand title but that was a question for another time.

"Take the medicine first." Song Feng replied calmly, pushing a bowl of the boiled medicine to Si Ning.

Si Ning placed his hands around the bowl to feel its temperature, it was warm and without thinking about how bitter it might taste, he carried the bowl and drank it all at once, and surprisingly it wasn't bitter as he expected but it made his tongue numb. Next Si Ning drew the bowl of porridge to him, taking the spoon, and started eating at a fast pace without looking at Song Feng who seemed shocked at his behavior. The porridge mixing with the medicine in his mouth made his tongue bland.

"Excuse my intrusion." Ah Dai came to view and politely carried the jug of water when Song Feng was about to reach for it and poured Si Ning a cup.

"It tastes great." Si Ning commented when he was done. The least he could do for Song Feng was to compliment his cooking even though it tasted bland.

Song Feng's ears turned into a lighter shade of red as he smiled shyly. "You should rest and I will come back to check on you at night." He said softly not meeting Si Ning's eyes as he stared at the plates Ah Dai was clearing at a fast speed in other to be able to accompany Si Ning to his next destination.

"Hmm." Si Ning agreed. "Thank you for making the trip here....."

"Brother Song Feng!"

Oh No...

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